The Heart-wrenching story of Kumpala  Selen Preethi Pinto

The Heart-wrenching story of Kumpala Selen Preethi Pinto

A mind-boggling news story of our gem from a remote village, Kumpala near Deralakatte in Mangalore (South) talukas of Dakshina Kannada district came to light through a Face Book story by Louis Pinto. I was stunned that the story of an extremely intelligent teenager from the coastal districts had gone unreported in any of the state’s, region’s , and local news media, the TV and radio stations, the news papers and a multitude of websites...[By Philip Mudartha]

Will Narendra Modi come back as Prime Minister?

Will Narendra Modi come back as Prime Minister?

The general elections to the 17th Lok Sabha have been announced. The Election Commission (EC) has scheduled them to commence on April 11 and end on May 19. The voting will be held in 7 phases, due to the special security needs of the country. The vote counting will take place on May 23 and the results will be announced..[By Philip Mudartha]

The Fourth Commandment: Honor thy Father and Mother

The Fourth Commandment: Honor thy Father and Mother

After the three basic commandments concerning the just relationship to honor one’s father and mother, the Decalogue contemplates at once the whole gamut of filial relations. It captures concisely the spirit of filial relation and obligations in that single phrase: Honor thy father and mother. This commandment while concerning one’s own parents can and must include more broadly, any physical, moral, intellectual or spiritual authority to which a person... [By Philip Mudartha]

Social Environment as the Nursery of  a Person’s Upbringing….

Social Environment as the Nursery of a Person’s Upbringing….

Every human being is born in a family. Traditionally, a family meant husband and wife, at least, besides parents, in-laws, siblings, children and so on. Now-a-days, even though the traditional sense is retained to a certain extent, situations like single parents and separations have become common.Despite all this, it still makes sense to say that every human being is born in a family. This family not only brings up the child into existence, but also nurtures him or her physically, socially,...[By Philip Mudartha]

The joy of growing plants and flowers at home!!

The joy of growing plants and flowers at home!!

To my mind there is no spot of ground however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight. As an English proverb that says, if you want to be happy for a year plant a garden. A garden requires patient labour and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them. It’s true that I have a wide range...[By Francis Saldanha]

Udupi/M’Belle: St. Lawrence Community Hall-Souharda Soudha Inaugurated and Dedicated to the People

Udupi/M’Belle: St. Lawrence Community Hall-Souharda Soudha Inaugurated and Dedicated to the People

A landmark was created in the History of Moodubelle as the beautifully constructed magnificent Community Hall-Souharda Soudha was inaugurated, blessed and dedicated to the people jointly by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese and Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza, Archbishop of Archdiocese of Agra and native of Moodubelle in the presence of a large number of priests, religious, parishioners and the villagers of Mooddubelle on Sunday, 2 December 2018. The inauguration and blessing of the Community Hall was preceded by solemn thanksgiving mass..

Udupi/M’Belle: Dream Project-St. Lawrence Parish Community Hall To Be Inaugurated and Blessed on Sunday, 2 December

Udupi/M’Belle: Dream Project-St. Lawrence Parish Community Hall To Be Inaugurated and Blessed on Sunday, 2 December

The dream project of St. Lawrence Parish, Moodubelle, the ultra-modern, spacious and elegant Community Hall will be inaugurated on Sunday, 2 December 2018 in the presence of two Bishops, priests, religious, parishioners and villagers.The inauguration function will precede by a solemn Thanksgiving Mass at 10 am offered by Most Rev. Dr. Gerlad Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi Diocese as the main celebrant along with Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza, Archbishop of Agra..

Udupi/M’Belle: Aloy Qatar Champions and Tatasky-LIC Runners Up of Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament

Udupi/M’Belle: Aloy Qatar Champions and Tatasky-LIC Runners Up of Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament

Following the inauguration function at 8 pm on Saturday, 17 November 2918 and trial match, regular knock out matches commenced from 10.30 pm. A large number of spectators witnessed some of the exciting matches between different teams. Eventually four teams tried their luck for final in semi final duel. The first semi-final was between ACT Dubai and Tatasky-LIC in which Tatasky-LIC emerged victorious with 2-0 result. In the second semi-final between Aloy Qatar and Family Friends, Aloy Qatar were victorious with 2-1 scores.

