May his soul rest in eternal peace. Heartfelt Condolences to the family members.
I am deeply saddened by the news of Nobby’s (classmate) passing. May almighty God strengthen his family during this difficult time. May Nobby’s soul rest in peace, Amen.
Shocked and Very Sad News.
May his soul Rest in Peace.
Our condolences to the bereaved family Members.
Big loss for all his friends
Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.
Very shocking and saddening news. Few years ago I visited a friend, the daughter of Louis Mendonca, ex-principal of St. Mary’s College, Shirva in Mangalore and Nobbi was their neighbor. They spoke highly about him, his accomplishments, humor and service to the community, made me really proud of being Bellean. Heartfelt condolences to all his family members. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Shocked and Very Sad News. Great Person, very humble. May his soul Rest in Peace. Deepest condolences to the bereaved family Members and Students.
Dear family members, please accept our heartfelt condolences to you all. May her soul rest in peace Amen.
Heart felt condolences to the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace Amen.
Heartfelt Condolences to the family members. May his soul rest in peace.
Thoroughly enjoyed going through the article.Simple language and clear message on our history of independence time and the leaders is brought before readers without any bias.
Am sure our current leaders Modi and Kejriwal surely acknowledge the contribution but politics being what it is they need to raise their voices unlike our dear politics free leader Manmohan Singh.
Thanks Philip for enlightening the readers to make a wise call on their opinion.
Waiting to read more on this.
Wonderful article by Philip. Nehru, Shastri and Indira Gandhi were not hungry politicians unlike today and they tried best to help hungry citizens. About partition my personal opinion - India is better off without Pakistan. But regret having lost Gilgit Bastion, which hardly had any population then and a fertile land with scenic beauty. On the other hand, we should be happy that we have Kashmir slowly integrating into Indian mainland by scrappage of A370.
Kejriwal is educated and non-corrupt and we get to hear lots of positives on his way of governance. Hope corruption gets reduced, and we get to enjoy basic amenities like roads, infrastructure and so on otherwise we are losing it to ongoing big percentage.
Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.
Well written article. The article shows the quidpro culture between rulers and corporate giants.
Excellent article very well narated write more wish you good luck
Another acquisition from the Adani house is DB reality...most probably DB reality will be took over by Adani and re name it as Adani reality in stock market...In telecom sector,which one is his target will it be BSNL or Vodafone Idea? My guess is with Vi...who is modis favorite group Adani or Ambani...will Ambani will play a good move to regain is lost empire..let s see
Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.
I thank for the social platforms enabling us to bring out the truth and expose hidden misdeeds and injustices both from history and present and future. No injustices go hidden under carpet just because of religion and not be selective. There should be no fear to speak truth !
Amazing story of your life with Blessing of God which led you to become a priest to serve our Lord. Prayers nd best wishes
An honest effort can bring a big achievement, you proved it well. Very good program organised
Thank you Dr Eugine for the quick and wonderful pictorial report
Freebies are not free. It comes with a cost to each one of us. Political parties play with our wisdom of free thinking. It does influence the voters.
Freebies and welfare schemes are two different things. I do have a difference of opinion with you on this count. We need to have a clear boundary line between these two. I think, it is high time to draw that line. I wish that SC will come out with a proper directives.
V.gud article long live aap party he does excellent work like Philip mudartha write truly keepit up bravo
A detailed article on achievement of AAP governemnt.To research and get the facts and figures is a strenuous and time consuming effort which educates us common man throwing light on current affairs.
How many readers make their opinion on matters important in their life is a separate question.I watch the debates on TV and is a laughing matter hearing the arguments from some learned so called leaders.There is so much hypocracy in our politics and we all know greed has no limit.Enlightening the people on current matters and for the people to take wise decisions without taking sides where their heart is paramount.The globe is on an uncertainty mode whhen it comes to politics/environment/geopolitics/jobs and everything matters our life.
Keep educating us with your excellent write ups!
Good analysis and concluding inference. Kerala has fight for labour issues and chasing industries away, karnataka has communal relates issues. True corruption dominates more in Kaarnataka as keralites are keen followers and debaters of politics. In Karnataka they have no money to appoint new teachers in the place of retired. All in all a wonderful food for thought kind of article.
Beautifully organised. A great opportunity for all the Mangaloreans to come together in Delhi. Enjoyed the food and the music. Good job by KCA team. Keep it up.
I liked your article sir. It is truly an exhaustive coverage of our plight.
I do carry a similar opinion on your findings and conclusions. I too have a fear that my state may end up in a debt trap.
Burden of committed expenditure on salaries and pensions is too high in my state. I think, the 71% you have mentioned is for this expenditure alone, not including the interest.
Debt repayment interest payment will exhaust the balance revenue collection.
This will become insufficient in coming years as we are borrowing more under the names of KIIFB and other government undertakings. Major part of these borrowings go for development purposes like new roads, bridges etc. from where returns are minimal or nil.
So a situation may arise where we need to borrow to pay salaries and pensions.
In spite of all these unfavorable conditions, our political leadership still believes in their ability to take our state forward.
I support my leaders. I have full faith in them. After all, I am simply a common man.
Dear Philip Saab,
It is a Good analytical article on current financial situations in Karnataka in comparison to Kerala’s situations which has been constantly the same since many years.
