Atidonji Dina observed in Padubelle
Report by Eugene Moodubelle
Pictures by Ideal Studio
Bellevision Media Network
Padubelle, 13 August 2010: Under the auspices of Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rurl Development Programme (SKDRDP) , Kaup Zone and Jnana Vikasa Mahila Sangha, Kaup Zone jointly celebrated Atidonji Dhina recently at Zilla Panchayat Higher Primary school, Padubelle. The programme was inaugurated by Kum. Sujatha Coordinator of Jnanavikasa, Udupi Taluk. The programme was presided over by Devdas Hebbar, president of Janajagruti Manch, Udupi Taluk. Subhash,president of Pragatibandhu Self Help Group, Kaup Zone and Prashant , Supervisor of SKDRDP were the guess of honour. K.L Kundanthaya , journalist and research scholar in folk culture was the resource person for the programme.
In his speech, K.L Kundanthaya said that the importances of Ati celebrations have been gradually disappearing because of people are slowly giving up agriculture. However, in those families where agriculture is still continued the Ati celebrations have survived. Under these circumstances he appreciated the work done by SKDRDP in promoting agriculture in villages where people have been neglecting the same. He highlighted some of the customs during the month of Ati such as daughter-in-laws going to their parental house, consuming the juice of the bark of the Paale mara on the new moon day of the month of Ati (Ati Amavasye), preparing and consuming typical dishes specially prepared during the rainy season.
In his presidential address, Devdas Hebbar said that in the past during the month of Ati there used to be continuous heavy rain which caused people to mostly remain inside their homes. In order to pass time the family members used to play various indoor games such as chennamane, pokku, etc. They also used to prepare hot eatables. As the earth used to be continuously wet, there was always danger of disease producing bacteria multiplying. In order to prevent diseases people used to consume food items, chutneys, and kashayas having medicinal value.
Women participants in the programme had brought various eatables and vegetable dishes usually prepared during the month of Ati such as pathrade, uppad pachhir, pundi-gatti, different types of jackfruit preparations, different verities of chutneys such as timara, kashayas, etc. Those who attended the programme relished these different types of items. The cultural programme included singing, dances and skits.
The programme was compeered by Ganesh Aroor, social worker of SKDRDP, Moodubelle. Kum. Prema welcomed the guests and participants and Pramila proposed the vote of thanks.