Abu Dhabi: Monthi Fest celebration at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Musaffah
Media Release
Abu Dhabi, 15 Sep 2018: The Konkani Community of St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi, celebrated ‘Monthi Fest 2018’ on Saturday 8th September 2018 with a great fervor. The celebration began at 5.30pm with blessings of Noven near the Grotto by Rev. Fr. Wilson Rumao OFM Cap, Spiritual Director, Konkani Community, followed by showering of flowers with Hymns glorifying and honoring Mother Mary.
After the blessing of Noven, the congregation of the faithful entered the church with a glorious procession and the festive mass started. The main celebrant of the mass was Fr. Wilson Rumao, OFM Cap and the co-celebrants were Rev. Fr. Ani Xavier OFM Cap, Parish Priest, and Fr. Varghese Kozippadan OFM Cap, and Fr. Mathew Fernandes. A large number of faithful’s over 600 attended this festive mass. Noven was distributed immediately after the Holy Mass.
The Cultural Programme began immediately after the Holy Mass in St. Francis of Assisi Hall and the programme was anchored by Annu Bantwal. The Main Coordinator of the Konkani Community Mr. John D’Lima, welcomed all the Priests, guests and audiences for the function and wished them all ‘Bhagi Monthi Fest 2018’ on behalf of the Konkani Community.
The Programme began with Prayer dance “Yeh Moriye Yeh Moriye” performed by Dwayne, Steve, Dylan, Christabel, Neil, Reevan, Salome, Gianna, Riona D’Souza and Riona Rego. The small kids performed marvelously and a rousing ovation with appreciation was given to them by the audience.
After the prayer dance, a cake was cut in commemoration of Mother Mary’s Birthday by all the Priests along with the Community Coordinator. Birthday babies of the day, too were called to join the cutting of the cake. Choir played a song “Happy Birthday Mama Mary”
A theme song “Noman Tuka Balok Moriye” was played by Choir Group maestro Ashwin and his choir team.
Children mix dance titled “Sirandaricho Pavse” a beautiful dance performed by young children Joshua/Rishona, Stacie/Sohan, Justin/Natasha, Cleon/Diona and Samantha/Rohan. It was a beautiful eye-catching performance performed by children and crowd saw them off with rousing applause.
Jossie and Avin, kept the crowd humorous with their witty jokes and comedy in between and kept them on their toes.
A vote of thanks was given by Apex team member Mr. John D’Costa and thanked all the people for their continued support. Rev. Fr. Wilson thanked all Sponsors, Donors, Ushers and the faithfuls who support each during every event of Konkani community and sought their support during the future events too.
MC requested Fr. Wilson and all priest up on to dais to bless the Noven with milk. Fr. Wilson invited on to the stage two senior most faithful amongst the crowd during the blessings of milk with Noven and then offered grace before meal and requested all faithful to drink milk with Noven.
The Monthi Fest specialty food for the dinner was served with 9 different types of vegetables and vorn (kheer).
The program ended with singing ‘Laudate Dominum’ by all. It was a memorable evening enjoyed and cherished by all.
Monthi Fest 2018 Around the World - Photo Albums: