Mangalore: Bethany nuns celebrate founder’s 50th death anniversary
Bellevision Media Network
Mangalore, 24 December 2010: ’’As many as 1,300 Bethany nuns in 168 convents in India and abroad continue to live the spiritual legacy the Founder bequeathed on us and serve the poor and the marginalised,’’ said Rev Sr M Wilberta BS, the superior general of Bethany congregation.
Speaking on the 50th death anniversary of the Congregation Founder Rev Fr R F C Mascarehas, she said the Founder’s mission, which he began in Karnataka, has spread all over the country and in Europe and Africa and they work in the field of faith formation, medical work, social work, care of the elderly, especially among the poorest of the poor.
“Option for the rural poor and empowerment of women and education of the less privileged, specially the girl child, was his goal,” she added.
Showing the home (Memorial) where the Founder lived (for about 20 years) and died 50 years ago on this day (December 23, 1960), Sr M Lillis BS said his home has been converted into a museum in his memory, which is also open for the public.
“In the past years, several people have been visiting it and receiving blessings,” Sr Lillis said.
The Memorial houses the published works of Msgr R F C Mascarenhas, the first bible he translated into Konkani, his family photographs, the cot, chair, table, plates used by him. Besides, the Founder’s relics too have been placed inside the House wherein the nuns claim that they have received favours after praying to the ‘Servant of God.’
Xmas message
In her Christmas message, Sr Wilberta said that Christmas is a universal feast with message of peace, joy, hope, love and justice. She called upon the Mangaloreans to be the messengers of peace in a world torn asunder by violence and to live in unity and harmony although there are religious and linguistic differences.Sr Assumpta BS and Sr M Rose Celine too were present.