Udupi: Youth Against Corruption (YAC) conducted protest
By Snehalatha, Udupi
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 19 October 2011: Youth Against Corruption (YAC) conducted protest against the corruption in front of Deputy commissioner’s office, urging strong action against corrupt ministers in the central government and state government and they symbolically burnt the effigy of central minister P. Chidambaram. Later they submitted the petition to the President through the Deputy Commissioner.
Speaking on the occasion YAC association Secretary Chetan said that, the black money of the politicians and bureaucrats which is in the foreign banks has to be declared as the national wealth. That money has to be brought back to India and to be utilized for the development of the country. On this issue YAC is conducting the protest nationwide on Tuesday at more than 2000 locations, he said.
Already some ministers from the centre and state are in jail for 2G, commonwealth, mine and land cases. There are corruption accusation on some more ministers such as Chidambaram. All of them should be sent to the jail, they urged.
Prior to the protest AYC activists conducted the protest procession in the city. On behalf of the Deputy Commissioner, Kumar from DC office received the petition. The protest was led by AYC Convener Deviprasad Shetty and other office bearers; Ranjit, Rohit, Bryan, Prashant, Tanujesh and others. Students of St. Mary’s ITI Udupi also had participated in this protest.

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Benedict Noronha, Udupi /Abudhabi | Sat, October-22-2011, 10:05 |
A very good movement by the youth of Udupi. They have burnt the affigy of the corrupt leaders symbo lically. Do they mean that the inner urge of giving up bribe at all times? The effigy represents thier urge to not to give bribe and to fight corrption, the protest has real mmeaning. Otherwise the leaders covered in the programme have , to my knowledge, lables of corruption, and the programme is to get for them media coverage? If this is not true and the protest is of true reflections I eartily congratulate the youth for their unique protest to draw the attention of the corrupt leaders so that the society will draw some relief from Udupirevenue authorities.Any way , good spirits, keep it up. |