Devotion and fervour marks the Christmas Celebration in St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle
By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/M’Belle, 24 Deccember 2024: Devotion and fervour marked the celebration of Christmas in St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 at 6.30 pm with the singing of Christmas Carols by the Choir of the Parish. The melodious Carols beautifully sung by the Choir members initiated the the festive spirit of the Christams celebration.
The solemn Christmas Mass began at 7 pm with the procession of Altar Servers, ICYM members animating the liturgy and five priests. Fr. George D’Souza, Parish Priest of Mooddubelle was the chief celebrant of the solemn Christmas Mass. Other concelebrants included Fr. Rikson Monteiro-Assistant Parish Priest, Fr. Charles Furtado (OFM Cap) from Assisi Nilaya and Fr. Gregory D’Souza and Fr. Castelino, both natives of Moodubelle.
As the Gloria was sung by the choir, the chief celebrant unveiled the statue of Infant Jesus and incensed signifying the birth of Jesus Christ.
In his homily, Fr. George D’Souza highlighted the importance of the feast of Christmas. He said that ‘Divine became human so that the human could be raised to the Divinity’. He explained the prophecy of Prophet Isaiah regarding the birth of Jesus Christ. Fr. George D’Souza stressed on the fact that as humans we should be sensitive and responsive to human sufferings and misery, may be in our own family, neighbourhood or elsewhere. He made an appeal to the parishioners to make our hearts as th4e cradle for the birth of baby Jesus by having a sensitive and responsive heart to human misery and sufferings..
The liturgy of the Solemn Christmas Mass was animated by the members of the ICYM which had just completed fifty years of its existence in the parish.
At the end of the Mass, Fr. George D’Souza, Parish Priest of St. Lawrence Church, Moodubelle conveyed the greetings of Christmas to all the parishioners living in Moodubelle as well as in other parts of India and abroad. He thanked the concelebrant priests, the choir and all those who had helped in the celebration of Christmas.
The veneration of the Baby Jesus was conducted in a disciplined manner.
The church building as well as the premises were illuminated for the Christmas festivities with colourful lights and Christmas Stars.
The Christmas Crib assembled by the ICYM members under the guidance of Valerian Noronha, Convener of the Youth Commission is one of the chief attractions of the Christmas celebration.
Following the solemn Christmas Mass, parishioners exchanged greetings with their family members, friends and acquaintances. Thereafter, they gathered in front of the portico of the church where cake and hot coffee sponsored by Henry Fernandes-member of the Finance Committee was served to all.
The ICYM members performed a flash dance, conducted various games and housie to entertain the gathering on the occasion of the celebration of the Christmas. A beautiful cake was auctioned on this occasion which was claimed by Valerian and Dr. Judith Lobo.
Following the auctioning of the beautifully decorated Cake the game of Housie-Housie was conducted and prizes were given away.
Maxim D’Sa and Nevill D’Souza anchored the programme.