jenilia sara dsouza,
The last twenty four months have made me realize the true purpose of my life – to be a responsible and loving dad to a beautiful angel like you. Happy 2nd birthday jenilia
From, Joseph souza, Kodangalla

Jenisha alphonso,
Wish you many many happy returns of the day.may god bless u nd keep u in good health nd wealth nd happiness.
From, Paul monis, Padubettu dubai

Jacintha Mathias,
Dear mom ,there is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I’m so lucky that I’ve found the best mother in this entire world. You’ll always remain as the number one mom to me, love you loads
From, Josline Mathias, Belle/Dubai

Dear Janice, Many Many happy returns of the day.
Wishes from,
Casmir and Nathalia Castelino,
Joy and Janet Castelino,
Vikas, Jenitha and Velsie Castelino.
" SHINING STAR", Moodubelle.

Sushmitha Dsouza,
I believed that God created you for me to love and take care. Happy Birthday to the one and only love of my life!
From, Jeevan, Kodangalla

Rianna Salome Fernandes,
Happy Birthday to our beloved daughter Rianna . May you be blessed with all the good things you deserve.
You have always made us proud. Happy Birthday to our dearest daughter.
No matter how old you are, to us you will always be my little girl. Have a brilliant Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my little girl. I wish you to love life and never stop dreaming! May beauty and happiness surround you today and always!
Wishes From Rajesh Jude (Dad)Sunitha Geneivive (Mummy) Judith Rani (Aunt)
From, Rajesh Fernandes, Derabail Mangalore

Regan babu,
Today u r 4yr older and wiser than you were last here. ...I still remember the day u born and came into our family,our love grows stronger for u as each year passes by,whn I see you smile and ur naughtiness I forget all myself. You were always special in our family and u always vl be...Second make minutes and minutes maka hours. Hour make days and days make months,months make years with ur smiles and cheers here comes another happy year... happy birthday to our naughty price. Love u always smith.... with lots of love,blessings and kisses. . God bless u always with happiness.....
From ur loving Mama and Mami........
From, Herald Dsouza, Moodubelle / Dubai


Dear Joseph,
Dear son, when you feel that life is giving you such a hard time, just come to me and I will give you a hug. No matter how old you will become, for me, you will always be my little son. Have a happy birthday!
From, Rose Mary Dsouza ( mom ), Kodangalla

Thank you for my great childhood memories. Here’s to many more memories to come. Happy Birthday to the world’s greatest brother!
From, Jerald,James,Jeevan,Jenifer,Jaison., Kodangalla

Just look at how far we’ve come. I don’t know what the future holds, but as long as we’re together I know it’ll be awesome. Happy birthday.
From, Lavena Dsouza, kodangalla

Rakesh Dsouza,
My sister has always talk highly about you, I can see how much she is in love. I appreciate all that you did and all that you are doing to make her happy. And for that, I am sending you my best wishes on your birthday. May the Lord bless you with a peaceful mind, a loving heart and a healthy body. Happy birthday, dear brother in law!
From, Herald Dsouza, Moodubelle / Dubai

It’s not always easy to find time to spend together, or talk on the phone, but I want you to know that you’ll always be my hero, and I’m always thinking of you, near or far. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Love you papa ....
From your loving son..hery
From, Herald dsouza, Moodubelle / Dubai

Valerin Lobo,
Many Many Happy returns of the day.
From, Edward Noronha, Moodubelle

Valerian Lobo,
Happy Birthday to You Mr Valerian Lobo. May God Bless you abundantly with good health and Happines.
From, Benedict Noronha, Udupi

Dearest dad,
Today is a day to tell you that you are a kind, caring and loving personality we love.....on this special day we wish you good health and lots of happiness....love you daddy and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!
From, Vishal-Olivia and Valita Lobo, Thokoli

Dear husband,
sometimes you are my friend, sometimes you are my guide.
with you i take pride...on this special day may God almighty bless you with good health,wealth,peace of mind
i love you always
Happy Birthday to my dearest husband....
From, Precilla V Lobo, Thokoli

