Manipal: DST-sponsored Initiatives for Aspiring Students at INSPIRE 2013
By Snehalatha, Udupi
Bellevision Media Network
Manipal, 01 June 2013: The Govt. of India through its Department of Science and Technology (DST) is sponsoring various scholarships and assistance for youngsters between 10 and 32 years of age to pursue and excel in various fields of science. A detailed list of the various programs available was presented by Dr. A Mukhopadhyay of DST (Advisor, SERC Division) during the valedictory function of INSPIRE 2013 at the Fortune Inn Valley View today, conducted by the School of Life Sciences (SOLS) of Manipal University. While providing details of the various programs and assistance that the DST was providing to students from their high school till the completion of their PhD, Dr. Mukhopadhyay expressed hope that in the coming years the fruits of these incentives could be realized as the benefactors start working on progress and development in the country. He was addressing more than 170 school toppers of Classes X and XI pursuing science and who were participating in the five-day program to instil scientific temper among youngsters. During this time, they listened to and interacted with mentors from various fields of basic and advanced sciences, while also learning through demonstrations and educational visits.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Vinod Bhat (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Manipal University) stressed the importance of following up the initiatives of Govt. of India through such programs and wished the participants the best in their careers. He also thanked the DST for the various initiatives, which have been beneficial to students of Manipal University as well. Earlier, Dr. BS Satish Rao (Professor, SOLS) welcomed the gathering that included various heads of institutions of Manipal University. Dr. K. Satyamoorthy, Director of Life Sciences and coordinator of the program, along with the other dignitaries distributed the prizes held for various competitions to the INSPIRE participants. Two of the participants gave their feedback on the 5-day program. Dr. Herman D’Souza (Associate Professor, SOLS) delivered the vote of thanks.
The residential program is an initiative of the Govt. of India to attract the best young minds from schools towards science and research, through a series of lectures, demonstrations and laboratory exercises in basic sciences from eminent scientists and speakers, sponsored by DST, Govt. of India and Manipal University, Manipal.