Diocese of Shimoga celebrated National Youth Sunday- 2024
By Fr. Franklin DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Shivamogga, August 12, 2024; Diocese of Shimoga celebrated National Youth Sunday on August 11th at St. Anthony’s Shrine, Karehalli, Bhadravati, Shivamogga. On this occasion, a program was organized at the Carmel Deanary in the Diocese of Shimoga, under the guidance of of Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza, Diocesan Youth Director, Rev. Fr Christu Raj SDB, Carmel Deanery Youth Director and Rev. Fr Santhosh Almeida, Parish Priest of St. Anthony shrine, Karehalli.
The program began with Holy Eucharist at 9am led by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga. Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza, Diocesan Youth Director welcomed Bishop Francis Serrao SJ on behalf of the Youth.
Bishop preached on "Jesus is the bread of Life". We the people of God follow the teaching of Lord Jesus and inculcate values of the Gospel. He gave examples from Luke 16:19-31 and Luke 22: 37-40. We are people who seek heaven by looking at God. He specially prayed for the Youth as CCBI Youth Commission invited Indian Catholic Church to celebrate National Youth Sunday.
End of the Holy Eucharist Parish Priest Rev. Fr Christu Raj SDB, Carmel Deanery Youth Director, thanked Bishop for inaugurating National Youth Sunday with Holy Eucharist and praying for the youth.
Bishop felicitated Youth Ms. Benita from St. Anthony’s Church, Karehalli as she secured 8th Rank in MBA. He also honoured child Benita for mentioning all the 73 books of Holy Bible biheart. Parish Priest Fr Santhosh Almeida thanked Bishop.
As Bishop Francis Serrao SJ celebrates his birthday on August 15th. Youth wished Bishop and Fr Franklin D’Souza led special prayer for the Bishop and for the Diocese.
After the Holy Eucharist, Carmel Deanery Youth President Mr. Vijay Antony led Holy Cross in the procession to thd programme hall. Cross was erected in the Hall. Every Youth tied the white tape symbolising peace and blessings on each one of them.
Mr. Anthony Nikhil, Fr Christu Raj SDB and the team led the animation.
The Stage program began at 11am the chief guests of this programme were Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza,Youth Director of Diocese of Shimoga, Rev. Fr Christu Raj SDB, Youth Director of Carmel Deanery, Rev. Fr. Santosh Almeida, Parish Priest St. Anthony Shrine, Karehalli, Sr. Jayanti, Carmel Deanery Lady Animator, Karehalli, Ms. Priya Maria D’Souza, ICYM Diocesan Youth President, Ms. Jesvita D’Souza, YCS/YSM Regional President, Mr. Vijay Antony, Carmel Deanery Youth President and Ms. Smitha, ICYM President of Karehalli.
Fr Franklin D’Souza spoke on "Qualities of a leader". He said that a leader should be a role model like Lord Jesus. He explained each alphabet of the letter leader saying that; Loving, Encouraging, Able, Discipline, Enthusiastic and Reliable. He invited young leaders to defeat negativity and go ahead with positive mind.
Fr Christu Raj SDB spoke on "How to build Youth groups in the Parishes". He explained its advantages and why Youth need to be organised in our Parishes, Deanery and in the Diocese.
Fr Santhosh Almeida spoke on "Advantages and Disadvantages of social networks". He systematically explained in the language of the youth about Social media. He said we shouldn’t be used but we should integrate social media in Youth life.
Diocesan Youth President Ms. Priya Maria D’Souza spoke on "Importance of Youth gathering and it’s advantages ". She congratulated Youth for gathering in a big number to celebrate the National Youth Sunday.
At 12pm Resource persons; Madam Bridgit Varghese from Shivamogga shared her experiences and offered suggestions on how to utilize the available facilities in Minority Department and plan for future Career Guidance. Then Mr. Bertin Edward Mendonsa from Bangalore, spoke on Opportunities for the youth in the IT field.
After the Lunch at 2pm, ICYM President Ms. Maria Priya D’Souza and YCS/YSM Regional President Ms. Jesvita D’Souza and team led the animation. Fr Christu Raj SDB led the games for the youth and Fr Franklin D’Souza distributed the prizes for the winners.
Then Youth shared their testimonies and experiences on how the ICYM & YCS/YSM Youth movement has helped them to be more active and vibrant by defeating fear complex and overcoming the stage fear in their lives. It was a eye-opening and motivating session.
The day concluded with a soulful Adoration led by Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza, Youth Director of Shimoga Diocese. He spoke on the theme Isaiah 40:31 and invited Youth to love Lord Jesus Christ and follow his path truthfully and willfully. He led the youth in to Repentance and he led the healing session by praying for the youth.
Carmel Deanery Vice President Ms. Lenny Desa compered the Program. Carmel Deanery Program Coordinator Mr. Gagan Raj proposed vote of thanks.
Carmel Deanery Executive Committee members; Mr. Rohan D’Souza, Ms. Aishwarya, Mr. Ronald D’Souza, Mr. Amith Lobo together with the team worked tirelessly for the success of the convention.
100 Youth leaders from 15 Parishes took part in the Celebration of National Youth Sunday.