Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo blesses new corn at Pangla Parish
By Alphonse Mendonsa
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 09 Sep 2018: Most Reverend Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo paid a surprise visit to Pangla Parish and blessed the New Corn (Novem) while large no of children took part in showering the flowers for Infant Mary.
A large number of Parishioners also attended the celebration. The Feast Mass was concelbrated by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo along with Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves (Parish Priest), Fr. Royson Fernandes (Asst. Parish Priest) Fr. Romeo (Res. Priest), Fr. Lawrence Mendonsa(Res. Priest) and Bro. Jitesh Castelino.
Bro Jitesh Castelino highlighted the values of family life and just like Mother Mary followed God’s plan obediently and she became a role model for all of us. As we eat family meal together today, we must always be united and love each other and help those who are in needy.
In his message to congregation Bishop requested to live our life on Foundation of love, For Love and to live a loving life at home.
Fr. Ferdinand thanked Bishop for attending our parish and for celebrating the Holy Eucharistic Mass and he also thanked the sponsors of sweets and sugar cane, all the volunteers, ICYM, Parish Council Members and media.
At the end of the Mass, the blessed new Corn was distributed to the faithful.
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