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Ronald Mendonca, Kodangala
20/09/2020 12:33:55

It is very sad moment to our family such sudden incident happened. lost our beloved brother. Our heartfelt condolences with the family
We pray may his soul rest in peace

Jeevan Pinto, Melbourne (Australia)
18/09/2020 14:52:25

Nice article... It will definitely help people to realise that you cannot plan life with one skill. It will make them aware of other potential skills they have and help them to tap into it... Very motivating... Keep up the good work

Philip D Souza, nerul
16/09/2020 15:11:43

Drip irrigation is a must to conserve the depleting water table.

Philip D Souza, Nerul
16/09/2020 14:27:41

One of my north Malabar protege who lost his job in Qatar and returned on first VBM flight is shy to give his suggestion here. But, he sent me two videos of the fish farm he has raised on the ancestral property. Like his father is a very hard-working person and will succeed in the new venture.

Michael Sequeira, pamboor/Nairobi
16/09/2020 08:50:56

Very well narrated.Hope people read and get some insight and the entrepreneural mind gets a kick.

Clarence, Mangalore/ qatar
15/09/2020 22:17:54

Nice article. Doing farming is better option and it is really good but we have to personally involved in this field. Other than this dairy farmIng is also a better option

Nandanan, Thrissur
15/09/2020 18:10:09

Nice read, use for and an eye opener for many.

Aboobacker, Kozhikode, Kerala
15/09/2020 15:20:28

Very encouraging and positive approach to face and overcome the challenges of present situation. If there is a will, there is a way. Let us hope for the best to all to survive from covid and unemployment

Tressa Albert, Mumbai
15/09/2020 13:05:24

Great ideas. To this I would add food processing, packaging to and branding. With surplus agri produce whuch need mit go wasted.

Roji mathew, Pathanamthitta
15/09/2020 12:54:22

One of my friend who is running cattle farm told me that the cost of one cow with good yield rise above 1.5 lakh due to the reverse diaspora from gulf....most of the people are .trying their luck in this farm....

Sunita Kamath, Udupi
15/09/2020 12:13:12

Very informative, motivational, article published at appropriate time

Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle
15/09/2020 10:38:39

Thanks to Philip Mudartha for his timely and enlightening article.

Philip D Souza, Nerul
09/09/2020 12:35:38

A very good collection, now resting at the right place. May it be successful in reaching the goals set for the transfer.

Joseph Dsouza, Belle
09/09/2020 05:14:53

Happy Monthi fest to all

Louis Alva, Kattingeri, Moodubelle
08/09/2020 20:19:18

It was a indeed a happy moment to all of our parishioners as these two festal masses are offered after a very long time due to the current pandemic situation. Our parish priests made everything possible to celebrate these masses with proper social distancing formula and all the parishioners are well cooperated with their individual responsibilities. Thank you all who are involved to make the Mother Marys Novena and todays festal masses more devotionally with all required safety measures. May the blessed virgin mother Mary bless us all.

Philip D Souza, Nerul
06/09/2020 07:12:56

Happy Teachers Day

Vicky, Udupi
02/09/2020 07:11:53

Great analysis Philip. Awating the next installment.

Vicky, Udupi
30/08/2020 07:31:49

Great information with excellent data support. Hard to find it anywhere. Thank you for the effort and may God bless you.

Joseph D souza, Belle/Kuwait
29/08/2020 12:02:04

Thank you KCWA, Kuwait airways and Government of India

Philip D Souza, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
27/08/2020 08:46:06

I contacted John to verify the details of his gift. He clarified that the artefacts will move to the old home within the premises of St. Anthony Orphanage Jeppu. Kudos, John.
When BV published Dr. Eugene s story on Budget House Museum, I visited him as promised 8 years ago. He came out ot be a kind hoft, a down to earth person, with whom anyone can make lifelong friendship. I stay in regular touch with him ever since. I wish him all the best, especially good health. And look forward to meet him in Nerul or Budget Home, after the lockdown restrictions end.

Alwyn Mathias, Mumbai
24/08/2020 16:27:00

Its a high time we should plan for fitness and sports facilities inside the lions bhavana.

Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle/Mangaluru
16/08/2020 17:03:28

Heartfelt condolences to dear Henry Bavoji/Hilda, Leena Bai/William Bavoji,Rony/Renny, Janet/Benedict the entire Mathias family members. Dear Aunt has been a piller of strength for all of us in all these years yet very Polite simple with ready smile on her face whenever we use to visit her at home. We will miss her dearly.May her soul Rest in peace.

