Udupi: Premier held for Konkani film ’Passport’ at Pangla Parish, Shankerpura
By Alphonse Mendonsa
Bellevision Media Network
Shankerpura/Udupi, 27 Jan: The much awaited and produced by Assistant Parish Priest of Pangla Parish Rev. Fr. Royson’s “Passport“ a family oriented Konkani movie released by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo (Bishop of Udupi Diocese) at St. John’s Sabha Bhavan Shankerpura on Saturday the 26th January 2019.
The Passport premier function was attended by Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo (Bishop, Udupi Diocese) Most Rev. Fr. Baptist Menezes (Monsignor, Udupi Diocese), Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa (Vicar Var, Shirva Deanery, Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves (Parish Priest Pangla), Rev. Fr. Vincent Coello ( Principal, PU Composite College), Rev. Fr. Romeo D’Souza (Res. Priest), Mark Vaz (VP Parish Council), Ms. Clara Mendonsa (Secretary, Parish Council), Ms. Seema D’Souza (Secretary 18 commission) and Ms. Jacinta Andrade (Mother of Fr. Royson Fernandes) and Vinod Gangolli (Director, Passport Movie).
The inaugural event began with a prayer service by Fr. Vincent Coello followed by a warm welcome to all the dignitaries on dais and guests priests and audience by Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves. While welcoming he highlighted some achievements of Fr. Royson and his keep interest and dedication to spread Gods Gospal to the people through a movie. He said that this is the first movie by Catholic Priest, A First movie in Udupi Diocese, a first movie by an assistant priest and a first movie produced in Shankerpura and acted by people of Pangla Parish. He commanded their spirit and applauded their efforts in making this wonderful family valued movie titled Passport.
All the dignitaries on the dais were presented with floral bouquets.
Fr. Royson addressing the audience on behalf of the movie Passport narrated that the first thought of writing story Passport when he visited the passport office to apply for his new Passport. He realised how difficult in those days to get a passport and the way old people were suffering to get a new passport. Secondly, it was the interest of the children of the old parents to get them to Gulf countries where they were residing on a short holiday trips, their excitement, enthusiasm and eagerness to go to gulf spend little valuable time with their children.
Speaking about the movie “Passport” he said, it is not a regular Bollywood type movie wherein romance or songs and dances takes the centre stage rather than a family movie which has a little entertainment but with a powerful message at the end. He said he won’t be surprised if the audience find it sad at the end as it is meant for that and will give you a wonderful life message at the end and that is the whole purpose of this movie. If that sadness felt by the audience then I think our goal is fulfilled... This is definitely not a happy ending movie like Bollywood movies, it is a social awareness movie, a life experienced by all of us.
He thanked all the actors who dedicated their time for 12 days to complete this movie and he was especially grateful to Mr. Vindo Gangolli for his patients to work with amateur actors and finally bring out best from them. He thanked the song writers Prajot D’Sa a well-known Konkani singer and Rev. Fr. Jossy D’Souza of Mangalore and Wilfred R. Pangla for providing lyrics to the songs which were sung by Prajot D’Sa in the movie. Besides 12 actors from Shankerpura two actors from Petri Parish have been acted in this movie as it was necessary to fill in the lead characters. Finally, he thanked Fr. Ferdinand Gonsavles, Fr. Vincent Tauro and Fr. Romeo which is his immediate family. He was grateful for his mother who was present on dais during the release of movie. He said his mother is his inspiration as she has read all his stories written and not only read but she has stored them carefully.
Bishop Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo inaugurated the movie amidst all the honerable dignitaries on dais.
Also on the occasion the Audio CD of the songs was also released on the occasion by Monsignor Fr. Baptist Menezes.
The sponsors who have contributed for the finance of the movie were presented with a memento each in recognistion. Also all the actors of the movie were also recognized by presenting a moment each for them by Bishop Gerald Lobo.
On the auspicious occasion, Fr. Royson Fernandes and Mr. Vinod Gangolli were felicitated by Bishop Gerald Lobo with traditional shawls, fruit baskets, flower bouquets for their dedicated service and contribution towards producing the PASSPORT Film.
In his presidential address Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo appreciated Fr. Royson for his initiative to produce the Passport movie under Chistajyoti Creations. He said Fr. Royson is a very talented priest and a good Konkani writer. He started his writing skills when he was in seminary. A year ago he came to me and told me that he wants to produce a movie. I without hesitation and without even asking gave my permission because I was very sure whatever he does will be successful and valuable to the society. On this occasion he highlighted Pope Franc’s reminder to us all to utilise media facilities to spread God’s message. We as Christians have to show Christian values to the people society. Fr. Royson has taken this initiative and I’m very happy in his approach and by producing this movie by understanding current situation of the society, we must take action. I think this third point keeping in mind, Fr. Royson has ventured into this movie to highlight current situation in the family especially keeping in mind the role of the family, parents and children relationship Fr. Royson has produced this movie. I applauded his efforts and on behalf of our diocese and people of Pangla Parish I congratulate Fr. Royson and team for this successful venture.
Bishop further thanked Mr. Vinod Gangolli for his dedication as a director for this movie. Vinod Gangolli has been working for the diocese in spreading the word of God through media i.e. through Divya Vyani and he is doing this service free of cost. On behalf of our diocese I thank Vinod for his selfless service and for his dedication in directing and filming this movie.
The premier of the movie Passport was held thereafter.
The story of the movie is written by Fr. Royson Fernandes, Directed by Vinod Gangolli and music by Prajoth D’Sa. Songs Lyrics were written by Fr. Jocy D’Souza and Wilfred R. Pangla.
The story of the movie based on an old man, a widower who works hard in the field for his daily bread mainly growing banana plants and selling bananas at the local shop and supported by his immediate neighbours. He was very happy and enjoying his work and a few friends he was surrounded by.
However, the problems start in his happy life when his loving son who is working in Dubai asks him to apply for the Passport as he intends to take his father to Dubai for a month. He initially refuses for his sons request but on insistence of his son finally agrees. Somehow with great difficulty and with the help of his neighbour he manages to get his passport.
The news spreads like wild fire and the whole village started to celebrate the good news. Some make fun of him but some happy for him.
He sends the details of the passport to his son with one of his sons friend.
The happy part of the story takes a sharp turn when his daughter-in-law (who is with his son and two kids in Dubai) objects to the idea of bringing her father in law to their house. She gives loads of excuses and arguments begin in the happy family of four. The son is torn between his father and wife.
What happens next is left to the audience to watch and know the conclusion of this wonderful movie.
All are new actors in the movie have no professional background but they deliver a very professional work. The movie will not be shown in the theatres as it is beyond the budget but it is available to all parishes and even for Gulf countries if they wish to view in community halls.
Contact details shall be provided shortly for those wish to get a copy for public view only.