5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss
It’s better to use natural products to stop hairfall than to go in for expensive parlour treatments, that may not help the problem. Try the following easy tips at home and see

Tips to fight obesity and lose weight
Obesity is one of the most serious risk factors and medical conditions behind most lifestyle diseases today; it is eating into the young and old alike.

A garlic a day for good health
Add a couple of cloves of garlic to your diet to boost your immunity. Garlic with its antiviral and antibacterial properties helps boost your immunity and keeps you looking

Black tea good for diabetics
People who drink black tea are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, according to researchers. A new analysis of data from 50 countries found that the nations who

The goodness of coconut water
Coconut water has many health benefits and one of them is losing weight quickly. Yes, you heard that right. Thus ’nut’ is packed with anti-aging properties and has

Hot food in plastic plates cause kidney stones
Plastic plates are a favourite of parents and picnic-goers the world over, but new research suggests that eating hot meals on melamine crockery could actually be harmful

Cleanse your body with healthy foods
One of the best things you can do is to eat foods that are kind to your body — foods that are packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals that give you everything you need

3 min of exercise a week makes you fit
You don’t need to spend hours every week slogging in the gym anymore because just a few 30-second bursts of intense exercise, amounting to only three minutes a week

A-Z of superfoods for weight loss
Take inspiration from this list of nutritious and delicious superfree foods and watch the pounds drop off without sacrificing on taste.

4 Reasons why you shouldn’t eat bread
Whether its sandwiches or subs, a lot of us love eating bread and do so, on a daily basis. But it isn’t exactly the most healthy foods that there are. Here’s why you should

10 ways to deal with knee pain
Knees are the most commonly injured joints in the body and the pain is among the most excruciating ones. They are throbbing inflammations and cause stiffness of the

Scientists crack insulin mystery, may see end of needles
In a major breakthrough that could help millions of diabetics, Australian researchers have solved a 20-year mystery that could which could

What is the difference between cholesterol and fat?
To a lay person, both the terms - cholesterol and fat - seem alike and often interchangeable. It is important to know the

Health benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Everyone is familiar with amla or the Indian gooseberry, it is used in a variety of products like sweets, jams, powder, pickles, while some simply like to pluck and

Foods that help burn fat
Forget fancy diets, the top flab busters can be found in your own kitchen. Summer is here and if you have been feeling wistful over not being able to wear your bikini, it’s