Rony and Preethi,
Congratulations !!
Warm wishes are being sent for a special couple like you to hope that your anniversary today is as beautiful as can be !
Happy wedding anniversary dear Rony and Preethi.
Lots of love, hugs and prayers.
Dattu, Voni, Lisa and Livia Saldanha,
Moushi ( Moodubelle )
From, Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain

Valerian and Rovile,
Dear Valli and Rovile,
We wish you both a very happy wedding anniversary. May the Almighty God bless you both with good health, happiness, joy and best of everything.
Lots of love,hugs and prayer.
Dattu and family,
From, Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain

Fr.Arun D mello,Fr.Cyril Dsouza,Fr.Naveen Rebello,
Congratulations on your ordination.May god bless you to lead the way for others.You have made me a proud cousin.

Ashok and Smitha,
Dear Ashok and Smitha, Congratulations and Happy Wedded Life.God Bless You.
From, Banna, Moodubelle/Dubai

Congratulations from The Management and the Staff of St. Lawrence Highschool Moodubelle for securing first and Second place in the SSLC examination 2009-10
May you flourish further in your life. God bless you.
From, The Management, Principal and the Staff, St. Lawrence High School, Moodubelle

Snehal D Souza,
Dear Snehal Congratulations on receiving First Holy Communion. May Almighty God bless you and your family abundantly.
Snehal, son of Sahil Loy D Souza and Sunila D Souza (Moodubelle) received First Holy Communion in the Church of SS.Peter and Paul-Ruwi, Muscat on 15th April 2010 and celebrated the occasion on 30th April 2010.
Best Wishes from: Glenda castelino
From, Glenda Castelino, Muscat

Snehal D Souza,
Congratulations to Snehal D Souza for receiving the First Holy Communion at the Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Ruwi on 15th April 2010 and sharing the joy with your family, relatives and friends on 30th April 2010.
Best Wishes from: Bellevision Muscat
From, Bellevision Muscat, Muscat

Ashok and Smitha,
Dear Ashok and Smitha, Congratulations and Happy Wedded Life.God Bless You.
Lydia,Richard,Rosy,Victor,Anitha,Rony,Venissa,Lilly Lobo.
From, Lydia Machado, Moodubelle/Dubai

Johnson and Reshmi,
Dear Johnson and Reshmi, Congratulations and Happy Wedded life. God Bless You. Lydia,Richard,Rosy,Victor,Anitha,Rony,Venissa,Lilly Lobo.
From, Lydia Machado, Moodubelle/Dubai

Dear Kiran and Sanchia
With the very best wishes
for the good in life
as you look forward together
to a shared future
of love, friendship,
and the wonderful companionship
that is marriage.
Heartiest Congratulations on your engagement
Wishes from
Uncle Sunny,aunty Matilda and Ashita
From, Simon Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore

Benedict and Flavia Martis,
Dear Mr.Benedict and Mrs. Flavia Martis, wishing you a Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary on 6th May 2010. May Almighty God bless you and your family and grant you good health and happiness throughtout your lives.
Best Wishes From: Eugene and Benny D Souza, Moodubelle
From, Eugene D Souza, Moodubelle

Congratulations to you dear Mr.Seemanth Kumar Singh the new Commissioner of Mangaluru.I hope, under your care and responsibility the citizen of Mangaluru will feel comfort and ease and I wish you all the best and success in your new mission. Be tough in handling sensible matters related to communal and minority.I wish Mangalurians will feel better under your new assignment.
Wishes from
Simon Lasrado family
From, Simon Lasrado, sullia/Bangalore

John Alice,
Dear Bavoji Allibai,
A very happy wedding anniversay to you both. May God shower all his blessings on you both keep you happy healthy always. Enjoy your special day.
Lots of love,hugs prayers.
Francis, Bennie, Lisa, Livia Mai ( Eliza ) Saldanha,
From, Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain

Rev.Dr.Lawrence C. D Souza,
Dear Uncle (Rev. Dr. Lawrence C. D’Souza)
Wishing you very happy 33rd Ordination anniversary. May the Almighty God bless you and guide you to continue your blessed mission in the years to come.
May he grant you good health, peace and happiness. We thank almighty God for giving us such a wonderful person in our family.
Have a great Day.
With Love Prayers From,
Shalini Jerald - Geshal, Criston Crishal
Malini Wilfred - Shaun, Stevin
Roshan Reshma
Vineetha Sigfred - Sohan
Thaddemar / Pernal.
From, Vineetha, Modubelle Dubai