Aaron menezes,
Many many happy returns of the day baba Aaron. May the Almighty God bless you and keep you in good health have a great day....
From, D.J Elston, Moodubelle

Happy birthday
From, Anna, Karwar/kuwait

Happy birthday Brandon
From, Wilma wilfred, Kadandale/moodbelle

Many many happy returns of the day
From, Prakash, Kadandale/kuwait

Melrick Joy,
Happy bday bro..we are with u in whatever up and downs of your life..and may God bless u abundantly..n dhower his blessings upon u..n enlighten u..love u..
With love..mom n dad-Marcel n Jacintha
Malita n Nelson..n baby Ashlyn
From, Malita Martis, Moodubelle/Kuwait

Reshal Ivy,
Dearreshal, wish you happy birthday; may you have many more birthdays.keep smiling .May God bless you.
From, J P M, Mangalore

Craig D almeida,
Dear Craig
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day May God Shower you his choicest blessings in abundance
And fill you with joy and happiness.
Love and Wishes from:
Mom,Dad and Calvin
From, Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain

Adriel Leston,
Our loveliest child Adriel many many happy returns of the day your a star in our family God bless you and always keep you in good health and joy. With lots of love and prayers
From, Anil Priya Alvita Mathias, Edmeru/Sharjah

Valita Lobo,
Vishal lobo: You are my support, my strength , my friend and my guide. Thanks for everything. May God bless you with all his love, luck and care. Happy birthday dear sis.
Olivia castelino: A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit and a golden thread to the meaning of life. Wish u a very happy birthday.
From, Mr Mrs. Vishal Lobo, Saudi Arabia

Valita Lobo,
To our beloved daughter, today we are celebrating the best gift that we have ever received and that is your birth. Thank you for being a blessing into our life. Happy Birthday!
From, Valerian Lobo, Saudi Arabia

Valita Lobo,
My memories with you are the most precious thing ever in my life. No matter how far you are, my best wishes will always remain with you.On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come...God Bless you... Happy birthday
From, Vishal Olivia, Saudi Arabia

Valita Lobo,
.wish you many many happy returns of the day. May Almighty God bless you with wisdom.....and keep you healthy and wealthy and happy... we love you lot dear.....May God guide you and protect you every step of your life... HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
With load of love and kisses from Dada mummy ....
From, Valerian Precilla, Thokoli


Preethi P Kamath,
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day........
From, Panduranga Kamath, Ellare, Karkala Taluk, Udupi Dist.

Preethi P Kamath,
Many More Happy Returns of the Day....
From, Sandesh Kumar Kamath, Ellare, Karkala Taluk, Udupi

Dear sweetheart Macria.....wish you many many happy returns of the day. May Almighty God bless you with wisdom.....and keep you healthy and wealthy and happy... we love you lot dear.....May God guide you and protect you every step of your life... HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
With load of love and kisses from Dada mummy and Maxon

Abaa (Lawrence Saldana),
Dear Aba,
Wish you happy 91st birthday.
All these Days you were passionate on your wonderful life, Is great opportunity for all of us to witness this beautiful day.
From, Pramila Roshan Madtha, Mangalore

Sr. Isabelle Lobo B.S.,
Wish you Happy Birthday.
From, Francis Lobo and Fly, Kattingeri, Moodubelle

Dear Jerry,
"When things go wrong,
As they sometimes will,
When the road seems all uphill,
When funds are low
And the debts are high,
And you want to smile.
But you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must but don t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When you might have won
Had you stuck it out,
Don t give up,
Although the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
You never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight,
When you re hardest hit,
When things seem worst,
You must not quit."
Wishing u a very Happy Birthday dear friend.
Best wishes from: Valley and Juliet
From, Valerian DSouza, Moodubelle / Miraroad

