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Boston Gem, Belle / Boston, USA
13/02/2020 15:14:34

Phillip, a great analysis of Kejriwals rise thru his feel for the common man, poor and suufering, ailing seniors. In contrast to age old politicians get into power and then forget the people that put them in power, Kejriwal delivered what he promised: fight corruption, #draintheswamp and develop and implement infrastructure to aid the public. A model, to serve the people he fought the election for free of prejudice towards religion, caste or creed. Rise above politics and serve the nation and its citizens. I am happy he narrates the life of Jesus and follows His guidance in performing his duties. -GeM

Melwyn N, Mumbai
13/02/2020 08:18:28

Wow this article gives an in-depth yet brief history of Kejriwal s journey towards transformation success in recently held elections..
Philip Dsouza (Mudartha) has this natural gift of writing great articles with a neutral frame of mind which is what s lacking in current articles by well known writers / journalists etc..
Philip, you are doing a great job.. Keep it up and hope to see many of your articles in national / international journals / newspapers etc..

Aboobacker Nettikkara, Kerala- Kozhikode
13/02/2020 07:22:51

Mr. Philip clearly explained the march of Mr. Kejriwal by acquiring a commendable 54% of vote share and 62 seats in assembly. People gave great support for his endeavour to address the issues of common people. Hope the politicians will learn from him, read assess what is clearly stated by Mr. Philip D’Souza

Irene Lobo, Moodubelle/London.
30/01/2020 10:22:39

Since Sadiq khan, Pakistani origin became the Mayor, these Pakistani always protest in from to Indian embassy and even they vandalize the property over there. British authority has to seriously look into. One of the reason Labour government lost election this year.Indian community always used to support Labour, this time defeated them. Most of the Pakistani community live on benefit and Indian community contributes to tax.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
29/01/2020 14:34:56

Great news! I m thrilled and overjoyed by the appointment of Br. Philip as Principal. Religious people always provide fine touch to the institutions and outgoing students are molded as responsible and positive citizens of the society. Congratulations and all the best to Br. Philip.

Amlin Roche, Dakshina Kannada
29/01/2020 09:19:12

Thank you for this illuminating Article.

Milton. N, Mariathaipuram
28/01/2020 13:22:42

congratulations dear sister Eugune for the services you have been rendering to the society.May God bless you

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
26/01/2020 09:26:40

Long Live Lions Club of Moodueblle!!

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
18/01/2020 14:36:39

Thank you for the wonderful report and pictures. It reminds me of the Kavitha Fest held in Moodubelle in the year 2012.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
18/01/2020 14:33:28

We will miss her dearly. She was a wonderful person and always helpful to people from Belle. Her untimely demise has created a void in parish and her admirers. May the almighty give strength to her husband and daughters to withstand this huge loss. May she rest in peace.

Felix Alva, Udupi
18/01/2020 04:39:59


Philip Mudartha, Nerul, now traveling in Sydney
16/01/2020 12:23:09

May our good Lord give strength to bear their untimely loss. I am personally devastated by her sudden demise and have no words to console Lawrie, Loretta, and Linda and their families.

16/01/2020 10:47:30

Dear Family members please accept our heartfelt condolences. May her soul rest in peace.

Eugene D Souza, Moodubelle
15/01/2020 07:45:41

Thank you very much Alphonse Mendonca for detailed report and excellent pictures of the Kavita Festh held in Goa. Congratulations to all those who worked hard for the success of the event especially Melwyn Rodriguez, Kishore Gonslves and many others both from Mangalore and Goa.

Sr Assumpta, Mangalore
11/01/2020 07:34:37

Pay our respects to her for her enduring life in bringing up her children in christian values,gifting one daughter to God s service through Bethany congregation.
May her soul rest in peace

Maurice Menezes, Belle/Udupi
08/01/2020 12:30:00

Wishing Happy Annual Feast to St Lawrence Parishioners and all devotees May Patron St Lawrence impart his virtues and intercede God to bless all for peace,love,unity and commitment to abide with commandments to attain heavenly grace.

