Bangalore : Fourth centenary celebrations of the Camillian presence in India.
By Simon Lasrado
Bellevision Media Network
Bangalore, 23 Jul 2013: Hundred and twenty children living with HIV/AIDS at Snehadan held centre stage on 21st, July, Sunday at a programme to launch the fourth centenary celebrations of the Camillian presence in India. The order of the ministers of infirm, more usually known as the Camillians was found by an extraordinary man named Camillus. His ceaseless passion to serve all type of sick brethren in times wide spread epidemic, and contagious diseases derived as the reason and model of health care to every Camillian in India.
The celebrations were launched by Fr. Baby Illickal, Vicar Provincial, Camillians in India, while Most Rev Bishop Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore, delivered the keynote address. He emphasized on the aspect of both physical and spiritual healing of the sick brothers. Camillians in India have been instrumental in spreading quality care to the sick and suffering throughout India. He appreciated all Camillian brothers and sisters for their commitment towards the healing ministry. Other dignitaries on the dice were Fr Xavier, the superior general of Rosarians, Mrs. Aida D’cunha, the president, Konkan Federation, Sr. Alphonsa, SDP regional superior, Sr Anila, the superior DSC, Mother Juliana, the Superior General of the ministers of St Camillus.
Apart from Snehadaan, where the Camillian fathers provide inpatient and outpatient service to HIV/AIDS patients, counselling services to patients and families and offering quality care to terminally ill patients, the order has been doing sterling work in Karnataka through various programmes.
Kolar Camp yet another highlight of our HIV care program has been monitoring health, nutrition, education, mental and psycho-social levels of children since 2010. Through family integration, we identify the primary and secondary care giver for each child.
Rainbow Summer Camp meant to acclimatise the children with their school environment after the holidays. It aims to make them emotionally stable through fun and entertainment, check with their health conditions, and get them back into the normal life.
Starry night has been creating an opportunity to showcase their talents on a larger platform, to boost their confidence and creativity.
Champion in me is a yearly event meant to gather all the CLHIV of Karnataka under one umbrella to showcase their talents in arts and sports.