Dear son Maxon,
Dear sweetheart Maxon,
We wish you a very happy birthday. Many many happy returns of the day. May Almighty God bless you with good health and happiness and wisdom. May all your dreams come true. May God protect you and guide you in your every step of your life. With lots of love and kisses from
Dada melwin,mamma Daina and little sis Macria. Sharjah
From, Melwin Daina and Macria Rodrigues, Pernal/Sharjah

Dearest Linnu,
My memories with you are the most precious thing ever in my life. No matter how far you are, my best wishes will always remain with you.On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come...God Bless you... Happy birthday My Darling Linnu.......
From, Mable, Udupi

Dearest Rowina Jaince,
We Wish you a very happy birthday Dear Rowina my Angle and many more wonderful years ahead. May God bless you abundantly with love, health, happiness, peace and prosperity! On this special day of yours, may these moments of simile joy grow year after year. May all your dreams come true. We all wish you another year of laughter, joy and fun, surprises, love and happiness, and when your birthday’s done, We hope you feel deep in your heart, As your birthdays come and go, How much you mean to us, more than you can know. Have a wonderful great day. With lots of Love kiss n Hugs. Fm. Dad, Mom, Grandma, Uncle Aunty.
From, Jessy Sequeira, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

Priya Lolita,
My dearest priya many many happy returns of the day,this day is always special in your life,God bless u and always keep u in good health and joy,All your future dreams come true. With lots of love and kisses from ur hubby Anil and childrens Adriel and alvita
From, Anil Adriel Alvita Mathias, Edmeru / Sharjah

Dear Jonathan,
Dear son Jonathan
May your life turn out to be
Cute and colorful
Just like your birthday balloons
That look so beautiful
May your life always present
Opportunities that are enticing
Just like your birthday cake that has
A delicious cream icing
May you always have many friends
Like the ones invited to your party
Just like your mood on your birthday
May you always be happy
Happy birthday
Wishes from ur loving aunty Juliet, n uncle and your loving sister Jennifer.
From, Valerian Dsouza, Belle / Miraroad

Dear Jason,
As you celebrate your birthday today, May the Lord Almighty shower his countless and choicest blessings on you. Here we wish you a very Happy Birthday filled with Joy, Happiness, Love and May all your Dreams come true.
From, Mable Jerry, Udupi / Dubai

Dearest Riya,
On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come...God Bless you.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
From, Mable Jerry and Jason, Udupi / Dubai

Celestine Lobo,
Many many happy returns of the day Dr.Celestine lobo. May the almighty god bless you and keep you in good health
From, Edward Noronha, moodubelle

Philip D souza,
Happy Birthday to To you Philip D souza (Mudartha) May God bless you abundantly.
From, Benedict Noronha, Udupi

Dearest Philip Uncle,
Happy Birthday to a great man.You have created great value to your life by creating value to the lives of many around you.May you have a fantastic life always.
Warm wishes From Ajai,Clara,Anusha,Alika,Lazarus,Veronica and Lavina.
From, Ajai Rodrigues, Mangalore

dear Dena
happy birthday and many more to come, almighty god bless you Abundantly.
best wishes from.
Eddy Philoo Priya
From, Edward Mendonca, Kunthal Nagar Muscat

Dear priya
wishing you a happy birthday and many more happier to come almighty god shower his countless blessing on you today and forever
best wishes
Dad and Mom
From, Edward Mendonca, Kunthal Nagar Muscat

Jackine Castelino,
Dear Mom
Getting to seventy years is a great blessing
and we are more blessed because we have learnt
so many of life’s valuable lessons from you.
May you enjoy today and every other day to come.
Happy 70th Birthday to you.
Anitha/Stavross/Abigail/Allison - Toronto, Canada.
From, Anitha, Moodubelle/Canada

Dear John,
Dear Bro, John
today on your special day we wish you many happy returns of the day. The almighty God shower his blessings upon you forever and grant you with all that you desire. May all your dreams turn into reality. Wishing you a very happy birthday Have a great day and a fruitful year ahead. We wish the best for you this birthday
Wishes From Eddy,Philoo, Priya