Johnson Reshmi,
Congratulations.....on your wedding. May the Lord bless you both abundantly and make all your dreams wishes come true.
With best wishes,
Francis,Bennie,Lisa Livia Saldanha.
From, Francis J. Saldanha, Moodubelle / Bahrain

dear jhonson,
congratulations wish u happy married life.
From, praneeth dsouza, moodubelle

Johnson Rashmi,
Today, Tomorrow and always…..
May all your dreams come true…..
May your life be full of happiness…..
In the Company of each other,
May you enjoy every bit of life!
on your Wedding!
From - Alice Aranha, Cyril, Irene, Winnie, Philomena and their Families

Johnson and Rashmi,
Dear Johnson and Rashmi,
Congratulations, wish you a very happy married life.
From Ronald, Anitha, Rea and Riona
From, Ronald D Souza, Moodubelle/Sharjah

Johnson and Rashmi,
Dear Johnson Rashmin
Your Life together will be long
happy,and full of love ,
Wishing you happiness that reaches every corner of your heart..
Team AciesSoft | Acies Media
From, AciesSoft | Acies Media, Mangalore

Dear Johnson Reshmi Miranda,
Congratulations!!! Wish u both a very Happy and Joyful Married Life... God Bless u...
From, Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore

Ashok and Smitha,
May your wedding be filled
With everything that’s wonderful
A joyous, beautiful beginning
Of a married life
Filled with endless happiness
And endless love.
Congratulations on your Wedding
From, Valerian, Leena, Ashton Alva, Moodubelle/Dubai

Johnson Reshmi,
Dear Johnson and Reshmi,
Congratulations and best wishes on your wedding
The bells resonate as they exchanged their vows
The heavens bear witness to their commitment of love
From, Valerian, Leena, Ashton Alva, Moodubelle/Dubai

Johnson Rashmi,
Congratulation!!! May your wedding filled with everthing that s a joyous, beautiful beginning of a married life.
Beast Wishes from: Stany Martis fly.
From, Stany Martis, Moodubelle / Kuwait

Rev. Fr. Baptist D Souza SVD,
Dear Fr. Baptist D Souza, Congratulations on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of your priesthood on 4th May 2010. May Almighty God bless you with good health and happiness to serve in the Lord s Vineyard for many more years.
Best Wishes from: Eugene and Benny D Souza, Moodubelle
From, Eugene D Souza, Moodubelle

Godwin n Anita,
Dear Godwin and Anita,
Wish you a very happy wedding anniversary and many more to come. May God bless you and keep you happy and healthy and. May all your dreams come true.
With Love
Rony, Anitha, Rea Riona
From, Ronald DSouza, Moodubelle/Sharjah

Johnson Reshmi,
Congratulations! on your Wedding. May god continue to bless you both, Keep you safe, healthy and happy always.
From, Alice Aranha Family, Belle/ Canada

Dear brother Aidan,
May God forever bless you,
and in every single way,
may you always be as close to Him
as you are this Special day!
Ashton and Ashley Mathias
Moodubelle, Mississauga, Canada
From, Ashton and Ashley, Moodubelle/Mudarangadi/Mississauga/Canada

Aidan Mathias,
Congratulations Aidan on your first communion
with lots of love
Ronald Cynthia Mathias
Ashton Ashely Mathias
From, Ronald Mathias, Canada

Ashok and Smitha,
Together look forward for new hopes and Joy for a Beutiful Tomorrow;
Hope you too have the best in life with each other;
Congratulations on your wedding
With best compliments from
Manoj and Rima
From, Manoj and Rima, Moodubelle/Dubai

Baba Aidan,
Dear Baba Aidan,
Congratulations!!! on your first holy communion. May the risen lord bless you on this day n throughout your life.
Wishes from: Uncle Stany and fly. Q8
From, Stany Martis, Kadambila / Belle / Kuwait

Aidan Mathias,
Congratulations Aidan on your first communion
From loving grandmother
Jackine castelino
From, Jackine Castelino, Belle/Canada

Aidan Mathias,
May the blessings of the lord be with you today and always!
Congratulations on your First Communion
With lots of love
Ronald Cynthia Mathias
Ashton Ashely Mathias
Walter Sunitha Barboza
Aaron Arelyn Barboza
Stavross Anitha Peres
Alwyn Savitha Mathias
From, Savita Mathias, Belle/Canada