In fact I disagree with you on selecting Kerala to compare with Karnataka state which is far superior to Kerala in resources, manufacturing and cultivation. Karnataka can be compared to states like Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh (united) or with Maharashtra to some extent.
Kerala is just a piece of land with the highest population density in the country. State is badly affected by the so called global climate change. We are scared if it rained heavily continuously for a week. Kerala has no any natural resources adequate to meet any of our domestic demand. Kerala solely depends on other states for any of our daily consumables. There can be little bit of this and that available scattered in the state but better to ignore it.
Bring resources and produce within the state is a good idea because it helps job opportunities. But there are constraints like environmental issues as the state is too small and there are people settled in every inch of the land.
Yes, we are in heavy financial debt. (Incomplete)
Very nice and informative article. You have given a very detail analysis of both states Kerala Karnataka on various aspects. From your analysis it is good news that Karnataka is progressing well today
Thanks Philip
An eye opening article indeed... Kerala s main income is the remittance from vast diasporic community, mainly from gulf ..last month Maharashtra overtook Kerala in this as the highest foreign remittance in India...the main reasons are the diaspora to Gulf has been declined considerably and to North America,Asia Pacific and some region of Europe has been increased...danger in this shifting is the reduction in remittance money to Kerala financial system..we can say that it s zero from these countries...
So government must act to develop the other mode of revenue like tourism and service industry.It is not expected that Kerala can achieve this in near future....But for Karnataka and Telegana the ecosystem evolved around banglore and Hyderabad is world class to attract the foreign direct investment....but how long this will continue is a question as the urban life in these cities becoming complicated because of inadequate infrastructure development compare to the daily flow of human resources.So both model is facing a challenge,but Kerala model has a great chance to collapse easily
Very informative interesting article on power generation and consumption. It is true that many places the power supply is not metered and billed. It is a large number that 20% of the total units get un accounted. Indian administration should seriously think on this issue
Thanks Philip once again for nice article
Detailed article on electricity generation and sales by Philip Mudartha! Enjoyed reading.
As I grow up in belle village, I have seen lot helping each other, good neighbourhood, caste was not a issue. Today it is changed a bit. This article spreads lot of positivity. Good example of sharing christ s love. Well done Lobo family, God bless you all.
I don t like borrowing for wealth creation. But if with low interest one can borrow and create wealth and bring in more income it is fine.
But many state borrow and spend on unprodutive projects which will send them to debt trap. Many politicians aim is to spend more to get more kick back or spend on popular dolout to get more votes. Atleast Keralam is in trap to give salary of government employees borrowing required.
Thank you, sir. Your article gives a good insight to the economic situation of our country now. I am with your views on the distressed state of affairs of the economy, owing to the inflationary pressure ( an expected result of fiscal maneuver carried out during and aftermath of the pandemic ) and high crude price prevailing after the Russian invasion. This fiscal pressure is being experienced by almost all countries. A sword of recession is hanging on major economies like U. S and European countries. Our country is not in isolation to such development in the world.
Thankfully, India is better placed than many other emerging economies, mainly due to a fair balance of payment position, better growth track over the years and above all "a belief in oneself and the same is being appreciated by others, here the friendly countries".
As an active stock market investor, I don t see any sign of panic or dip in investor confidence. True that stock prices have retreated to some extent,mainly on account of FII withdrawal. But their pullout is attributed to external reasons. Fear of a recession has gripped the world now. In general, India s position stands better than others. So be positive. India is not in Srilanka s way. Rather, India may position itself at a higher ranking in coming years.
We import more than we export as make in India slogan is just reduced to time pass. Table on borrowings published by author sums it all on mindless borrowings. Inflation has made common man s breathing tougher culminated by fuel price hike while income has not increased. Immediate future of common man looks a bit bleak with rumours of major recession going to hit soon. Corruption level at most stages and public works is not helping cause either. We need educated MMH type of policymaker or admin at several stages of governance in order to steer the country to the shore from the current rough and volatile waves. Thanks for this wake up call kind of article.
Congratulations, all young achievers on their academic excellence. Best wishes for a bright future.
No visible sign of escape from current scenario. God save this country is my prayers.
Like Srilanka ,India also have the same kind of government,which sideline some of people from mainstream.In long term it can affect the economic drive of our country.But I believe that the chance of india becoming a default economy is a remote as India s gigantic consumption power compare to other small countries.Eventhough there was a huge withdrawals of foreign currency from indian secondary market still some direct investments are coming in manufacturing sector of mobile phones and semiconductor (especially apple and Samsung).The main threat of our country is the imbalance between the rich and poor.As you said rich are becoming super rich and poor are becoming more poor.Two corporate group are accumulating major market shares...these all are a threatening factor...Still the inflow of foreign currency to the software service is sufficient for the purchase of crude to our country for the I believe that chance of default is more but the chance of social imbalance is more....
It was a nice reading and much informative.
I can only join with you in your concerns mentioned here as I do not have any economics brains.
Another mind-blowing article by Philip Mudartha. His intelligence is shown in this analyzed article. He can give the real facts and convince the readers of the truth behind politics. Thank you Sir!
Obama or Manmohan Singh had nothing to do with the recovery. Since you mentioned prosperity, most of the recession based wealth went to those who created the problem in the first place. Since we live in a world where only 2% of the money is real, there is too much that holds the show together.