Nice read. Thank you for the knowledge sharing.
Looking forward for an investment opening in this form too.
Let’s experience it, not to fall behind
I will not invest in criptocurrency. It is pure gambling. If in any investment one is greedy you are likely to loose. Without greed wisely invest in equity,at present the best option for multiplying your wealth.
The word crypto hidden /secretive is reason enough not to indulge in this.
Anything that is not regulated or answerable or looks like a gamble is
a risk and not for the common man.
Am tempted to make money and the word temptation itself is a negative word.
Philip you have explained in simple terms the crypto currency otherwise it is difficlut to understand how it is traded.
I think crypto is not our cup of tea.
It will flourish in countries like india where black money holders are large in numbers.
Because, agriculture is very diverse and varies from region to region, the constitution made it a state subject. Even within a state, regions have diverse soils, so different farming policies are needed. So, it is best that the central government does not attempt to legislate on farming.
Very good article and kind of SWOT analysis on Farmers law. If law was good...majority would ve accepted it. He had to repeal it due to outright opposition from majority farmers, shows flaw in the law. People are still waiting to see it scrapped. Big setback to Uncle Sam and followers!
As usual Philip has written a good article being unbiased. Rahul Gandhi comes up vindicated what with his earlier statement mark my words... PM Modi while initiating the laws said it is with a pure heart for the betterment of farmers and while agreeing to repeal the laws repeated the same words. A farmer leader has asked PM to clarify whether he was wrong the first time or the second.
As usual Philip has written very good article because he is not biased, covering all angles. Rahul Gandhi comes up vindicated with his earlier tweet mark my words... When Modi initiated the laws he said he is acting with a pure heart for the betterment of the farmers and while announcing the repeal also said the same words. A farmer leader has asked Modi to say whether he lied first time or the second.
Are we back to status quo?
Do not separate old parents from their children. Bond of Parents and Children to be united and not to disintegrate by the responsible community leaders. I am writing based on the incident happened three decades before in Moodubelle wherein the parish priest did not help to unite the family but later children took care of parents till their death.
Heartfelt Condolences Cyril Nancy Monis. May Mai s Soul Rest in Peace.
Why are they disclosing commonly used passwords. It is easier for the hackers to hack now.
Sir, the saying is "Necessity is the the mother of invention"
Sringeri sakleshpura koppa mudigere 30-45% tuluvas tulu widely spoken
Those not kannada area
Ajilaa are not descendent of
Chavundaraya,it has no proof,not mentioned in inscription
,Ajilaa are pure tuluvas
What is your opinion about the present crisis in supply chain system and the shortage of containers all over the world.
Liked the statistical observations the writer has presented in this blog. Delighted to learn that India, like some other medium sized economy that badly hit by corona, is taking a U turn.
I am an ardent follwer of your work. The way you encapsulate the subject is very impactful and easy to understand.
As a government enterprise, a huge order for Boing wide-body aircraft were placed as a quid pro quo for Americans agreeing for civil nuclear deal during UPA-1 deal. Operationally, for a small airline like AI, such huge expansion was not viable.
Several bilateral seat sharing agreements with Gulf emirates such as Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and some more were signed giving away Air India cash cow routes to their state-owned airlines. Even our own Jet Airways got a share!
Politicians, government officials, employees (both current % retired) and their families traveled free, often in business class.
AT least two B-777-300ER were reserved for VVIP flights. (count the number of foreign jaunts of Modi since 2014)
How Tata Sons will accommodate these issues is worth a follow up story.
I am an old member of your association(17years back).I just want to knw if i am still a member or been dismissed because i have not paid the minimum rent suppose to be paid.Can i get membership back if i pay the due? Please let me know.Thank you
TATA s taking over Air India- the news is music to ears! A brilliant organization failed miserably due to usual corruption! From now on the story would be different. Even Tim Clark CEO of Emirates accepted stiff competition. People are aware of Quality of TATA s. He has shown to the world transformation of humble positioned Jaguar and Land Rover.
Wonderful article with good informative on basics. Thanks to Philip!