Leela Weds Sheena,
Dear Leela Sheena,
Congratulations, We wish you happy married life.
Best Wishes From,
Anil Studio,Moodubelle.
From, Anil Alva, Moodubelle

Fr.Dancy Martis,
Dear Fr.Dancy,
Congratulations, Wish you all the best in your future.
Best Wishes From,
Anil Studio,Moodubelle.
From, Anil Alva, Moodubelle

Calvin D almeida,
Dear Calvin,
congratulations on your confirmation day
Rejoiceing with you on your confirmation day.
May GOD s strength and blessings
be made perfect in you on this day and
throughout your life.
From Dad Victor Mom Anitha and brother Craig
From, Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain

Calvin D Almeida,,
Dear Calvin,
Congratulations on your Confirmation Day.May God shower his blessings on you and keep you happy, healthy always. May your special day will be surrounded with happiness, filled with laughter, wrapped with pleasure, remembered with joy, blessed with love, enriched with hope, and filled with prosperity. May all your dreams come true. GOD Bless you. Rakesh
From, Rakesh Desouza, Moodubelle

Louis n Lavina,
Dear Louis n Lavina,
Congratulations on christening of your baby Andrea Angel.
May the almighty shower his abundant blessings on all of you.
Best wishes from Ronald, Anitha, Rea Riona
From, Ronald, Anitha, Rea Riona Dsouza, Moodubelle/Sharjah

louis and lavina,
Dear Louis and Lavina Congratulations on the Christening of your baby Andrea Angel
May God Bless your Family
With Blessings,Pakku and Joy Family Member,s
From, francis sequeira, Belle/Pamboor

Fr. Dancy,
Fr. Dancy,
congratulation on ur ordination as priest. We are proud of u and pray for u that God may bring upon u his choicest blessings so that whoever comes in contact with u may feel the love of God through u.
Jerome, Sandra and Shaun Jaiden D Sa
From, Jerome D Sa, Bethsaida. Moodubelle/Dubai

Louis and Lavina,
Congratulations on the Christening of your baby Andrea Angel.
May God bless your family.
From, Alwyn, Lavina, Allan, RAK / Moodubelle

Dear Louis Laveena,
Congratulations on the Christening of your baby Andrea Angel.
May your family be ever blessed.
May the almighty Lord shower his abundant blessings on you all.
May this child bring happiness to your home.
Best wishes from :
From, Vally Linnu Ashton, Moodubelle/Dubai

dancy martis,
CONGRATULATIONS,dear fr dancy,may god hold your hand and guide every step you take.love and god s blessings,from nothu mausi
From, nathalia barboza, london

dancy martis,
CONGRATULATIONS,dear fr dancy,may god hold your hand and guide every step you take.love and god s blessings,from nothu mausi
From, nathalia barboza, london

Fr. Dancy,
Congratulations Fr. Dancy.
Wish you all the very best
From, PRIMAX Services, Moodubelle

Fr. Dancy,,
With prayers,
Jonn Martis fly.
From, John and Eliza Martis, Kadambila, Moodubelle

Fr. Dancy Martis,
Dear Fr. DANCY,
Congratulation!!! On your ordination day. May god bless you every day of your life and keep you happy healthy.
Wishes from: Br.Stany fly. Kuwait.
From, Stany Martis, Kadambila / Belle / kuwait

Fr. Dancy Sunil Martis,
Dear Fr. Dancy
May Almighty Bless You with Good Health and Happiness.
Wish You Every Success in Your Life. All The Best Dear Brother.
With Lots Of Love Prayers
Vincent, Lavina Martis.
From, vincent martis, kattingeri/bahrain

Dear Fr. Dancy,
With prayerful good wishes on your Ordination to the Priesthood.
From, Jane, flavi Stephan Lobo, kattingeri

Dear Ann Mai ( Camil Juliana Menezes ),,
Congratulations on your 51st Wedding Anniversary. May almighty God bless you both with his choicest blessings and keep you happy and healthy always.
With Love Wishes from:
Lilly, Helen, Pressy, Simon, Leena
Daughter-in-law, Son-in-laws, Grand children Great Grand children
From, Leena Alva, Moodubelle/Sharjah

Dear Fr. Dancy,
Cogratulations on your special day!!! We Pray to God that He Showers his Blessings and give you strength to continue your relegious work.
May God bless you abundantly guide you and protect you now and throughout your long life.
With lots of love and Prayer