St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle: A Journey Through 60 Years of Education (Part I)
St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle: A Journey Through 60 Years of Education (Part I)

As St. Lawrence High School of Moodubelle celebrates its Diamond Jubilee on 20 and 21 December 2019, it would be appropriate to know at least in brief, the history of this great institution that gradually transformed a sleepy village into a

Opinion: Ayodhya Verdict...
Opinion: Ayodhya Verdict...

On the 9th of November 2019, a five member panel led by Chief Justice of India (CJI) of the Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgment in the Ayodhya land dispute case. The bench unanimously ruled in favor of the Ram Janmabhoomi. It rested the title to the 2.77 acre plot of contested land with the deity Ram Lalla (Infant Ram) and vested its guardianship with a trust to be set up within three months by the central government. The Hindus can now build their much coveted Ram Mandir on the site. The judges instructed the central and UP state government to give a 5 acre...[By Philip Mudartha]

Our economic slowdown: the government is in denial
Our economic slowdown: the government is in denial

After a month or two of living in denial, the Modi government seems to have grudgingly accepted that our national economy has slowed down. Our Finance Minister (FM) Nirmala Sitaraman has held, at the behest of tough taskmaster and No.2 in the government packing order, Home

Udupi/M’Belle: Feast of Nativity of Mother Mary (Monthi Festh) Celebrated with Devotion and Joy
Udupi/M’Belle: Feast of Nativity of Mother Mary (Monthi Festh) Celebrated with Devotion and Joy

Devotion and joy marked the celebration of the nativity of Mother Mary, popularly known as ‘Monthi Festh’ in the Karnataka Coastal region on Sunday, 8 September 2019... Monthi Feast celebrations around the world

Travelogue: Living in the boat houses-An Experience to Remember
Travelogue: Living in the boat houses-An Experience to Remember

Netherlands is my most favorite destination on work as well as leisure for the past 25 years having been there two dozen times mostly on work and other times on family holidays. Last month, I had been there with my wife and son on the way to Budapest. I had booked the boat

Responsible Parenting, Spoilt Brats & what ought not to be done
Responsible Parenting, Spoilt Brats & what ought not to be done

Every so often one comes across a child who displays such brashness and disregard for others’ feelings that one cannot but think: “that kid is a spoilt brat!” The numbers of such spoilt brats are steadily on the rise. Parents are unsure how to raise them and let them grow like wild

Back to Bellevision: A journey through diabetes, and neuro-illnesses
Back to Bellevision: A journey through diabetes, and neuro-illnesses

If you had heard about my ill-health, you had heard correctly. I was suffering from hard breathing, and breathlessness while walking daily in the morning in the nearby garden. I could not climb stairs at all. I was worried that I may die soon. Driven by worry, my fasting blood sugar

The Heart-wrenching story of Kumpala  Selen Preethi Pinto
The Heart-wrenching story of Kumpala Selen Preethi Pinto

A mind-boggling news story of our gem from a remote village, Kumpala near Deralakatte in Mangalore (South) talukas of Dakshina Kannada district came to light through a Face Book story by Louis Pinto. I was stunned that the story of an extremely intelligent teenager from the

Will Narendra Modi come back as Prime Minister?
Will Narendra Modi come back as Prime Minister?

The general elections to the 17th Lok Sabha have been announced. The Election Commission (EC) has scheduled them to commence on April 11 and end on May 19. The voting will be held in 7 phases, due to the special security needs of the country. The vote counting will

The Fourth Commandment: Honor thy Father and Mother
The Fourth Commandment: Honor thy Father and Mother

After the three basic commandments concerning the just relationship to honor one’s father and mother, the Decalogue contemplates at once the whole gamut of filial relations. It captures concisely the spirit of filial relation and obligations in that single phrase: Honor thy father and mother.

Social Environment as the Nursery of  a Person’s Upbringing….
Social Environment as the Nursery of a Person’s Upbringing….

Every human being is born in a family. Traditionally, a family meant husband and wife, at least, besides parents, in-laws, siblings, children and so on. Now-a-days, even though the traditional sense is retained to a certain extent, situations like single parents and separations have

The joy of growing plants and flowers at home!!
The joy of growing plants and flowers at home!!

To my mind there is no spot of ground however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight. As an English proverb that says, if you want to be happy for a year plant a garden. A garden requires patient labour and attention.

Udupi/M’Belle: St. Lawrence Community Hall-Souharda Soudha Inaugurated and Dedicated to the People
Udupi/M’Belle: St. Lawrence Community Hall-Souharda Soudha Inaugurated and Dedicated to the People

A landmark was created in the History of Moodubelle as the beautifully constructed magnificent Community Hall-Souharda Soudha was inaugurated, blessed and dedicated to the people jointly..

Travelogue: My African Safari Tour
Travelogue: My African Safari Tour

On 24 th Sept Veena World Tour arranged 25 senior citizen tour to Kenya, Zimbabwe and south Africa. A group of 25 senior citizen proceed to Nairobi, capital and largest city of Kenya. Then we proceeded to a jungle resort for night stay watching wild animals from our resort in the moon light. While summer brings

Original St. Lawrence Club Completes 100 years of Service to Community-Centenary Celebration
Original St. Lawrence Club Completes 100 years of Service to Community-Centenary Celebration

Completing a century in the life of an individual or an institution is a great land mark that calls for celebration and review of the achievements during the past 100 years. It is a matter of great satisfaction and pride that the Original..

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