Prison Ministry Volunteers’ Orientation held at Diocese of Shimoga
By Fr. Franklin DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Shivamogga, August 12,2024: The Prison Ministry volunteers’ orientation program was held at Sannidhi on August 11th. Progeamme began with an invocation to the Holy Spirit, followed by a Gospel reading and a short reflection.
Rev. Fr. Simon Pinto, the coordinator of all Commissions of the Diocese of Shimoga, delivered an inspiring talk on the Prison Ministry in light of Biblical perspective. He referred to various biblical figures and encouraged us to become angels of hope move with great zeal and trust in Divine Providence to help release, restore and rehabilitate the prisoners.
Sr. Theresa Mascarenhas, the coordinator of Karnataka State unit of Prison Ministry India, provided an update on the history and development of this unique ministry. She stated that this ministry gives an immense satisfaction and urges one to be more spiritual and generous. The ones who experienced prison ministry, never like to leave the opportunity to serve these least and the last .They seek to continue their efforts even after being transferred to different location. She highlighted the need for willingness and generosity to serve in this challenging yet rewarding Ministry.
The volunteers were also deeply moved by the testimony of Mr. Sudarkar, a former inmate from Shimoga Prison, who shared his personal experiences with the group. His story provided valuable insights into the trauma faced by prisoners, offering the volunteers a new perspective on the importance of their mission.
The day’s events culminated with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided over by Most Re. Dr Bishop Francis Serrao SJ. His Lordship prayed for all the prisoners and volunteers, Marking the Prison Ministry Sunday. In his homily, the Bishop reflected on Jesus as the Bread of Life, emphasizing the need for spiritual sustenance to continue this noble ministry. Fr. Simon also Concelebrated the Eucharistic celebration.
Since the birthday of His Lordship is on August 15th , the volunteers took this opportunity to wish him well. Prison ministry unit of the Diocese cut the cake and thanked him for the immense support and encouragement they received.
Thus the day was concluded at 2:30 PM with a delicious lunch arranged by Fr. Roshan Pinto, Director of Sannidhi, Sr. Flossy, Sr. Sheetal, and the kitchen staff. The event left everyone inspired and united in their commitment to continue serving in the Prison Ministry.