Mangalore: Rachana organizes lecture on ‘Understanding Urological Problems’
By John V. Tauro, Mangalore
Bellevision Media Network
Mangalore, 20 Febraury 2012: The Catholic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RACHANA) organised a lecture by Dr. G.G. Laxman Prabhu , Consultant Urologist, Mangalore, on ‘Understanding Urological Problems’ on Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 7pm at La Oasis Roof Garden, Pio Mall, Bejai, Mangalore.
In his lecture, Dr. Prabhu pointed out various problems faced by both men and women and what kind of precaution to be taken to prevent various kinds of urological problems such as Prostrate Cancer. He also highlighted the importance of kidneys and their functioning as well as that of bladder. Dr. Prabhu highlighted the importance of the water and climate in maintaining health.
President of Rachana, Marcel Monteiro welcomed the gathering, Captain John Prasad Menezes introduced Dr. Prabhu and Raymond D’Cunha, Secretary of Rachana proposed the vote of thanks.