Rony Norbert Pinto, Shirva / Bahrain
16/08/2020 16:49:18

Dear Henry Bahoji Hilda Bai, and all near and dear ones of Mathias family,
Our heartfelt condolences to all of you. May the Almighty God give you all the strength to bear this great loss. May her soul Rest in Peace.
From: Rony, Preethi, Riva Ronel
Shirva / Bahrain.

Suresh C Verma, Mumbai
13/08/2020 18:29:17

I had the good fortune to meet Mr. Lobo through a Muslim gentleman who wanted to clarify a point of law. As he made us wait in his cabin, he dealt with a few clients whose matters did not take long. There we saw him refusing to file a case as his client s grievance was unjustified. That simply proved that he was a not out to make money at the cost of his clients.
Not only that, he was not charging for advice he would give in many personal matters, in spite of being asked about his fee. He was most concerned with the deteriorating conditions of courts and the judiciary and the way corruption has invaded in most of the fields in our nation and how the common man is suffering.
Truly secular by nature, he was fond of Hindi film music with special love for singer Hemant Kumar.
His untimely death was quite shocking. He shall never be forgotten by people he met even once.
Having dealt with many advocate of varying caliber in my 40 years in Mumbai, three gentlemen advocates have stood out, the late Mr. Nadir S Mulla, the doyen among advocates, Mr. K Narayanan and Mr. Lobo. They have been the most knowledgeable, honest and sincere advocates one can ever meet.
May His Soul Rest In Peace !

Green lover, Tallur/Moodubelle/UK
09/08/2020 12:26:36

Vanamosthava is a great concept, I have participated during my primary and secondary school days in 1970s and 1980s. If the programme is genuine and followed up, we should have forests all around DK and udupi districts, there should have been huge forests or green belt, which we don t see. When vanamosthava day comes, schools, religious leaders and politicians plant trees, no one looks at them until next years vanamosthava. In today s world, it is more for social media pics. Basically we are fooling ourselves. The deforestation is so rampant, I cannot imagine, on the other hand vanamanostava another exercise with out any changes on the ground for last 50 years, at least I know off.

Vincent Fernandes, Moodubelle/Kuwait
06/08/2020 23:27:46

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May her soul rest in peace.

Dr Kristanand Desai, Margao, Goa
05/08/2020 18:36:51

Thanks for your interest and pains to write the article...waiting to read more from you

Alwyn Mathias, Moodubelle / Mumbai
29/07/2020 21:40:15

May the departed soul rest in peace, Here we promise that Old Students Association of St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle will continue to fulfill the dreams of Wilfred Menezes to spread need of education and nourish our school continuously...

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
29/07/2020 19:28:01

Wilfred was a caring person be it family, friends, neighbor or anyone who knew him and interacted with him. He was full of positive energy! Words fail to explain his compassion towards fellow human being. We lost him too early! May he Rest In Peace!

Richard Menezes, Udupi/Belle
25/07/2020 09:38:26

I met Wilfred only once long ago but never knew we were related till now.

I my family offer our deepest condolences heartfelt sympathies to his wife

Ronald, Nalkubidi/ Dubai
24/07/2020 18:30:17

It’s awful and sad to hear about the sudden and painful exit of our dear Wilfy. Our deepest and sincere sympathy goes to Reena, Children, Uncle, Dolphy, Richard, Ivan and family members. May his soul Rest In Peace.

Maurice Menezes, Belle/Udupi/Dxb
22/07/2020 15:49:51

Dear Casmir and bereaved family members, we are deeply shocked and saddened by the sudden demise of Wilfred and convey our sincere sympathies and condolences to all of you and solemn prayers to God to grant his noble soul eternal rest in peace in heaven and solace and fortitude to bear this
irreparable immense loss to family and society.
Sincerely in Christ Maurice Menezes and family.

Wilfred Mathias, Brahmavar
22/07/2020 15:04:39

After going through his 45 mins interview along with his wife with Daijiworld, we were really upset with this sad news.

Its really unfortunate that many of his dreams must have got shattered as he was just 51 years old.

May the almighty give adequate strength to his wife children and relatives to continue with his good work in the years to come.

Lanslara, Nakre Karkala
22/07/2020 09:52:59

Still unbelievable wilffy dhattu is no more with us . Polite person even Reena Bhai really good in heart.

Sunita/Vally Dsouza, Belle/Melbourne
21/07/2020 16:27:39

Extremely sad and shocking news. Please accept our heartfelt condolences Reena and kids, and Menezes fly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God gives you strength in this difficult moment, and may his soul rest in peace.

