Milagres Cathedral celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Nativity of Blessed Mary with devotion
By Richard DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 08 Sep 2018: The feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated at the Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur near here with great fervor and gaiety, 8th September, 2018.
Large number of devotees and children gathered at 8am near the newly decorated Grotto next to the Cathedral prior to Solemn High Mass. The reading from the Bible, hymns and paddy corns were bless by Very Rev Dr. Fr. Lawrence C D’Souza Rector of Milagres Cathedral and at the end of the celebration the colourful flowers offered to Infant Mary by large children with singing ‘Moriye Hogalsiyam’. After the brief ceremony at the Grotto, large number of devotees proceeded towards Cathedral with high stand of discipline and prayers with the help of ICYM members and parish pastoral council members led by Sunshine Brass Band, later boys, faithful devotees, nuns and priest with the decorated state of Infant Mary.
Followed by the disciplined procession to the Cathedral, the Solemn High Mass was concelebrated by the main celebrant of the Mass, Rev Fr. Dr. Lawrence C D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Canute Noronha Asst parish priest, Rev Fr. Joswey and Rev Fr. John of Pilar Fathers, Kallianpur.
In his beautiful homily Mother Mary is the mother of God and Mother of us. The New Testament is silent on Mary’s birth and childhood; we first see her in the Gospel of Luke, but early Christians soon began to write extrabiblical accounts of Mary’s early life. Devotion to little Mary has great potential. Along with devotion to the infant Jesus, it proclaims the beauty of innocence and childhood to a world which seems intent on destroying both. The devotion seems to appeal to little girls, who can see in Mary an example of consecrated girlhood. It can stand as a witness against female infancticide, still practice in many parts of the world, he said.
At the end of the mass, Fr Lawrence placed the important announcements and gave gratitude to the concerned faithful. He gave honour to main sponsor of the feast to late Lazarus and Margaret D’Souza family members with decorated candle. This year Rector also gave decorated candle to 26 other sponsors of the feast.
The children choir led by Fr Lancy Fernandes sj was superb and increased the devotion to Infant Mary during the High Mass celebrations.
Meanwhile late Lazarus and fly presented scholarships to meritorious SSLC and higher degree students. Under the leadership of Catholic Sabha as usual, the Prathiba Puraskar to toppers of students first standard to Tenth standard students of both Kannada and English Medium school of the parish. Toppers in catechism students also honoured during the occasion.
All devotees were conveyed festival wishes themselves after the mass and under the leadership of Catholic Sabha Payasa (Vorn) served to all the faithful who present during the mass. Sugarcane and sweets were given to the large faithful.
The main sponsors of the feast were organized brief get together at Milagres Tri-centenary Hall for parish pastoral council members, ICYM,YCS, alter boys and choir group members were invited to the programme.