Florine Fernandes, Mood Belle/Mumbai
08/01/2020 04:10:48

Happy Feast of St. Lawrence Church, Mood Belle, to all the parishioners, friends and relatives. So happy to see all the pictures of last nights service. God bless all of us. St. Lawrence pray for us.

Maurice Menezs, Belle/Udupi
07/01/2020 12:28:18

Congratulations dear friend Eugene
You have very lucidly written 60 years history of developments of St Lawrence Church and its Educational institutions at Belle under able leadership and vivid contributions by its Priests and Parishioners.
God bless you.

Florine Fernandes, Mood Belle/Mumbai
05/01/2020 18:35:43

Wow... what a celebration. Very disciplined procession, beautiful blessed sacrament, never ending photographs, so many participants, Praise the Lord. Salute to the photographer for capturing whole thing so beautifullya. Wish everyone of you a VERY HAPPY ST. LAWRENCE PARISH FEAST.

26/12/2019 13:17:55

Thank you, NRI entrepreneur for your noble deed of spending your wealth on students’ education.
you have fulfilled my dreams to achieve higher education by giving good amount of financial assistance. It is you I can appreciate for being so kind and helpful.
I understand that without people who are generous and caring, like you, a college education would not be possible for students like me. Knowing that someone else cares about my education motivates me to strive extra hard for excellence. I have been truly touched by your generosity and hope to one day give back just as you have. Again I would like to thank you.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
21/12/2019 11:42:08

It was a wonderful programme and well organised. Thanks to the live streaming of good quality. Enthusiasts could watch it live worldwide.

Eugene D Souza, Moodubelle
21/12/2019 11:03:31

Due to family commitment in Mumbai, i missed the Diamond Jubilee celebration of our beloved St. Lawrence High School. Still I managed to have glimpses of celebration through the direct webcast by Bellevision and Prime TV. This report by Victor D souza and pictures by Anil Alva capture vividly the essence of the celebration. Congratulations to Fr. Clement Mascarenhas for his leadership, Mrs. Sunitha Kamath, headmistress of the school for the hardwork and all those who have been closely associated with the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee.

Belle Chandrashekhara Shetty, Moodubelle/Bangalore
17/12/2019 14:14:10

I am extremely happy to congratulate Bellevision team with profound regards for having provided lightning report with plenty of photos of Kaupu Taluk 2nd Kannada sahitya sammelana function held at the holy St. Lawrence Church auditorium, Moodubelle a golden jewel to belleian Crown. All who made hefty efforts for the success of this historical event with team spirit and respect to Kannada also deserves complements.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
15/12/2019 13:15:27

Thank you Dr. Eugene for the both Part I 2. Very informative and nicely compiled article. A ready history for the reference of present and future generation.

Marcel Alva, Belle/Canada
13/12/2019 02:45:45

Gibba will be dearly missed by our family who was a integral part of us.
Let perpetual light shine upon his happy jovial soul eternal rest/peace be unto him O Lord .
Children of Late Robert

Norbert, Mangalore
12/12/2019 18:25:56

Congratulations Dr Eugene Sir for elucidating the history of St Lawrence High school so meticulously in detail along with relevant pictures. A nostalgic recall of the past.

Rony Norbert Pinto, Shirva / Bahrain
12/12/2019 17:38:49

Heartfelt condolences to the departed family members. May his soul Rest In Peace .

12/12/2019 16:35:29

May his soul rest in peace.

Msgr. Matthew F. D Souza, Kattingere/Washington, USA
12/12/2019 15:36:49

Good friend and daily companion on way and back from the Shirva High School.
Eternal rest give unto him O Lord,perpetual light shine unto him, may his soul rest in peace.

