Rotary Brahmmavara distributes coupons of subsidies to deserving Dialysis patients
By Prof. Archibald Furtado
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/Brahmavara, 09 Feb 2024: Rotary Brahmmavara distributed coupons of subsidies to deserving Dialysis patients, sponsored by The Rotary, Catholic Sabah and NTN Bearings…
A simple but unique program was held on 7th February, 2024, at the auspices’ of ‘Rotary Brahmmavar Golden Jubilee Dialysis Centre’ offering their best medical help at Kamal A Baliga Medical Centre, Haradi, Brahmmavara, to handover the monetary contributions for the month of February, 2024.
The main sponsors were the Catholic Sabah, Udupi Diocese along with its Shasakth Samuday Seva Trust and NTN Bearing India Private Limited. The short stage programme was held at Rotary Building at 10.30 am was presided over by the Rotary President.
Good numbers of needy dialysis patients were present and coupons were handed over to them and their caretakers. On this occasion Diocesan CS President Mr Santhosh Carnelio handed over the cheque to the Rotary. As a token of respect and gratitude Rotary Officials honoured Catholic Sabah President with draping of traditional shawl and memento.
Among the various Rotary Members, Doctors, other Medical staff and social workers, Trustees of SSS Trust, President and office bearers of CS Kallianpur Varado were present on this occasion to demonstrate their encouragement to yeomen service by Rotary Brahmmavara to economically poor and vulnerable who are suffering in the society.
Earlier SSS Trustee Mr Walter Cyril Pinto welcomed and briefed about the program and to conclude the same thanked all who contributed in various ways.