India Catholic Youth Movement Mangalore diocese -Diaference 2010
Photos and report by Roshan Madtha
Bantwal, 08 February 2010: DIAFERENCE Diocesan Annual Youth Conference was Program was held today at Bantwal (Modankap ) Church Grounds “Youth for Peace and Harmony” was the theme for this Event.
DIAFERENCE Program well known among Catholics youth of Mangalore Diocese. This Program was Witnessing Unity and a Great Experience in Mangalore youth.
Around 1200 youth gathered at Church Grounds today Most Rev Dr Henry Souza (KRYC chairman Bishop of Bellary) was the Presiding the function and Mr. Walter Stephen Mendes (MD western Institute of Technology) and Guest of Honor Rev Fr Roque D’sa (Vicar Var Bantwal deanery) Ref Fr Peter Paul Saldanha (Prof St Joseph seminary).
In Presidential Address Bishop said Every human should have their own Identity in this Society and each should respect others Identity whenever there is a attack on identity everyone will get hurt In today’s world we have build walls among us these walls have created a lot of pain with us every catholic youth should try to destroy these walls and Role model to others If we have Peace in our hearth there Harmony will come in our family.
ICYM President Mr Leo Welcomed the gathering and Vice President Veena thanked all
After the Inaugural Program Rev Fr Peter Paul Addressed the youth on Peace and Harmony.

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Praveen Crasta, Abudhabi/Siddakatte | Wed, February-10-2010, 8:26 |
Beautiful program conducted by our I.C.Y.M (diocese of Mangalore).This is great opportunity to all join together and showing our unity . so I congrats to all and I wish this type of program going well in future also | |
Monica Saldhana, Mangalore | Tue, February-9-2010, 1:30 |
nice to see youth in large number unity is required in current situation ..and leader should guide them properly and positive ways |