Our COVID-19 crisis in out of control

Our COVID-19 crisis in out of control

Less than three months ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi credited the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) for two victories, on the cricket field against Australia and in the COVID-19 pandemic. “A positive mindset always leads to positive results,” he declared. A month later, on Feb. 21, Modi’s ruling BJP passed a resolution hailing the “visionary leadership of Prime Minister Modi” in turning India into a “victorious nation in the fight against COVID...[By Philip Mudartha]

Travelogue: My tour to enchanting North East India after Covid-19 unlock

Travelogue: My tour to enchanting North East India after Covid-19 unlock

A group of 20 senior citizens met at Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai. After the departure formalities at the airport, all of us boarded Indigo Flight to Guwahati. It was 3-hour flight. After landing at Guwahati Airport, we collected our baggage. Our tour manager met us there, took us for lunch... [By John V Tauro]

Ronald Sabi Successfully defends his Doctoral Thesis

Ronald Sabi Successfully defends his Doctoral Thesis

Entrepreneur Ronald Sabi Dsouza successfully defends his Doctoral Thesis ‘Customer Perception on Aviation Coatings’ and awarded PhD by Apollos University, USA. He had undertaken this research thesis under the guidance of Dr. Kaup Mohammed, Dean of London American City College.

Fuel on Fire: Modi doesn’t care!

Fuel on Fire: Modi doesn’t care!

Petroleum Fuel prices in India are hitting fresh highs on a daily basis. PM Modi is blaming “previous” governments for our imported oil dependence but doesn’t seem to care for facts available in the public domain. To unmask his false his narrative, here is official data on the cost factors making up the pump price of petrol...[By Philip Mudartha]

Union Budget 2021-22: A perspective

Union Budget 2021-22: A perspective

Last Monday, the 1st February 2021, Finance Minister (FM), Nirmala Sitharaman, presented to the Lok Sabha the Union Budget for FY 2021-22. Since then, a bevy of economists and policy analysts have assayed and passed their expert verdicts. In fact, the stock brokers were the first to react as the FM was speaking; the Sensex zoomed by over 2,000 points before the day ended, an all time day record...[By Philip Mudartha]

Who will blink first: Modi or Protesting Farmers?

Who will blink first: Modi or Protesting Farmers?

Farmers mostly led by Punjab based kisan unions that are dominated by Sikhs, naturally, have laid a siege to Delhi. They have camped at several key border approaches to the national Capital. Men, women and children are camping in make-shift tents braving the extreme freezing temperatures of North Indian winter and demanding that these ‘black’ laws be repealed. Nothing more, nothing less; no compromises like amendments etc. Several rounds of talks have been held between government led by the Minister of Agriculture and prominent farmer Leaders...[By Philip Mudartha]

A desperate US President’s war on his people

A desperate US President’s war on his people

It is Tuesday morning, January 11th in US Capital, Washington D.C, as I pen these lines. The members of the House of Representatives have taken their seats in the legislative chamber within the Capitol. Their business for the day is to debate and pass a resolution calling upon Vice-President, Mike Pence, to invoke 25th Amendment and remove forthwith the lame duck sitting President Donald Trump, who is otherwise set to leave Oval Office on 20th January....[By Philip Mudartha]

We are poorer than Bangladesh!

We are poorer than Bangladesh!

The recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) press release on Gross National Product (GDP) numbers of member countries shocked many Indians. Egos were hurt, especially of our government supporters, according to whom Modi is doing a good job of running the country and managing its national economy...[By Philip Mudartha]

2020 Nobel Prizes in Sciences

2020 Nobel Prizes in Sciences

Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna are the first two women to share the prize, which honors their work on the technology of genome editing. Their discovery, known as Crispr-Cas9 "genetic scissors", is a way of making specific and precise changes to the DNA contained in living cells. With this tool, the ability to cut DNA where you want has revolutionized the life sciences. Not only has this technology been transformative for basic research, it could also be used to treat, or even cure, inherited illnesses..[By Philip Mudartha]

Are the agriculture reforms pro-farmer or anti-farmer?

Are the agriculture reforms pro-farmer or anti-farmer?

The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare, on its website, states that three bills aimed at transformation of agriculture and raising farmers’ income were introduced in the Lok Sabha to replace ordinances promulgated on 5th June, 2020. Legislations will enable barrier-free trade in agricultural produce and empower farmers to engage with investors of their choice, said Union Minister of Narendra Singh Tomar. These bills are..[By Philip Mudartha]

What awaits the repatriated NRIs back home?

What awaits the repatriated NRIs back home?

Yes, unemployment looms large. I called and spoke to one of my protégés who returned from Qatar to his hometown in Malabar. Since coming back, he has been assisting his father in running the family grocery store. His father is fit and healthy in his upper sixties; he can run the business himself. He wants his son to try and find a job opening in Qatar, even at lower wages. In his early forties, his skill sets have no job openings in his native land....[By Philip Mudartha]

Returned from the Gulf: COVID Crisis 2020

Returned from the Gulf: COVID Crisis 2020

The following chart depicts the monthly average price of Brent grade Crude Oil for the previous five years. The price crashed to zero, beginning in March in the aftermath of global lockdowns announced to control the spread of the Novel Corona Pandemic. The unplanned lockdowns disrupted economic life in every nation especially manufacturing. The demand for petroleum products hit rock bottom...[By Philip Mudartha]

The 2020 National Education Policy

The 2020 National Education Policy

On Wednesday, 29th July 2020, the Indian Union Cabinet cleared a new National Education Policy (NEP) which proposed sweeping changes in school and higher education. Independent India followed the colonial education policy till 1968, when the parliament passed the first education policy drafted by the 17-member Education Commission, headed by then University Grant Commission (UGC) Chairperson D S Kothari. This was under the Indira Gandhi regime. Since then, India had three education policies. The second came in 1986, during the Rajiv Gandhi administration...[By Philip Mudartha]

Moodubelle: Titular Feast of St. Lawrence Church

Moodubelle: Titular Feast of St. Lawrence Church

India China Relations A Perspective History Essay - Part 2

India China Relations A Perspective History Essay - Part 2

In part-1 of this essay, we have dealt with the prelude to this war. Here, we deal with the actual war in which our military suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of PLA in both theatres. In the western theatre of Aksai Chin in Eastern Ladakh, the PLA advanced to their 1960 Claim Line on the Ladakh Ranges. In the eastern theatre of India-Sikkim-Bhutan-NEFA Himalayan passes, the PLA trounced all our forward formations and captured the entire NEFA. Their offensive began on 20th October 1962 and ended on 20th November, a month of hostilities, when they declared a unilateral cease-fire...[By Philip Mudartha]

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