Edward Lobo, Moodubelle/Abu Dhabi
21/07/2020 14:04:25

Very sorry to hear the sad and shocking news. Our heartfelt condolences to all his family memebers.May God give enough strength and courage to overcome this sudden loss. May his soul rest in Peace.

Alex, Edmer/Dubai
21/07/2020 10:12:16

Very shocking, A down to earth personality hard to believe Wilfy is not more with us. A great loss to his family and our community. May Al Mighty God give strength and courage to overcome the pain to Reena, Renvil, Rhea, Dolphy, Richard, Ivan and all their family members. May your soul rest in eternal peace –we pray

Simon D Souza, Thirlapalke/Muscat
21/07/2020 09:42:54

completely shocked and deeply saddened by the sudden demise of a true friend Wilfy. We lost a great person. Jewel of Moodubelle. Yesterday, he was in our group chat and today he is no more. All Gods plan. Heartfelt condolences to his entire family. May his soul rest in peace.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
21/07/2020 09:19:59

Still can not accept what has happened. Lost a dynamic pillar. Great supporter of parish, community, friends and to all those knew him. Successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. He has anonymously helped scores for education. He was instrumental in establishing bellevision.com. Twenty years back we loaded our first article at his office until early morning. At loss of words. RIP Wilfyam.

Roshan DSilva, Vamanjoor/UAE
21/07/2020 09:19:07

Humble and ever smiling person gone for heavenly abode, good bye dear Wilfyab, may your soul RIP.
Dear Menezes family, our hearts are saddened by your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Gilbert and Lida Menezes, Moodubelle / Melbourne
21/07/2020 09:10:35

We thank you Almighty Father for the wonderful life of Wilfred Menezes, and by sharing your love, faith, and selfless service he humbly cared for his family, friends, and all people around him! It is very sad indeed for all of us to lose such an upright, courageous, and leadership personality so early in his life who always upheld justice, righteousness, and above all through his smile and philanthropy uplifted many. May God grant him eternal rest and strength and courage to his wife, kids, and family members to bear untimely loss!

Felix f alva, Moodubelle/ udupi
21/07/2020 08:58:13


Juliana Noronha, Bejai/ Dubai
21/07/2020 08:33:31

Dear Reena, Renwil, Reia, Rewan and family,

We are truly shocked beyond belief to hear this tragic news.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences at the untimely demise of your beloved husband/father.
My family and I have had the privilege of knowing Wilfred who was known for his hard work, dedication, philanthropic nature, and above all, his welcoming smile, which would put anyone at ease.
May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. I hope that our Lord brings you and your family the much-needed peace during this sad time.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace Amen.
With prayerful wishes,
Juliana, Sanjoy, Prima, Joel, Sophie and Parker Noronha

Stephan Lobo, kattingeri
21/07/2020 07:24:38

Extremely sad and shocked to here the news. Heartfelt Condolences to all the family members. May his departed soul rest in peace.

Valerian Lobo, Moodubelle/ Thirlapalke
21/07/2020 04:09:50

Very Sad and shocking news. He was very jovial simple down to earth person . Our Heartfelt Condolences to all his family members. May God give strength and courage to overcome grief and sudden loss. May his soul rest in peace

Vincent Fernandes, Moodubelle/Kuwait
20/07/2020 22:04:31

Heartfelt condolences to all family members. May his soul rest in peace.

Veeda Almeida, Belle/Los Angeles
20/07/2020 21:53:07

A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven.
I am completely shocked and deeply saddened by the sudden demise of Wilfy.
May God give him eternal rest.
To the Menezes family, please accept my heartfelt condolences, sending hugs and prayers to all of you.
To my beautiful friend Reena, I hope that our Lord brings you, your kids, and your family the much-needed peace during this sad time. Please accept my heartfelt condolences, words cannot begin to express the sadness all of us feel right now, God rest his soul.

Francis J Saldanha, Moodubelle/Mangalore
20/07/2020 21:44:05

This is such a shocking news to know that my dear friend neighbor Wilfred is no more! I m stunned by this sad news. Jovial,affable very helpful personality. My deepest condolences to Menezes family. May the departed soul of dear wilfy Rest In Peace.

AM DMello, Pangala/Mumbai
20/07/2020 21:27:34

Very sad to know. Attended the grand event he organised "Vintage 1968" two years back at Moodubelle and his love and concern to one and all. May his soul rest in peace and God grant his family to bear this great loss.

Philip Mudartha, Navi Mumbai
20/07/2020 20:19:20

My heartfelt condolences to both Menezes and Machado families. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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