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Nelson Rodrigues, Canada
20/02/2022 23:20:52

May his soul rest in eternal peace. Fr. Edwin was known to me while I schooled and stayed in SFS Aurangabad. I was very fortunate to have him grace our 25th silver wedding in Mississauga, Canada. Miss you Fr. Edwin.

Archbishop Emeritus Lawrence Saldanha, Toronto , Canada
20/02/2022 23:15:30

Very sorry to hear about the passing away of Fr Edwin D’Souza.I offer sincere condolences to his relatives and friends. He was a dedicated pastor who served the Church with great zeal. May he reap the rewards of his holy life!

Stany Lobo, Thirlapalke/ Sharjah
20/02/2022 22:20:33

Heartfelt condolences to all family members.May his soul rest in peace

Louis D Sa, Shankerapura (Pangala)
20/02/2022 15:44:02

May the soul of Fr. Edwin rest in peace. Heartfelt condolences to Abp. Albert, Msgr. Mathew and rest of the family members.

Clarence, Mangalore
16/02/2022 21:50:16

I too agree this Hijab issue is an political drama. No one bothered what people wear in public places.Religion matters should not be used in the politics. The country like India people should live with peace and harmony without hurting anyones sentiments

ARK Marine Consultancy, Singapore
16/02/2022 13:09:41

I do learn a lot moreover I advise my all friends to visit this informative website. I truly wish we will have a future collaboration.

Juliana, Dubai/UAE
14/02/2022 17:57:05

Wishing you a huge success in your endeavour to bring a transition in the community in buying the produce made in UAE. Our weekly groceries are now mainly local produce.

Ragi, UAE
14/02/2022 17:50:33

ÉatLocal, Live Local has definitely given a thoughtful awareness amongst the public and taught us the benefits of local produce. Yes, I learnt that this is one of the ways to keep ourselves healthy.Thank you!

Francis.Lobo, Mumbai
13/02/2022 20:00:45

School Uniform has nothing to do with religion but has more foundation on humanity for equality and uniformity. There is no room for any religion or politics. School Uniform is in practice even in many countries irrespective of religion or democratic republic. All student need to abide the same and parents need to guide and correct students rather supporting them in wrong direction. In any public places and beaches no one is questioning wearing Hijab or pant or bikni. Why politics creeping into education system diverting youth from studies.

Fredson Martis, Mangalore/United Arab Emirates
13/02/2022 19:23:21

Excellent work in supporting the local produce!

Prashanth, UAE
13/02/2022 09:31:04

Well done!
I see amazing benefits of going for local produce and I will surely keep that in mind next time we go shopping .

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
13/02/2022 08:17:39

I liked the definition of secularism. Politics has twisted reality according to own convenience and created mountain out of mole. Hijab is a small issue, could ve been handled better. Looks like it was an uncalled for row created for gaining power and wealth. Most Indians cover their head with sari or duppatta on auspicious occasions or as they greet elderly. Our lady PM in the past was always seen with covered head. Little bit adjustment from both sides could ve nullified the issue at the bud. Good analysis by author touching upon various related facts and analogy.

Aboobacker, Kerala
13/02/2022 07:34:35

As usual well said about the recent issues of Hijab. Our identity is unity in diversity. Please let us don’t use religion with politics for short term gains

Sanjay Salian, Mumbai
12/02/2022 17:21:17

How to get the Akshaya magazine..

Roji Mathew, Qatar
12/02/2022 14:17:22

Sir,After the implementation of GST tax on the good and service is mainly decided by the GST council.So as you rightly said it s just a anual book keeping exercise.Now the planning commission is dissolved and NITI AYOG comes in picture.So in budget the next year mega project by the NITI AYOG should be clearly declared a government policy should be clearly spoken to the common man...

Fredrick Martis, Belle
12/02/2022 13:39:50

Brent A Dsouza

A talented teenager, with innumerable trophies to his credit, also an alrounder, now has come up with an innovative idea.

Giving importance to local products is an acclaimed requirement of nations.

Brent with his team of youngsters chose the right path and spent time and energy to give importance to the National Products and National Economy.

Well done Brent and his team for this important innovative idea.

Joe Quadros, Kalyanpur
12/02/2022 11:58:01

After the center rejected Sri Narayanaguru tableau for Republic Day, there was much discontent in this coastal area. With this new row, BJP is set once again garnering votes

Nandan, Thrissur
12/02/2022 10:50:45

This is nothing but another political drama. Ignore it better. It will get defused once it’s barriers find there are no takers.

