Billionaire Tax, Emergency, and By-polls
Billionaire Tax, Emergency, and By-polls

A group of former presidents and prime ministers of the G20 countries have expressed themselves in favour of "billionaire tax". In their open letter to the current leaders of G20 group, they wrote that this initiative is a rare political opportunity. The Indian National Congress (INC)

The Crippled Dictator and other views
The Crippled Dictator and other views

In the 18th Lok Sabha, the opposition is strongest in our political history, with the INDIA (Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance) securing a record 234 seats. The BJP has a strength of 240, 32 short of the majority mark of 272. TDP and JDU together hold 28 seats and along with BJP’s other allies, NDA has formed the

Why Modi is PM and not the Leader of Opposition?
Why Modi is PM and not the Leader of Opposition?

Modi was set to lose 2024 like Vajpayee in 2004. Here’s what changed: If just 1 (one) out of the 66 people watching the government propaganda had changed their mind, the Supreme Leader would have been the Leader of Opposition today”. Yogendra Yadav, Shreyas Sardesai, and Rahul 

Inflation: This unannouced tax hits the poor hard
Inflation: This unannouced tax hits the poor hard

In earlier exclusives, I have dealt with two crucial issues: 1) Unemployment, especially youth unemployment due to which our youthful demographics is wasted. And 2) increasing inequalities of incomes and weath. To recap, the following pie-chart summerises the unemployment 

The State of Inequality in India
The State of Inequality in India

Inequalities in Incomes and wealth declined since independence due to the socialist policies adopted by successive Congress-led governments till mid-1980s. The land re-distribution laws enacted by the state governments, especially in the communist ruled states contributed most. In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

Jai Sri Ram and Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra
Jai Sri Ram and Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra

Given the political and highly contestable nature of the Ayodhya conflict, the 9th November 2019 unanimous verdict by a five-judge constitution bench expectedly continues to generate contrasting opinions. The bench had ruled that the entire 2.77 acres of..

Of Headline News Stories of past three months
Of Headline News Stories of past three months

After the hiatus of two months, I resume the series of exclusive articles. There wasn’t a dearth of news stories relevant to you. However, I must admit that my readers have been less than enthusiastic to express their views on these exclusives. Which, of course, affected my motivation

British Palestine during the 1920-1947 period
British Palestine during the 1920-1947 period

In April 1920, the World War-I Allies divided the former territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire. Syria and Lebanon went to France. Great Britain got Palestine. However, the Palestinian Arabs wanted an..

The emergence of Zionism and Eretz Israel
The emergence of Zionism and Eretz Israel

During the last decade of 19th century, a minority of Eastern European Jews rejected assimilation as minorities. Some others developed the modern European notion of nationalism. The emergence of nationalism deepened the Jewish existential crisis and Jews were forced to

Partition of Palestine, State of Israel and Nehru
Partition of Palestine, State of Israel and Nehru

In my previous article, I referred to Fred Jerome’s book “Einstein on Israel and Zionism”. I read it with my subscription to internet archive which gave me the accurate picture of Einstein as a human-being of very high moral calibre though irreligious. The full texts of Einstein’s letter to Nehru

The Jewish Homeland, Einstein and Nehru
The Jewish Homeland, Einstein and Nehru

Einstein was not an ardent supporter of Zionism, the Jewish Homeland project by the European Jews. He felt that the waves of arriving Jews could live alongside existing Arabs in Palestine. In 1938, he predicted that the Zionist project would be threatened by “fanatical Arab

Hamas-Israel war and India
Hamas-Israel war and India

The Hamas cross-border terrorist attack on Israel in the early hours of Saturday, the 7th October was unprecedented. Over 5,000 rockets were fired at Israeli cities, and villages. Under the cover of rocket fire, over 2,500 armed men poured into Southern Israel using either para-gliders or SUVs, trucks and motor-cycles. 

Why Indira Gandhi ordered Aizawl Bombing?
Why Indira Gandhi ordered Aizawl Bombing?

Speaking in the Parliament on 10th August 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out at the governance and policies of the Congress in the North-East. He recalled an episode from 1966 when the Indian Air Force (IAF) carried out an attack in Aizawl on the orders of Indira

The non-performing assets of banks
The non-performing assets of banks

I will begin this chapter on our banking system, with former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan. He demitted office on 4th September 2016, upon serving his tenure of three years. After Modi-led NDA government came into office on 26th May 2014, RSS hotheads and “loose cannon” BJP members began their tirade

A historical perspective of bank reforms
A historical perspective of bank reforms

During the virtual Rozgar Mela event on 24th July, PM Modi said that the previous UPA government “destroyed” the banking sector with scams. His government has restored its good financial health, with India now known for the sector’s strength. According to him, "phone banking" 

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