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Louis Alva, Kattingeri / Dubai
21/01/2010 21:28:23

Robberies in a row you can say now !!! as this is the third such incident which is again falls under Shirva Police custody. All Our villagers should be more careful when they will go out of their homes and make sure every thing is well secured before they leave their home as everyone will be thinking who will be next victim of these robbers ? Time has come to think very seriously about this matter and Also swift action is required from Shirva Police very urgently !!!

21/01/2010 20:45:41

Happy parish feast to all parishoiners. Thanks Eugene for writing Article about my Parish also Anil for beautiful pictures.

Anil Mendonca
Mumbai - IC Colony

Joseph Maris, Kattingery
21/01/2010 18:54:07

This is the 3rd robery in moodubelle, day time robbery this will be serious issue police to be take well investigate and findout robbers and to be taken serious action against them, nowdays we feel that there is no life secure in moodubelle, Let all bellians get together and put pressure on the police department,
Good report and photografs from anil

Sathish Nayak, Kadambila/Dubai
21/01/2010 09:21:37

Nice pic ...My Schoolmate Mr.Melwyn to whom i m seeing after a long time...

Suraj-Belle, Moodubelle/Dubai
21/01/2010 08:10:58

Gongratulations Fr.Francis and wish you Good luck in your future life.

Suraj-Belle, Moodubelle/Dubai
21/01/2010 08:08:50

Less than a month this is third robbery case in Moodubelle and Nalkubidi area which also belongs to Shirva Police station. It is very dangerous situation. Unless the Shirva police team takes serious action on these robberies it will be more worse in future......"Jago inspector Saab"!

Alban D’souza, Kunthalnagar
21/01/2010 06:06:13

The life story of St.Antony of Padua discribed very nicely. all the snaps are very good..Appriciate the report photos of Dr.Eugene.It looks we had more fire works rather than last year.church lighting gives a beuatifull look to our church

Alban D’souza, Kunthalnagar
21/01/2010 05:51:53

I wish all parishioners of Kuntalnagar a happy feast.Nice photos by Mr.Anil good Report by Dr.Eugene.thanks to both for thier work.it feels me that we are taking a part in the feast even though we are far away from our native.

Bellevision, Dubai
21/01/2010 04:46:05

Wishing all the parishioners of Kunthalnagar church a happy parish feast and may the lord bless you all abundantly through patron St. Anthony.

pradeep, bangalore
21/01/2010 03:00:42

Thanks... wonderful, amazing .. liked it very much... so precise and neat with snaps..

Anitha, Manipura
21/01/2010 00:01:55

bellevision hats of you thank you very much for giving lovely photos of Udupi Paryaya mahothsava.

Keep it up

santhosh prakash mendonca, padubelle
20/01/2010 07:28:08

Dear it is a great job ,i really appreciate you.

Louis Alva, Kattingeri / Dubai
20/01/2010 02:05:02

Dear Dr. Eugene and Mr. Anil … you both are doing a great job on the web world of bellevision. All of your pictures and reports of each events are very informative and truly live … !! You both made us to feel like we at home, even though we are little away from our beloved Moodubelle. We all thanking you both for your Sincere and hard work towards Moodubelle and bellevision. Full marks for hardwork and keep it up…!!!
Also Sharon, you are most welcome to Moodubelle at any time, because now you have already many friends from belle ,and also you are already a active member of bellevision in UAE.

Victor D’Souza, Moodubelle / Doha
19/01/2010 23:54:21

Fantastic article and great pictures. Gathering so much information to perfection on such high profile event is surely lot of hard work. Also, catching close up pictures in such a mass crowd is also not easy either. Hats off to you Dr. Eugene and Mr. Anil.

Kesava Tadipatri, Kurugodu
19/01/2010 21:48:18

"Shri Lakshmivara Thirtha Swamiji, the head of the Shiruru Mutt, who is 44 years old, has already successfully conducted his earlier two terms of Paryaya during 1972-74 and 1986-88." This does not seem right. The prior paryaya should be 1994-96. And one before should be 1968-70.

Victor D’almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
19/01/2010 21:35:43

Thanks Mr.Eugene for you noticed and appreciated those who doing the hard labour for their living near the river edge. God bless you for your good work.

Sathish Nayak, Kadambila/ Dubai
19/01/2010 09:24:48

woww...Thank you so much Mr. Eugene and Mr. Anil..Nice Pic captured..i felt i m in Udupi.!!!!!

