M’lore Bishop persuades government to recognize Catholic Youth
By Fr Francis Rodrigues, Raknno
Mangalore, 23 Sep 2012: Bishop of Mangalore Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza made an emphatic appeal to National Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry to recognize the Catholic youth of India and to make sufficient use of the Catholic youth force of India.
He was speaking today September 23rd at Bishop’s House to Saleem Mohammad, the National Director General of Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) that takes care of the youth across the nation under the guidance of National Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry.
‘The Catholic youth power of India is recognized by number of youth bodies across the world but they are still strangers in the Indian national youth affairs ministry’ the prelate alleged. ‘Avail the strong active youth force of the Catholic Church for your programmes’ he said.
‘There are more than one million active Catholic youth across the nation but we are not made a part of the secular national youth force’ said Fr Alwyn D’Souza former national Catholic youth director of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India.
Three pressing requests were placed before the NYK – for government recognition of the registered body of Youth Active Foundation of the Catholic youth of India, to incorporate the Catholic youth in the youth policy making proceedings of the government of India and to support with resources the society oriented programmes organized by the Catholic youth across the nation.
Saleem Mohammad assured to respond positively to the youth oriented demands of the Catholic Church and invited Catholic youth to the national youth festival to be held in November this year. ‘I am very much pleased to know the great Catholic youth force and the vibrant involvement it has in the youth oriented programmes’ said Saleem.
Out of the 122 crore population of India, 49.2 crores (41%) are below 30 years of age.
According to Saleem Mohammad 623 NYK units have been registered in 623 districts across the nation. Diocesan PRO Fr William Menezes, South Kanara District NYK coordinator Cecil J. F. D’Souza, Ivan D’Souza, Stany Alvares, Denis D’Silva, Naveen D’Souza, Nazir Bajal, Sudhir T.K., Kripa Alva, Tejaswi Raj and others were present on the occasion.