However, to be honest, why there should be a dress code in any institution. Let people wear what they like.
Let them come with every millimetres covered or uncovered their body in every millimetres. Let there be fun in the ambiance.
If I were to be in a college, I will be in my shorts

Roji Mathew, Qatar
12/02/2022 09:11:28

Secularism is the thread of indian union.SDPI is a hard wing of Muslim politics.It was changed the name manier times due to ban from government because of their hardcore stands.In kerala they chop the hand of a professor who wrote something against Islamic views.So like the hardline hindutva, hardline Islamic policy also to be equally condemned.India need a kind of IUML(Indian union Muslim league)politics which is more nationalistic and soft line in nature and beneficial for the development of muslim community in India.Hardline islamic politics is not at all benefit to the community.

Clarence, Mangalore/ Qatar
07/02/2022 19:33:53

Very nice article and good analysis on this year’s budget. It is true always common man suffers every time. Your analysis has given a clear glimpse of this budget .Thanks Philip

Sepra pinto, Kanjar
07/02/2022 16:49:20

Effective article

Sepra Vencita Pinto, Kanjar
07/02/2022 16:46:42

Nice article

Philip Mudartha, Navi Mumbai
07/02/2022 06:34:02

This is a storm in a tea-cup and unnecessary controversy.
The Hijab is different from the Abaya and in no way prevents a teacher from gauging the student s facial expressions in order to judge if the student followed what is taught or not.
The Sikh boy and girl students are permitted to wear the mandatory religious "adornments" and not barred from any pubic institutions. Barring Muslims to do so is nothing but Islamophobia on which the ruling BJP thrives.

Philip Mudartha, Navi Mumbai
07/02/2022 06:19:09

@ Ronald Sabi
1. I understand your concern about lack of "street lights" on NH-66. However, be known that "highways" being expressways where vehicle speeds are generally in the 80-120Km range, are not equipped with strew lights for safety reasons. High mast LED lights, as required, are sufficient in areas where pedestrian traffic is expected. Refer to the photo of Ahmedabad-Baroda expressway for example of such high mast lighting.
2. Quality of public works Corruption: The purpose of the budget is to allocate the funds to the Ministry of Road Transport Highways which supervises NHAI. With e-tendering, the higher level corruption is on the decline. Therefore, It is hoped that ground level corrupts practices will be curbed. Public vigilance should be sufficient to identify and punish the corrupt.
3. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
05/02/2022 09:56:17

Article is relevant to real time issues. I do agree with author - Budget is an annual exercise, further government is always short of money. Wonder where does record tax collection goes, common citizen has to put with pothole roads and no street lights on NH66, unperturbed corruption practices. Off late lots of people are vocal against such poor quality public works..., all funds are generated by tax and allocated by budget often. Wish this budget had allocated some funds towards vigilance towards plugging corruption, politicians and babus percentages that directly affects public works and thus reducing gap between poor and rich.

Edward l Dsouza, Petri
05/02/2022 09:10:59

Mr Philip Mudartha has given a clear analysis budget 2022. The common man expects a lot from government. The annual budet is way for government to express its vision for the forthcoming year.The article provides the inner glimpse of the budget and makes aware of what acutally happening to the economy. The reduction in subsidies and allotment of funds for MANEGRA funds has its own effect on rural agricultual activities and life of ruarl peorple. Thank you Mr Philip Mudartha for such an intersting artcle.

Dr. Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago
04/02/2022 18:40:26

Good article Philip, it is a total disasterous budget for the people of India! Looks like BJP is lack of good economics and good thinkers to help the common people live better in this world.

Dr. Henry Sequeira,, Pamboor/ Bangalore.
04/02/2022 16:19:43

Congratulations. Wonderful Artical. Well analyzed.

Eugene D Souza, Moodubelle
04/02/2022 15:56:08

A very good analysis of the budget b2022-23. Philip Mudartha simplifies complicated issues so that readers can comprehend them easily.

Francis Lobo, Moodubelle /Mumbai
30/01/2022 14:38:06

I really appreciate the Author for bring out the facts how badly Hindus and Christians in Goa were persecuted by Portuguese (who are they?) Many do not believe the fact but it is the fact which can not be removed from the History. We can not blame only Hindus who were much tolerant and forgiven such horrific inquisition in the history. Now we are seeing highest level of corruption in our church administration which is the fact!

Sheela dsouza, Udupi
28/01/2022 20:23:17

Child negligence case.Most of the rich and powerful people children raised by servents.

Irene Lobo, Kattingeri/London
28/01/2022 12:19:04

Sad to hear about Daiji. Heartfelt condolences.

