Nativity Fest celebrated at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Nirmalapadav
By Avil DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Karkala, 08 Sep 2018: The Nativity of the Mother Mary or Monthi Fest is a day close to the heart of all in coastal belt of Mangalore and Udupi. The feast, popularly known as Monti Fest in Konkani, is observed after the nine-day Novena.
The faithful of Nirmalapadav, Parapady celebrated the Feast of nativity of mother mary. It began with the blessing of newly grown crop near the Grotto at 8.30am followed by Eucharistic celebration presided over by Parish Priest Rev.Fr.Vincent Lobo.
As a tradition, the first corn from the field is brought to the altar in a procession and is blessed by the priest. The colourful flowers flying in the air was a great sight to watch. The corns which were distributed to all were carried home to have it with a vegetarian meal on this special occasion.
The blessed crops and the sugarcanes were distributed to head of families by representatives of all the 5 wards. Traditionally, the feast was celebrated as a family function, with a ceremonial lunch.