Annual Eucharistic Procession and the Feast of Christ the King at Kallianpur
By Prof. Archibald Furtado
Pics by: Richard DSouza / Praveen Cutinho.
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/Kallianpur, 27 Nov: The annual procession of the Eucharistic celebration and the Feast of Christ the King took place at the Milagres Cathedral in Kallianpur, Udupi Catholic Diocesan Sunday, 26 November 2023. The leadership of the main Thanksgiving procession and the principal offering of the Feast of Christ the King were undertaken by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Bishop of Udupi Diocese...
Soon after the recitation of Holy Rosary at 3.30 pm, festal Holy Mass was celebrated. While breaking the word of God, in his homily, the Bishop, emphasized that the love we display should not merely be superficial but should be demonstrated through action, he elaborated the features of Christ’s Kingdom, which is quite different from earthly one. It belongs to poor, weak, the refugees, homeless and helpless as well as of all who are kind and helpful towards these unfortunate ones.
While continuing, he stressed the importance of embodying love, service, and building the kingdom of God through practical deeds. Drawing inspiration from the core principles of Christian doctrine, he urged believers not to hesitate in exhibiting forgiveness and compassion, much like Jesus, who sacrificed himself for the redemption of humankind. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of those brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me….”Mathew 25:40 summarise the way of true Christian life….
Following the sacred Thanksgiving High Mass, Rev. Fr. Cyril Lobo adorned the specially decorated vehicle carrying the Eucharist. The procession then traversed through the main streets of Kalllianpur, culminating at the grounds of Mount Rosary Church, Santhekatte, for an open-air prayer ceremony.
Simultaneously, the assistant pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, Rev. Fr. Leo Pereira, conducted the holy Bible reading during the ceremony. He highlighted the themes of unity, sacrifice, and forgiveness embedded in the essence of the Feast of Christ the King, emphasizing that true love should manifest itself in the way it is demonstrated towards others.
Participation in these events extended beyond Kallianpur, involving more than 3,000 devotees from 51 churches across the Udupi Diocese. Over 50 priests and more than 100 religious sisters actively engaged in the festivities, fostering a sense of community and religious harmony.
Furthermore, the Diocesan Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, along with Msgr Ferdinand Gonsalves, Vicar General, V. Rev Fr Roshan D’Souza, Chancellor, Vicar Vara’s of Five Deaneries, Mr Leslie Aroza, Secretary Diocesan PC and others announced the initiation of preparations for the celebration of the ‘Jubilee Christ the King Feast in 2025’. The electrifying announcement included plans for an yearlong celebration, utilizing modern technology to broadcast the proceedings to a broader audience, highlighting yearlong programmes, to include all sections of the community especially Youth and children.
Prominent figures present at the event included, V Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Rector of the Milagres Cathedral, Deans - Rev. Dr. Leslie D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Paul Rego, and Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes, all key religious leaders from different regions under the jurisdiction of Udupi Diocese, representing the deaneries of Kallianpur, Shirva, Karkala, Kundapur and Udupi.
Rev Fr Cyril Lobo, compeered the proceedings and V. Rev Dr Leslie C. D’Souza, Dean of Shirva Varado, proposed vote of thanks, highlighting the meticulous arrangements by Milagres Cathedral and concluding ceremony at Mount Rosary Church, Santhekatte – Kallianpur, ably led and supervised by Parish Priest Rev Dr. Roque DSouza and his vibrant team.
Members of ICYM, YCS of various parishes, volunteers, various pious organisations including Catholic Sabah, Stree Sanghatan, Alter servers actively involved in the organisation, deserve a word of appreciation.
The celebration of the Feast of Christ the King successfully brought together thousands of faithful, clergy, and religious leaders, promoting a sense of unity and spiritual camaraderie among the participants.
All were served with soft drinks and snacks as the well attended ceremonies concluded around 6.15 pm, as scheduled.