Celebration of International Women’s Day at Shirva
Report and Pictures by Michael Mathias
Bellevision Media Network
Shirva, 17 March 2010: The Catholic Women Council of the Shirva Deanary celebrated the International Women’s Day Celebration on Sunday, 14th March 2010 at the Don Bosco Hall –Shirva. The Parish Priest of Our Lady of Health Church, Rev.Fr. Richard Coelho inagruted the programme by releasing a white pigeon and conveyed the message of women empoverment.
Mrs. Maria Pais, lecturer of Nursing at the KMC introduced the topic of discussion of the day. The chief resource person, Ln. Dr. Pratap Kumar of the KMC Manipal spoke on cervical cancer, its symptoms and precaustion to be taken to prevent it. Ln. Dr. Ravi Raj Bhandary of the same hospital spoke on ayurvedic medicine and also about cervical cancer and its prevention through balance diet and regular exercise.
Mrs. Rosy Pinto spoke on the role of Catholic women in politics. Mrs. Lilly Tauro and Mrs. mary Machado of Shirva, Mrs. Winnfred D’Souza of Mudarangady and Mrs. Benny D’Souza of Pamboor were pelicitated by the chief guest, Mrs. rosy Pinto for the grass root level service rendered by them in the Shirva Deanery nearly a decade back. Mrs. Lilly tauro spoke on behalf of the honoured women.
At the beginning of the programme, the Pernal unit members invoked prayer and the Catholic Women Council president Mrs. Maria Jacintha Mathias welcomed the guests and presented the report. Prizes were distributed by Anice George, the Nursing Dean of KMC Manipal and Mrs. Gladys D’Almeida, the president of the Udupi Zilla Panchayat. A dance programme was presented by the Pernal unit members. Mrs. Teresa Machado, Secretary of the catholic Women Council proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was anchored by Mrs. Irine Mendonca, the Treasurer of the catholic Women Council.