Irene Lobo, Kattingeri/London
28/01/2022 12:15:56

https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/anna-hazare-alleges-rs-25-000-crore-maharashtra-sugar-mills-scam-writes-to-amit-shah-2727213#:~:text=To Amit Shah-,Activist Anna Hazare Alleges ₹ 25,000 Crore Maharashtra,-Sugar Mills Scam

Irene Lobo, Belle/London
28/01/2022 12:04:38

Agree some aspects of the article.Modi is generating Revenue through high tax through Petrol to increase the national Revenue. When he reaches 5 trillions start using this revnue for devlopements.There are so many good projects he invested , outcome you can enjoy after a few years. Indian known to immediate results.Happy with free services and lazy people. Many people happy to work as labor in middle east and other countries. In our own country they don t want to work. all educated think they can work white color job, aby other jobs are below their dignity and society status. Any employment and not less where western country don t differentiate. Only blaming government is our fundamental rights , Indian people think. Of course we don t a have sensible government in opposition. every politician wanted power and money, no one thinks about people benefite.Most of the policians collected wealth for another 4 generations and kept. No one questions them.

Jacky,, Mangalore
27/01/2022 22:21:58

Wa what a awareness program. Kudos to all of you for the Swatch Bharat Abhiyan. This will certainly motivate the neighbors. Once again all the best lions club Centurion.

ASHOK HEBBAR. Katingeri, Chennai
26/01/2022 17:06:55

Had been to katingeri village on the 24th January 2022
Had the opportunity of meeting Mr Devdass hebbar and had the opportunity to see the temple and to know that my grandfather was born in this village
I am K Ashok Hebbar son of late K Radha Krishna hebbar grandson of Late Dr K.P Rama hebbar

Denzil, Mangalore
25/01/2022 16:19:59

May I know the Viegas root in Mangalore?

25/01/2022 06:09:49

Heartfelt condolences to the family members. May his soul rest in peace

Dr. Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago
22/01/2022 03:24:44

Excellent article Philip Mudartha. India was really shining with her achievements and since 7 years, this Modi Government destroyed all the growth and now India is ready to sink. The Andh Bhakts of BJP are not bothered about India s economy, growth, morality and unity. They just want India to make Hindu! They still don t know that there is no such thing as Hindu . Hindu is NOT a religion; it is just a way of life in India.

Michael Sequeira, Pamboor/Nairobi
20/01/2022 14:29:32

Philip,I fully agree with the information and the short comings of the government and your inferences.Politics is a dangerous animal.The greed for power and money is an addiction second to none.The ego of the oppostion led politicians not to unite to unseat the authoritarian rule is also above my understanding.Should we say we the indian voter deserves this kind of scenerio of hatred,inflation,unemployment,taxation because we have voted them to power.As Roji Mathew rightly said,we wait for the right wing mentality to shift to liberal in years to mature.Meanwhile I say all the best to the Indian voter and keep writing Philip and enlighten us with your researchh.

Valerian Alva, Kattingeri
20/01/2022 07:28:55

Dear Alex, Vally all family members, Our heartfelt condolences on the demise of your beloved mom. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
19/01/2022 10:57:31

’unemployment’, ’tax extortion’, ’inflation’, and ’atmosphere of hatred’- current ruling machinery ticks all four boxes right in a negative manner tough. Autor has rightly pointed out disappointment of upright citizen and the tax burden, intolerance and stiff corruption. Most media tend to neglect this biting reality. Most often Rahul has predicted disaster lot earlier!!

Roji Mathew, Qatar
19/01/2022 09:02:47

It seems that this kind of right wing policies and its influence in the society will continue to another 15 years....When the economy is fully matured like USA the right wing mentality can be shifted to liberal which is happening across usa and Europe

Clarence, Mangalore
17/01/2022 22:02:31

Very nice article . You have nicely explained in detail the short comings of this government.

venkat, Bellary
10/01/2022 16:27:35

Thank you Francis Saldanha for being addressing our Kannada education with your beautiful concepts.
My point is, If there are no students in Kannada medium school then obviously it will affect higher school also. I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Saldanha and the concerns shown by the readers.
Thank you for the blog and keep posting these types of stories to grow up the Kannada medium and Education in our state

Wilson DSouza, Kolalgiri/Canada
07/01/2022 06:03:44

Hi Henry Baba , Robert baba and family
Sorry to hear this sad news about the demise of your beloved Mom and our Moushi. Please accept our heartfelt sympathies on this tragic news. Mày, her soul, rest in peace. God give you all courage and strength to bear this loss in this challenging time. Our prayers are with you at this time of grief.

04/01/2022 08:17:10

Congratulations to Dr. M Shantharam Shetty. We are blessed to have him in Mangalore. Wishing him good health and peace always to continue his service.

Norbert, Kattingere, Mangalore
01/01/2022 11:47:06

Congratulations. Nice initiative.

Henry Mendonca, Moodubelle/KSA
01/01/2022 06:17:59

Heartfelt Condolences To All The Family, May His Soul Rest In Peace, Amen.

jerald dsouza, thabail / shirva / dubai
31/12/2021 12:44:42

May his soul rest in peace

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