Adoration, Solemn Mass and YCS Programme Marks the New Year Celebration in St Lawrence Church, Moodu
By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/M’Belle, 01 Jan 2025: Adoration, solemn feast Mass and YCS Progamme marked the New Year Celebration in St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle on Tuesday, 31 December 2024. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament commenced at 06.30 pm conducted by Fr. Rikson Monteiro, Assistant Parish Priest of Moodubelle. It was the occasion to thank God for the past year 2024 and to look forward to better future in the coming year 2025. Fr. George D’Souza-Parish Priest of Moodubelle conferred the blessing of the Blessed Sacrament on the parishioners who had gathered in the Church in large numbers.
The solemn Mass celebrating the Feast of ‘Mary the Mother of God’ was concelebrated by Fr. Rikson Monteiro as the chief celebrant along with Fr. George D’Souza, Fr. Gregory D’Souza, Fr. Charles Furtado (OFM Cap), Fr. Edwin Monis (OFM Cap) and Fr. Lawrence Rodrigues (OFM Cap) from the Assisi Nilaya.
In his homily, Fr. Rikson Monteiro highlighted the importance of the Feast of the Mary Mother of God’. He stressed on the theme of ‘Let us walk holding the hand of Mary and seek the blessings of God’. In 431 A.D., the Council of Ephesus affirmed that Mary was in fact privileged with the title “Mother of God”: that she was not merely the mother of Jesus’ human nature, but mother of the whole Person of Jesus Christ. Fr. Rikson said that we should give a special place for Mother Mary in our lives as she is the mediator between Jesus and ourselves. In the new year we should dedicate our families to Mother Mary.
The Solemn Feast Mass was animated by the YCS members.
At the end of the Mass, Fr. George D’Souza conveyed the greetings of the New Year to all parishioners.
Following the Mass, parishioners gathered in front of the church for a programme organized by the YCS members of the parish who presented dances, skit, auctioning of the cake and the game of housie. While the YCS members presented the dance and skit, Maxim D’Sa and Nevil D’Souza conducted the auctioning of the cake which was claimed by Pritish Burton-Vice President of the PPC and the game of Housie.
The donors and sponsors of the programme were honoured by Fr. George D’Souza and Fr. Rikson Monteiro.
The YCS programme of the day was directed by Fr. Rikson Monteiro and Animators Dr. Judith Lobo and Ms. Nikitha Rebello and supported by the youth Coordinator Valerian Noronha.
The YCS memebrs Melson Mathias, Jesvita Sequeira, Malcon Aranha and Rishal Mascarenhas compered the programme. Herwin Meenzes, Jane Alva and Hezel D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks.