Dubai: ’Hello Deva’An unique Konkani Audio CD released in a glittering Ceremony
By Alphonse Mendonsa
Bellevision Media Network
Dubai, 28 Feb 2014: In a glittering Ceremony “ Hello Deva “ third audio CD of Arthur Pereira, Omjoor, a well-known konkani poet and Global Konkani Music Award Best lyricist nominee), was released in Dubai on Friday 28th February 2014 at the Namaste Hall of Holiday Inn.
The ceremony began with a grand welcome accorded by a well-known multi-talented, multi-lingualcompare/emcee of U.A.E.,RoshanD’Silva who introduced Arthur D’Souza to the audience in his wonderful poetic style and invoked God’s grace with a konkani hymn.
The prominent personalities who played great role in making of the CD Hello Deva were invited on the dais by Roshan namely: Walter Nandalike (Editor-in-chief; Daijiworld), Dayan D’Souza, Konkani Writer/Daijidubai; Joseph Mathias (Singer/Sponsor); James Mendonsa (Prominent Konkani Leader/Sponsor), Vincent Fernandes, Cascia (Singer, LaramaniTharam – Musical Troupe) along with Arthur Pereira and Allan Pereira (Convener of MAA Creations).
Arthur Pereira expressed his thanks for all the supporters, singers, musicians and sponsors for their whole hearted support in making of this unique CD. Allan Pereira felicitated all the guests on the dais.
The much awaited CD was released by one of the main sponsor James Mendonsa amidst all guests on dais. Vincent Fernandes and Prima Rodrigues rendered two melodious songs from the CD. Dayan D’Souza released beautiful song of the CD “ TunchCholtaiAshem” sung by well-known konkani singer RonyD’Cuna and presented in a Video Form; played on the large LCD Screen.
Walter Nandalike raised the toast and requested all to support Arthur towards his dedication to konkani language through organizing CDs and though this CD took much more than the expected due to unavoidable circumstances but requested Arthur to continue his mission. He said this is an unique CD and all the songs are beautifully sung by well-known artists and composed by famous lyricists including Arthur Pereira, Lloyd Rego and all should have a copy of this CD as a treasure of Konkani. He further said the tunes were arranged wonderfully by Vincent Fernandes. He had an important function to attend in Kuwait but he came to Dubai from India to attend Arthur’s CD because he liked it very well and heard it over and over again and enjoyed it listening and above all he wanted to support Arthur Pereira.
All songs are beautifully sung by all the artists. On the occasion the main supporters/music composers of the CD namely: Joseph Mathias, Vincent Fernandes, RavirajTantri and Arun Carlo were felicitated with a traditional shawl, flower bouquet and a CD of Hello Deva each.
Also felicitated on the occasion were all the main sponsors namely James Mendonsa, Joseph Mathias and artists, singers, supporters and media representatives were honoured with flower bouquets and a CD each.
Dayan D’Souza, James Mendonsa and Joseph Mathias spoke on the occasion and stressed on buying the original CDs and encourage artists like Arthur Pereira for their hard work and dedication and support them.
Hello Deva the title song is wonderfully sung by Joseph Mathias and it highlights atrocities created by men in the name of God and people take advantage of God to achieve their selfish goals rather than worship Him in true spirit and honesty.
Hello Deva is a third CD by Maa Creations which is a voluntary organization started to promote local languages and culture. “ Taram”, a konkani album was their maiden release. “PaniPaniBarsa” was second audio CD. Hello Deva being the third CD venture by MAA Creations brought together most popular and renowned talents in which three of them are Global Konkani Music Awardees. Allan Pereira, brother of Arthur Pereira is the convener of Maa Creations Mangalore.
Many popular konkani writers, singers and artists present during the two hour CD release ceremony.
All the attendees were served with sumptuous buffet.