Alex Mendonca, moodu Belle/Mumbai
12/12/2019 08:37:04

Etarnal rest grant to Gilbert s Soul and perpetul light sien upon him.This is my prayer to Almighty God for my dear friend

Anita D’Mello, U.S.A
11/12/2019 23:09:08

Rest In Peace Gibba uncle. Our heartfelt condolences to the Alva family. Keeping you in our prayers during this difficult time.

11/12/2019 20:46:32

May his soul rest in peace.

Henry lobo, Moodubelle/ Borivali- Mumbai
11/12/2019 11:14:18

Very very sad news. It is shocking. May his soul rest in peace.

Felix Francis alva, Udupi/moodu-belle
11/12/2019 10:16:05


Theresa Lobo, Mumbai
11/12/2019 09:53:50

May his soul rest in peace.Amen

Robert Castelino, Moodubelle/Bharain
11/12/2019 09:45:02

Heartfelt condolences to family members.May the departed soul rest in peace.

Victor Castelino, Boliye/Melbourne
11/12/2019 09:01:13

I happened to meet him in Bangalore in May this year. Nice man. Very helpful. May he Rest In Peace. My heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members.

Louis Alva, Kattingeri, Moodubelle
11/12/2019 07:26:42

Sad to hear this news as we have some sweet memories with him while we were staying together in Byculla cood. Our sincere condolences to his entire family and loved once. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Felix Alva, Udupi
11/12/2019 07:26:26


cynthia ferns, Mangalore
09/12/2019 13:31:57

There is no need for you to drag our church in this. YOur type of people spoil our christianity. How dare you compare this with our church.Sick!!! Wonder what a person you are. Am sure psycho.

07/12/2019 09:52:34

It is sorry status that society has failed to protect rape victims .Even Church has failed on rape and child abuse and many other injustice to the Humanity.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
05/12/2019 18:46:53

Keep it up Dr Eugene for opening up the whole history of our institution! Wonderful, love it!

Dr Gerald Pinto, Kallianpur
05/12/2019 17:37:32

Very good informative article. I still rember first batch highschool student getting a rank in sslc. I am happy that you rember one of my admirer Denis D Silva founder H.M even though he was ther for only one year.

chithresh, inna
27/11/2019 10:33:29

super bro congraths

Mini Jerald Rodrigues, Shirva
22/11/2019 18:03:38

Good initiative from Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh to bring all Catholic laity of Udupi Diocese. Well done. Wish you all the success and a fruitful programme.

Anuradha Arun, USA
21/11/2019 18:20:32

I would like to reach out to Mr. Prakash regarding a kavana collection from 2005. Not sure about the year of this publication. If it is still available I want to buy it.

George, Mangalore
19/11/2019 14:52:41

Incompetent FM, exorbitant GST (18 to 28%) has brought the downfall of Indian economy. Simple article with deep contents made this article very valuable.

Therese dalmeida, Moodubelle / Doha, Qatar
15/11/2019 20:56:32

Congratulations Fr. Ivan Martis on your priestly ordination.May you be ever blessed and grow wherever you are planted.

Vicky, Udupi
15/11/2019 19:23:04

Excellent analysis presented in a relatable manner with tutorials on market fundamentals. MMS might have had the head wind support of the post-recession boom caused by global stimulus and interventions (although the BSE and NSE showed similar growth curves during both MMS and NaMo periods) as compared to NaMo who came in at a stable phase. As for the downturn since 2014, I think the overt and covert state support to the oligarchic growth of some private sector entities may have also acted as a damper on the free market. For instance, one wonders what’s ailing the likes of Vodaphone, MTNL and BSNL while Jio and Airtel keep smiling.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
14/11/2019 11:23:23

Very good analysis. I ;liked the explanation on liquidity. Most people are suffering from liquidity crisis, be it apartment, land or used vehicle or new.
Further direct impact is bad roads full of potholes. For the first time in last few decades we can see concerned authorities are least interested in providing basic standard motor able roads! Wish India gets services of MMS type of economists!

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