Horekanike and Interreligious Harmony Convention marks the commencement of Golden Jubilee Celebratio
By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/Pamboor, 16 Dec 2017: Horekanike processions and Interreligious Harmony Convention marked the commencement of eight days long Golden Jubilee Celebration of the newly renovated Holy Cross Church, Pamboor on Saturday, 16 December 2017.
The Horekanike from different Wards of thePamboor Parish was held earlier from around 3 pm in which the parishioners participated in large numbers bringing different items from coconuts, varieties of vegetables, rice and different types of masalas.
The mother parishes of Pamboor, St. Lawrence Parish, Moodubelle and Our Lady of Health Parish, Shirva and the neighbouring Parish of St. John the Evangelist brought their horekanikes from 4 pm onwards.
Parishioners from Moodubelle assembled at Manasa at 3.50 pm and proceeded towards the church with banner accompanied by the brass band of Pamboor Church. While men in white dhoti and white shirt carried the items, women in uniform sarees carried various items including vegetables on their heads as well as hands. The horekanike from Moodubelle was led by Fr. Lawrence Cutinha, Asssitant Parish Priest of Moodubelle, Vincent Fernandes-Vice President and Mrs. Latha D’Mello-Secretary of Parish pastoral Council. A large number of men and women representing Moodubelle parish participated in the colourful horekanike procession.
The parishioners of Pamboor along with Fr. Paul Rego-Parish Priest, Prakash Noronha-Vice President of Parish pastoral Council, Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza-Secretary, Mrs. Shanti Nazareth-Convner of 18 Commissions and Dr. Vincent Alva-Convener of Jubilee Celebration and most of the parishioners were present in front of the church to receive the horekanike.
Two women with traditional jaggery and water greeted the horekanike processionists from Moodubelle. Fr. Paul Rego greeted Fr. Lawrence Cutinha by offering him shawl and garland. Praksh Noronha welcomed his counterpart from Moodubelle, Vincent Fernandes so also Mrs. Latha D’Mello was greeted by Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza-Secretary of Pamboor Parish pastoral Council.
After depositing horekanike items in the hall, the parishioners from Moodubelle were served snacks and tea in the parish hall.
The horekanike procession from St. John the Evangelist Church, Shankeerpura was led by Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves, Parish priest and Vice President and Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council. They were greeted and welcomed by Fr. Paul Rego, Prakash Noronha and Mrs. Asuntha D’Soua respectively.
Parishioners from Our Lady of Health Church, Shirva came in procession from BC Road Junction. The procession was accompanied by Nashik Band and dancing dolls. The procession was led by Fr. Stany Tauro, Parish priest of Shirva and Dean of Shirva Deanery and Assistant Parish Priest. They were also greeted ceremonially by Fr. Paul Rego, Prakash Noronha and Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza.
It was heartening to witness the horekanike offered by Hindu brothers and sisters. The Horekanike from Shree Mahalingeshwara Temple, Padubelle was led by Harish Shetty-Vice President of Belle Grama Panchayat, Subramania Shetty, Vasanth Shetty, Bhaskar Shetty, Vishwanath Shetty and others. The noteworthy feature of the horekanike was that the items were brought in a traditional manner on bullock-cart. The leaders were honoured by Fr. Paul rego, Prakash Noronha and Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza.
Other local horekanike included from Yuva Spoorthi Yuvaka Mandala, Padubelle, Milk Producers Association of Panjimar, Bantakall Residents and Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Village Development Programme volunteers. They were also honoured by Fr. Paul Rego, Prakash Noronha and Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza by offering shawls and garlands.
Fr. Paul Rego also felicitated the police officials from Shirva Police Station for their service.
