Udupi: St Mary’s College, Shirva embarks on Puneet Sagar, Beach Cleanliness Drive
By Walter Monteiro
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 29 Dec 2021: ‘If our environment is clean, we can eliminate many diseases. Educating us is just as important as environmental concerns. Today, the cadet of our NCC unit proved that cleaning up Kaup Beach is not only a job of the government, but it is also the responsibility of all the citizens of the nation.
The dream of a clean India can be realized when the maritime businesspeople are concerned about cleanliness and educate the tourists on cleanliness, said Dr Herald Ivan Monis, principal, St Mary’s College, Shirva, near here.
Beach Cleaning Program to mark 75th Independence Day - Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava was jointly organized by the NCC unit of St Mary’s College, Shirva, near here and 21 Karnataka Battalion, Udupi.
It was nicknamed Punith Sagar (beach cleaning drive, awareness drive) held at Kaup, here on Tuesday, December 28. Such work cannot be done in just a couple of days.
He expressed his idea and gave a clarion call to the young and locals to take this drive daily to meet the tourist area development and the growth of economic value of the nation.
‘Today, the country is making progress in all sectors. But citizens do not comply with environmental cleanliness by disposing of plastic and wastes, causing not only pollution but also harm to nature’s livestock, aquatic and human kind. The consequence is that we are seeing marine pollution from the various wastes in the ocean today, said the College NCC Unit associate officer Lieutenant K Praveen Kumar who also guided the cadets in this drive.
Thirty-five cadets from the College enthusiastically participated in the beach clean-up drive. Also collected 400 kg of plastic and trash and handed it over to the cleaning crew of the Kaup civic body, raising awareness by cleaning the environment.
Yashodha, student welfare officer of the College, final year student Suraksha, cadet senior under officer Vishal S Moolya, junior under officer Harshitha, company sergeant quartermaster Mohit N Salian, corporal Dhiraj Acharya present and assisted throughout the drive.
The junior under-officer Suraksha welcomed the gathering.
Lance Corporal Lobo Ria Neville Pinto proposed vote of thanks.