May your soul rest in peace Fr. Mathew Vas. You are the only Priest who spoke to us the truth about not paying the land consideration by Udupi Church in 1991 secretly entering land deal without the knowledge of anyone even our parish.
Avery informative and useful info which still bonds our feelings for this village where my father and other elders of the Hebbar family were born.Deva is doing a good job and u have the privilege of meeting him whenever I visit this nostalgic village.His effort to maintain the sanctity and tradition of our temple is really appreciated.
Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May her soul rest in peace.
Very informative article. Thank you Philip Mudartha for highlighting the role of Tatas in the history of India s aviation.
Wish I was there!
Joe Qua, the born humorist graciously gifted me his Old Men s Club collection which I received yesterday and read cover to cover in about 90 minutes, including pausing to laugh out loud. Very good read.
Congratulations dear father for your great achievement of completing the doctorate in physics. May God bless you in your mission. Will always remember you as a down to earth person in your approach with all individuals. Best wishes from Valerian,Janeeta and Vinal too. We always remember you. May God grant you more Laurels.
we are not getting our Akshya monthly magzine since last two months,pl look into this and report ton the concerned department
Nice to see this programme and the motivational talk by Pritish Burton D’Sa. It is an excellent platform to motivate the fellow citizens to different careers with the proven achievement of Pritish as a case example. I am very happy about it. Given the background of Pritish, he can also contribute some awareness sessions for the people of Moodubelle in financial planning, investments, importance of nominations and will etc. in Indian scenario. I wish him all the best for his career and future endeavors. Let many and many people , students etc. get motivated by the achievement of Pritish.
I want phone number of Cyril quadros to enquire about home construction
Very pleasing report. Thanks Dr Eugine sir.
RSS is a fascist organisation. What this character utters is to confuse the world and bullshit the Hindus and some minorities who have not enough brain to see through this propaganda. Spare us from this b/s
Heartfelt condolences to Freddie uncle, Ida aunty and all the family members.
May his soul rest in peace.
One best evaluation about our most popular feast of Konkani Catholic community...
Under the threat of Covid19, it s a right time to reinvent new ways and means to make the event filled with more Grace, Blessings and Good health for all.special thanks and I read the write up more than five times... Keep it up Belle Vision Team.
Well-written article Mr. I read through, I felt I am going back to my childhood. Your writing flow is so natural. Keep writing about our feasts, practices, culture, etc.Thank you for the nice article
Great and nice of Bishop Gerald Lobo on behalf of Udupi diocese having felicitated Nihal Tauro for his efforts and success. Congratulations all the best to Nihal and all future budding singers to climb more such heights Nihal being an inspiration.
Heartfelt condolences to family members. May his soul rest in peace.
Beautiful pictures along with interesting inspirational details. Congratulations to Mr. John Mrs. Regina and all the best to explore the rest of the world. Wish you good health and peace to continue.
Hearty congratulations to Dr Judith Noronha-Lobo on assuming weldeserved coveted elevated post of Dean of MCON/MAHE and wish her every success in discharging her duties.
Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.
Congratulations John V Tauro. I admire your grit,. discipline and purpose. Your photographs and narrative are one of their kinds. Keep traveling and stay safe.
Congratulations, Judi (nee Noronha of Kurudai, Pambur origin). Very proud of your achievement.
RIP one of the illustrious Mudarthas and my Daiji. Condolences to widow Winnie (from Banjalke, Pambur), brother Victor (former Udupitoday editor) and my classmate and friend Joe (BIL).
Dear Mousi, Dr.Sr. Juliet, Stephen and family,
My heartfelt condolences to you on sad demise of our Bappu, We all pray that his soul Rest In Peace we pray for his eternal life. May God give you all strength and courage to bear this irreplaceable loss. He ran a good race and and blessings that both his children’s grandchildren’s were near his bed.
Late Wilfred was may childhood school friend very intimately associated with me. He was very affectionate and helpful to poor and needy.He was educationist, entrepreneur and multifaceted personality with various meritorious public services.
My heartfelt condolences to his widow Winnie, also my friend, and children with prayers for eternal repose for his soul in heaven.