ICYM and YCS Siddakatte Celebrated Annual Day
News and Pics Tinnu Pinky Studio
Siddakatte, 16 February 2010: Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) and Young Catholic student of St Patrick church, Siddakatte celebrated their 39th and 19th annual day function at church grounds here on Sunday February 14.
Sri Nyzil Norhana president of Chithanya Foundation (R), Shi UdayShanker.H, Principal Govt. First Grade college Siddaktte, Sri Ronald Fernandes Vice President parish council Siddakatte, were the chief guests of the function. . Rev. Fr Valerian Dsouza presided over the programme.
Shi UdayShanker.h said that the ICYM youth are doing excellent job for the betterment of the society and he requested the youth to continue such kind of programs with same spirit and zeal.
Speaking on the occasion, Rev Fr valerian Dsouza said youth are doing great work for the parish hence we need to support and guide them properly.
In this occasion D r Sujatha Dcosta was felicitated for getting PhD Degree. ICYM member who got married During the year were honored for their service rendered to ICYM during their term.
Ex ICYM president Philip Menezes welcomed the gathering .ICYM president Praveen Cutinha proposed vote of thanks. Depthi, Reema and Jackson Compeered the program.
After the stage programme Konkani drama “Pittasi sovsaar” written by Jo.C Siddakatte and Tulu drama ‘Amrtha Malige’ written by Shri vasu Deva Lila were staged by ICYM members.
Anthashari Competition conducted By Mr Sachin Loyd Fernandes proprietor of Nightingales music and there had been ‘GATAH VHIBHAVA’ a collection of ancient house hold things exhibition competition also held during the event .
For more news and picks please visit www.siddakatte.com

Comments on this Article | |
Suraj, Belle | Thu, February-18-2010, 4:58 |
Hence I request our correspondent and parents to give serious thought on it and give then moral support, Guide them in proper directions for betterment of their own future and the parish. They are the pillars and future of Belle. I have served ICYM many years actively during my young days and today I know the Value of ICYM. With my experience and seeing the present condition of ICYM this is just my piece of advice and take it in Positive spirit. God bless you all. | |
Suraj, Belle | Thu, February-18-2010, 4:57 |
I am glad to see young talented youths and their activities in Siddakatte Church . Thank you Tinnu Pinky Studio for your report. As per my knowledge Siddakatte is small parish comparing to Belle Parish. Even though ICYM members of Siddakatte conducted such a good program and it is admirable. I am showing my concern about our Young youths of Moodubelle. Their involvements in Church activities are very limited unlike before. I was there during my last vacation in December. They collect good amount if money on Christmas cake auction like every year they do. After then they had musical night and which was also not up to the standard and expectations. I am also disappointed to notice the involvement of ICYM Moodubelle during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of high school. I think they are missing Golden opportunities of their life. May be they require more motivation from the Parish or from their Parents. We can not blame President or committee members because good president alone can not make miracles unless he/She gets support and commitment from their teammates. Belle Church has got very well talented youths. | |
Anitha, Siddakatte Dubai | Tue, February-16-2010, 9:50 |
Congratulations Dr Sujatha..! And All ICYM youth for organizing competition of traditional age-old household accessories including agricultural tools etc of native Konkans... nice to see all those collection |