Catholic Sabha organizes Annual Think Tank Residential Conference at Manasa, Pamboor
By Dr. Gerald Pinto
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi/Pamboor, 27 May 2018: Annual Think Tank Residential Conference At Manasa, Pamboor by Catholic Sabha, Udupi Pradesh (R) was held on 18 May 2018 and 20 May 2018.
“Every member of Catholic Sabha must be aware of the needs of the Society. They should plan out the activities in such a way that everyone who is in need of help, irrespective of caste, creed and religion must be provided with some needy service. Catholic Saba is on the total wellbeing of the society” said Mr. Elroy Kiran Crasto, Founding President of Catholic Sabha Uupi Pradesh. He was inaugurating a two day residential think Tank workshop of Catholic Sabha at Manasa Rehabilitation and Training Centre, Pamboor, Udupi District on 20-5-2018. Mr. ALwyn Quadros, President Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh presided. Mr. Valerian R Fernandes, former President, Mrs.Jacintha Colaco former secretary, Mr.Maxim D’souza present secretary, Mr. Henry Menezes, President of Manasa, Mr. Jerald Rodrigues Treasurer and Fr.Clifford Fernandes were Present on this occasion.
The first session was spiritual preparation was conducted by Fr. Clifford Fernandes of St.Joseph’s Seminary Mangalore. He stressed on the need to change our mindset, to serve better. “Service done without selfishness is true gift to God. When we are healthy and fit, we should go forward to help our needy brethren and sisters. There can be no joy without sacrifice” he said. The session was followed by Adoration of Holy Sacrament.
Second session of the day was conducted by Mr. Walter Cyril Pinto, former president of Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R). He conducted an evaluation of five years work of Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh and pointed out the vision, mission statement and motivated the participants to meet the priorities at the earliest.
On the second day Holy Mass celebrated at Holy Cross Church, Pamboor by Fr. Herold Periera.
The first session was on keeping important records and documents By Mr.Elroy Kiran Crasto, second session was on socio-political challenges and our response by Mr.Thomas Quadros. In the third session Alwyn Quadros spoke on vision and action plan of 2018-19.
In the fourth session a panel discussion was held on the working of four commissions. They were represented by Laity Commission, Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves, Justice and Peace by Mrs. Sharlet Furtado, by Mr. Elroy Kiran Crasto and Inter Religious Dialogue by Fr. Louis D’Sa. The session was conducted by Mr. Alphonse D’Costa.
In the next session Mr. Pritish D’Sa, Charted Accountant spoke on the maintaining proper accounts and Financial Records, followed Dr. Gerald Pinto, who enlightened on different Government Facilities and methods of availing them.
Mr. Jerold Fernandes spoke on the work of ‘Grama Sevak, and Mr. Wilfred Lobo, Padil, Editor, Amcho Sandesh gave information the present situation of Amcho Sandesh and he asked the participants to strengthen the paper through articles and collecting subscriptions.
In the afternoon Mr. Valerian R. Fernandes conducted a group discussion and presentation on the targets of 2018-19. Later these were seemed up the President and Secretary, Mr. Alwyn and Mr. Maxim.
At the end Executive Committee Meeting held. In the Meeting Mr. Valerian R Fernandes handed over the charges to Mr. Alwyn Quadros and Secretary Mrs. Jacintha Colaco to Mr. Maxim D’Souza. In their speech both Mr. Valerian and Mrs. Jacintha thanked all the Members for their full co-operation in the last 2 years and assured their support in the years to come. Later different Committees were conducted for the year 2018-19 and list of the Co-Opted Members was approved in the Meeting. The programme and sessions were composed by Mr. Flyvan D’Souza and Mrs. Mary D’Souza.
Mr. Steevan Prakash Lewis and Mrs. Rosy Quadros expressed their opinions on the programme and expressed their satisfaction for this well organised a Think Tank Programme. Mr. ALwyn Quadros thanked everyone for their support. In total the two day programme was a successful event to reenergise the Catholic Sabha Udupi Pradesh.