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
19/01/2010 08:10:43

Great efforts by Dr. Eugine and Anil. You have captured and briefed it very well.

Francis Noronha, Moodubelle/Mumbai
19/01/2010 03:40:22

Dear Sharon you must visit Mooduble and see the one of the beautiful place in Udupi. People who are living here are very loving and helpful. I am sure you will make up your mind to settle down here.

Naveen M., Moodubelle
19/01/2010 03:32:18

Thank you Mr.Eugene and Anil for efforts to cover the Event. Nice pictures and very informative report. I felt that I am watching the live Paryaya procession.

Thomas, Moodubelle/ Dubai
19/01/2010 03:19:42

Fr.Valley is a great leader, good visionary systematic planner. We thank those who are responsible to get Fr. Valley as our parish priest .He has brought the revolutionary changes to church and surrounding areas. I still remember those days back in 2003 when he visited Dubai and presented the masterplan.And the dream of belle people is has made it reality by this multitalented priest.
Fr. Valley is a priest of all parishioners and he will be in the heart of each and every Belle parishioners. May almighty god grant him good health and a happy retired life.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
19/01/2010 03:07:28

Fantastic pictures....and the greens...

Sharon Rego, Kulshekar/Dubai
19/01/2010 02:22:29

I think I need to seriously plan visiting Moodubelle. Dr. Eugene’s articles are so tempting and has finally made me comment. Thank you Dr. Eugene. You "complete" this website!

Robert Castelino, Moodubelle/Manipal/Bahrain
19/01/2010 02:17:23

Congratulations to Fr.Valerian on the special occassion of Golden Jubilee of your priesthood.You are a person of great vision who planned rebuild the present church in Moodubelle which is a Religious landmark in the region.May St.Lawrence obtain Gods blessings upon you may you have a happy

Valerian Alva, Moodubelle / Dubai
18/01/2010 22:03:30

Fr.Vally is a great visionary. The development work he has carried out in Moodubelle itself shows his immense knowledge and sense of professionalism. He has truly changed the face of Moodubelle and truly deserve the title The “Architect of Modern Moodubelle”.

sondur hulikunt achar, Dubai
18/01/2010 09:05:56

Its a great coverage by Bellevisin about Udupi Paryaya 2010.People like us who are staying outside udupi will have the oppurtunity of seeing and experiencing this great Religious event,almost like being there.Please keep up this good work...Sondur H.Achar..(Rajesh)

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
18/01/2010 08:06:12

Good coverage of the historic religious event of the place. I have a doubt - is it "hora kanike" meaning offering from outsiders or "hore kanike" meaning offering carried on ones head? In konkani we used to say "vojem" which means gifts carried on ones head.

Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai
18/01/2010 07:54:05

Apart from his ideology which is his fundamental right under the Indian constitution, late Mr Jyothi Basu was a great and honest leader. Being a friend, supporter and admirer of Blessed Mother Theresa, when Mother Theresa went to her heavenly abode Basu ordered a state funeral for her after which the central government had to join in and invite foreign dignitaries for the funeral as state guests. He was very close to Nehru-Gandhi family in spite of political differences. Whether he was an atheist or not matters a little. After all he was a very good human being. May his sould rest in peace.

sophia dsouza, mumbai
18/01/2010 05:47:09

sir WE WISH TO THANK FOR YOUR FINE EXAMPLE OF LEADERSHIP.sir u have given us the formula of success and u are realy our inspiration thank you for being a good boss
from sophia and borivali staff

james, ranganpalke
18/01/2010 05:42:01

i am a old student of your college .i congrats for being 50yrs thank u

Vignesh, udupi
17/01/2010 23:01:35

Its fantastic

Manoj, Moodubelle/Dubai
17/01/2010 21:55:23

Congratulations to Fr. Vally on the occassion of golden Jubliee celebrations of your Priesthood. May god Shower his choiciest blessings on you. You are truely the Architect of Modern Moodubelle!!!! Also a big thank you to Dr. Eugene for this wonderful article.

Victor D’almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain
17/01/2010 21:39:07

The Valiant soldier Flight Lieutenant Ronald Serrao dedicated his life for the mother land. Most important is that the value of our beloved soldiers life honored and remembered. It all means how our country and our soldiers are very dear to us.