The second important programme of the day was Interreligious Harmony Convention that was held from 5 pm to 6.30 pm. The Convention was presided over by Fr. Paul Rego. The other dignitaries on the dais included- Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca-Parish Priest Of Mother Of Sorrows Church, Udupi and Chancellor of Udupi Diocese, Dr. Hayavadana Moodusagri-Associate Professor, Bhandarkar College, Kundapur, Fr. Louis D’Sa-Director, Interreligious Harmony Commission, Diocese of Udupi, Harish Shetty-Vice President of Belle Grama Panchayat, Soori Shetty-Udupi District Rajyotsava Awardee for Social Work, Kaup, Prakash Noronha-Vice President of Parish Pastoral Council, Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza-Secretary and Mrs. Shanti Nzareth-Convener of 18 Commissions.
Following the welcome address by Praksh Noronha, Dr. Hayavadana Moodusagri delivered the Harmony Message. Highlighting the need to have religious and social harmony, Dr. Moodusagri said that he has friends from different religious, linguistic and cultural background and none of these had come in the way he interacted with them. There are differences in practically every aspect of human life. But these should not create contradictions but tolerance and harmony. Dr. Moodusagri referred to the life and service of Mother Teresa and said that love of humanity and service are the best ways of worshipping God. Every human being has similar type of feelings. These feelings along with spiritual enlightenment should make everyone a better human being.
Soori Shetty, a well-known social worker who has been known for his selfless service of doing the last rites of those who lose life in accident or unfortunate circumstances such as drowning or suicide and Udupi District Rajyotsava Awardee was honoured by Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca and other dignitaries on the dais. During the last 25 years Soori Shetty had helped over 1000 victims in their last rites. He has donated blood 46 times and continues to do this good work.
Mrs. Asuntha D’Souza read the citation of Soori Shetty.
In his reply to the honour, Soori Shetty said that though he did not have much formal education, he had determination to do good in life. He complimented the police for helping him to carry out this good work. He asked the youth to be careful in choosing their friends and be friendly with their parents and look after them. He cautioned them about rash driving which might result in accidents, thus losing precious lives.
Rev. Fr. Valerian Mendonca complimented Soori Shetty for his unique and praiseworthy social service and wished him well. Speaking about Interreligious Harmony, Rev. Fr. Valerian referred to the famous speech of Swami Vivekanada at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, USA on 11 September 1893, where he addressed the gathering with the words, “My Sisters and Brothers of America…” which caused such an excitement with the people that they gave standing ovation to him. He said that the humanity is like a large family all belonging to the same God. Like Swami Vivekananda when we see sister and brother in every other human being, then peace and harmony would prevail everywhere. Mahatma Gandhi was very much influenced by the teachings of Jesus Christ, especially His Sermon on the Mount which inspired him to coin the terms such as Truth and Non-violence with which he could lead the freedom struggle against the British. Rev. Fr. Valerian said that while he was in college, his close friends were a Hindu and a Muslim and they were never aware of the differences between them because of religion.
Fr. Louis D’Sa emphasized on the principles of love and compassion as the means to solve many problems of the society. Jesus had taught the humanity to love one another and render service to fellow human beings.
Harish Shetty in his message said that tolerance and harmony should be imbibed among the individuals and religion should show the path of tolerance and harmony.
In his presidential address, Fr. Paul Rego expressed happiness at witnessing the significant horekanike which was a new experience to him. He also wanted to know more about the social work of Soori Shetty and promised to visit his residence to learn about his selfless service. He further said that Pamboor is surrounded by localities which are known for social and religious harmony.
Vice President of Parish pastoral Council, Prakash Noronha gave away mementos to all the guests on the dais.
Mrs. Shanthi Nazareth proposed the vote of thanks and Mrs. Anitha D’Silva compeered the programme.
As the convener of the Jubilee Celebration, Dr. Vincent Alva supervised all the arrangements associated with the horkanike and Interreligious Harmony Convention with excellent time management.
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Holy Cross Parish, Pamboor at threshold of golden jubilee celebration

Comments on this Article | |
Ronald Sabi, Moodubelle | Sun, December-17-2017, 4:15 |
Thanks Dr. Eugene for the wonderful coverage of the event. Thats the mighty unity exhibited by surrounding parishioners and villagers immaterial of religion! Good heart and harmony among our DK people says it all! May God bless all of us. |