Sunny A D’Souza, well-known theatre personality and Konkani writer passes away
By Ancy DSouza, Paladka
Bellevision Media Network
Mangalore, 23 December 2010: Sunny A DSouza, a well-known theatre personality, writer of play, director and actor as well as contributor of poems, articles and stories to various Konkani weeklies passed away on Wednesday, 22nd December 2010 at Mangalore. Due to failing health, Sunny DSouza had come down to Shirva from Mumbai. Popularly known as Sunnyab among his friends and well-wishers, his funeral was held at 9 am at St. Rita’ Church Cemetary at Cascia following funeral mass at St. Antony’s Chapel, Jeppu, Mangalore.
Late Sunny DSouza was born on 9th February 1937 at Bendur, Mangalore to late Antony Balthazar and late Cecilia DSuza. After his education he proceeded to Mumbai and after working for 45 years in Hard Castle and Ward Company retired. He had been a regular contributor of poems and stories in various Konkani weeklies. He was also well-known for radio plays and other presentations. He contributed as the Assistant Editor of Poinnari and conducted the popular column of question answers in the Kutam weekly.
However, Sunny DSuza earned a lasting fame through his plays. The plays written by him include: Hasanathlo Piso, hilarious Konkani play that was presented 33 times, Shimti Nathullo Kolo-nine shows, Rokthachim Zalim Dukam-seven shows, Ghott Dhor Sodinaka-five shows, Amkam Lottry Lagli-ten shows. The palys directed by Sunny DSouza include: Zanna Soglo Gaum, Konn Jikta?, Kazara Uprant, Mogachi Deswat and Khunigar Novro.
Late Sunny DSouza was the founder member of “Konkan Kalakar” Association-Sakinaka and was closely associaited with associaitions such as “Konkan Kllzam-Sakinaka, “Konkan Taram”-Jarimari and “Konkan Kalle”- Bandra.
During his life time, late Sunny D’Souza was conferred with many awards and honours that include: “Nata Ratna”, “Kala Ratna” and “Kannada Nadu Prashasthi”.
By the passing away of Sunny DSouza, the Konkani cultural world lost an eminent theatre personality.