Victor D’almeida, Moodebelle/ Bahrain
17/01/2010 02:13:18

Dear Denis and Smita, please accept our heart felt condolence to you and your family on the sad demise of your beloved daughter little angel Dia, May God give you the strength to bear the great loss. May her soul rest in peace

Francis Dsouza, pius nager/riyadh saudia
17/01/2010 00:38:10

Pranam tuka kartha sobith muja shehra
Naman tuka kartha muja mogacha hanglura
Realy proud of my pius nager church
Thank u all my habitant of pius nager
Thank you Fr. John Walter Mendonca

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
16/01/2010 17:44:30

Its really shocking to hear the death news of little angel Dia Sara. May God give strength to Martis family, especially to Denis and Smitha to bear this great grief. May God grant eternal rest to Dia and may her soul rest in peace.

Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle
16/01/2010 05:50:22

It is a matter of great sorrow for all of us, specially St. Francis Ward-1, which is a closely knitted mega family. May our Patron St. Lawrence and St. Francis Xaviur provide the strenth to withstand the loss to the parents and the grand Parents.

Victor D, Moodubelle / Bahrain
16/01/2010 04:44:25

We all welcome the decision of Mr. Gerald at list tried something for the N.R.I rsquo;s about their passport problems in India, but it is good to renew the passport in gulf countries only two working days are enough rather than to suffer in India. Here our Embassies very helpful.

Louis Alva, Kattingeri/Dubai
16/01/2010 00:38:27

Dear Gerald, well done !!! Eventhough you are not in Gulf Country, at least you understood the problems of Gulf people you made their life little easier !!! Thank you very much for this.

Godwin D’Souza, Mumbai
15/01/2010 23:47:56

Dear Ancy, thanks for your article on beautiful St. Joseph’s Church, Mira Road. This place is home for thousands of Mangaloreans, hence called as ’Mini Mangalore’. All the best to the inter-religious dialogue!

Rony D’mello, Abudhabi/Belle
15/01/2010 18:54:02

Dear Denis and Smitha family,our heartful condolences and sympathies on the demise of beloved daughter Dia Sara. May her soul rest in peace and May God give you strength to bear this loss.

Melwyn Castelino, Moodubelle/Mumbai.
15/01/2010 18:50:18

Dear benny voni,congratulations to you. As Ijju bab doing a execellent reporting in bellevision and daijiworld. I wish you all the very best for your recipes column. Chicken meatballs are yummyyyy..........

Alwyn Mathias, Moodubelle
15/01/2010 18:32:57

Dear Gerald

Although you don’t own a passport; you realized the problems of passport holders and solved it. What is next in your mission?

Melwyn Castelino, Moodubelle/Mumbai
15/01/2010 18:30:16

Mogall Sannu monis, bhov boren arthabhorith lekhan tujhe,Tujya serve prayathnank boren magtham.

Alwyn Mathias, Moodubelle / Mumbai
15/01/2010 18:26:32

Dia Sara,will always remain within our hearts, May her soul rest in peace. Denis Smitha may the love of those around you help you through the days ahead.

paul dsouza, kattingeri
15/01/2010 17:47:12

It is wonderfull to see a old stundent of our/my school were I comleted my 10 th standerd. I saw my friends

Vinay Dabholkar, Bangalore
15/01/2010 15:06:48

Thanks for this post. The photos are terrific! One trivia: the first plan for Konkan railway dates back to 1882. Also A B Walawalkar is considered "the father of konkan railway" project. He released his project plan in 1952. This info is available at the Indian railways in Postal Stampssite(www.irfca.org/articles/vikas/stamps.html). Also story of konkan railway by E Sreedharan is a great link. http://www.scribd.com/doc/24665577/The-Story-of-Toughest-Konkan-Railways-Project-India-by-Its-Project-Director-E-Shreedharan

John Peter Fernandes, Moodubelle/ Nottingham UK
15/01/2010 05:34:04

Dear Denis and Smitha our deepest sympathies and condolences to u and your Families on the death of Dia Sara. May her soul rest in Peace. John,Flossy n Hailey

Naveen Joel, Belle / Kuwait
15/01/2010 05:18:02

It is really shocking, may her soul rest in peace and the almighty give all the strength to bear this loss to his family

sannu monis, moodubelle
15/01/2010 04:24:15

Well done Gearld!!! Great job!!!! thanks!!!!!

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