Udupi/M’Belle: Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament Commences with Grand Inauguration Function

Udupi/M’Belle: Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament Commences with Grand Inauguration Function

The much anticipated and eagerly awaited Bellevision Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament commenced on Saturday, 17 November 2018 at St. Lawrence PU College Ground at 8 pm with a grand inauguration function in the presence of dignitaries and volleyball enthusiasts attending in large numbers. The inauguration function started with welcome dance performed by the students of St. Lawrence English Medium High School, Moodubelle. Thereafter, MC of the programme Sr, Irene Viegas invited the guests to the dais.

Udupi/M’Belle: Preparations for Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament 2018 in Full-Swing

Udupi/M’Belle: Preparations for Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament 2018 in Full-Swing

Preparations for the prestigious Lawrencian State Level Volleyball Tournament to be held on Saturday, 17 November 2018 at St. Lawrence PU College Grounds, Moodubelle in aid of St. Lawrence Community Hall is in full-swing. This is a unique opportunity for the sports-lovers, especially volleyball fans to witness this high-powered volleyball tournament in which 10 reputed teams will vie with each other for the top position. More than two thousand spectators are expected to be part..

Original St. Lawrence Club Completes 100 years of Service to Community-Centenary Celebration on 27 October 2018

Original St. Lawrence Club Completes 100 years of Service to Community-Centenary Celebration on 27 October 2018

Completing a century in the life of an individual or an institution is a great land mark that calls for celebration and review of the achievements during the past 100 years. It is a matter of great satisfaction and pride that the Original St. Lawrence Club which was later registered as St. Lawrence Association that had its humble origin in 1918 completes 100 years of its service to the community, especially from Belle and surrounding parishes. As the Centenary Celebrations of the Original St. Lawrence Club will be held on Saturday, 27 October 2018, it is appropriate to review briefly the history...[By Dr. Eugene DSouza]

Travelogue: My African Safari Tour

Travelogue: My African Safari Tour

On 24 th Sept Veena World Tour arranged 25 senior citizen tour to Kenya, Zimbabwe and south Africa. A group of 25 senior citizen proceed to Nairobi, capital and largest city of Kenya. Then we proceeded to a jungle resort for night stay watching wild animals from our resort in the moon light. While summer brings approx 1.7 million white bearded wildebeests with 400000 Thomsons and grants gazells 30,00,000 zebras, 12000 eland and impalas from Tanzania... [By John V Tauro]

Wilfred Menezes: Amazing Journey From a Simple Village to the ‘Corporate World’

Wilfred Menezes: Amazing Journey From a Simple Village to the ‘Corporate World’

Success comes in the way of those who not only dream but also plan their future and work hard to realize their dream. Wilfred Menezes, son of Casmir Menezes and Late Mercine Menezes of Moodubelle who born on 26 August 1968, who has recently completed fifty years of his life is a fine example of such an achievement. Coming from a simple family in a village, Wilfred acquired necessary educational qualification, planned his future and worked hard and built his own group of companies in Dubai under the flagship of Omnitec Group and expanded its operations in Middle East....[By Dr. Eugene DSouza]

Gulf Voice of Mangalore - UAE Semifinal

Gulf Voice of Mangalore - UAE Semifinal

Mangalore: Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha Installed as the Bishop of Mangalore following Solemn Episcopal Ordination

Mangalore: Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha Installed as the Bishop of Mangalore following Solemn Episcopal Ordination

The solemn Episcopal Ordination and a grand felicitation function marked the Installation of Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha as the fourteenth Bishop of Mangalore Diocese on Saturday, 15 September 2018 at the grounds of Rosario Cathedral. The entire programme of consecration of the new Bishop that commenced at 9.30 am ended at 2pm. Twenty two Bishops from different dioceses of India including one from Tanzania graced the occasion. Besides over three hundred priests from Mangalore and Udupi Dioceses, many religious sisters and more than 12,000 people participated in this mega event.

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