Joseph DSouza,
In your Birthday I want to say that I’m very thankful to God for letting me have such a caring brother in my life! May you get the best of everything in life.
From, Jerald, James, Jeevan, Jennifer and Jaison, Kodangalla

Joseph DSouza,
Best wishes, dear one, for a wonderful day and healthy year!
From, Maria DSouza ( mom ), Kodangala

Just look at how far we’ve come. I don’t know what the future holds, but as long as we’re together I know it’ll be awesome. Happy birthday.
From, Laveena, Kodangala

Wishing you another happy and healthy year of life, brother.
From, Jaison, Kodangala

Thank you for my great childhood memories. Here’s to many more memories to come. Happy Birthday to the world’s greatest brother!
From, Jeevan, Kodangalla Moodubelle

Dear Adru Darling
You are not just a pretty teen, you are the most beautiful thirteen year old we have ever seen. Happy 13th birthday sweetheart.
Wishes From
Aunty Shathi Uncle Payyu

Felina Dsouza,
Thank you, my sister-in-law, for giving so many reasons to smile. Happy Bday! May you have many, many more good years, fine times and great memories to share!I hope that your birthday brings you everything you could want and more!Hope you have bright and happy days over and over and over again! Happy birthday to my dearest sister-in-law!
From, Chester Dsouza, Sasthan

Felina Dsouza,
We love our beautiful daughter to the moon and back. Happy Birthday to our favorite princess!
Another year has passed, and you grow more beautiful and grand each year. My baby, my little girl, my daughter, We love you.
May your day be filled with happiness and love. May all of your wishes and dreams be fulfilled on your special day, as ours was the day you were born.
From, Felix Helen Dsouza, Moodubelle

Felina Dsouza,
We are so thankful to have a sister like you in our life. Celebrate your birthday in a big way! You have always deserved the best.
Happy birthday to the best, finest, greatest, coolest, grooviest and bodacious sister ever born...anywhere in this whole wide world
We love you more than you can ever imagine. In fact, take how much you think we love you, double this amount and multiply by 1,000. On your birthday, multiply this amount by 1,000,000. Happy (to the power of 10) birthday!
From, Flona Fiona Dsouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore/Dubai

Austin D souza,
Wishing you Happy Birthday dear Austin.. may god bless you and keep in good health and happy always..
From, Edward jacintha Dsouza, Kuntalnagara

Austin D souza,
Wishing you Happy Birthday dear Austin... May God bless you and keep in good health and happy always..
From, Alban,Sarina,senora Dsouza, Kuntalnagara/Bangalore

Liana DMello,
wish u a very very happy birthday nina
From, Sunny Raina Fernandes, Moodubelle

Liana D mello,
Many many happy returns of the day sweetie.May God bless you and keep you happy forever.
From, Lancy Lavina Lizia D mello, Moodubelle

My Dearest Dada,
Dada,you held my hand when i walked,caught me before i fell..
you taught me to stay strong, and believe in myself
you have done so much for me ...i could not have asked for more...
I cannot thank you enough..for all the love and care you have given to me..Thank you dada
A very Happy Birthday to you Dada....love you a lot!!
May God bless you
many happy returns of the day
Miss you
From, Valita Lobo, Thokoli

Dearest dad,
When I need support,you are always there
When I need guidance in life ,you are always there
You are the best Dad i could ever have..Stay blessed Dad!!
Happy birthday dad!!!!love you
You are such a special blessing to me
I wish you a wonderful birthday filled with love ,joy and all good things you enjoy the most!!!
A very Happy Birthday to you my dearest Father-in-law!!!!!
From, Vishal and Olivia Lobo, Al-Khobar,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dearest Husband,
Today is your day, it s an opportunity for you to know that you are special and all special things are for you today.May this birthday be just the beginning of a year filled with happy memories, wonderful moments and shining dreams..
Happy Birthday dearest husband!!May God bless you with good health and happiness always.....Lots of love
From, Precilla Lobo, Thokoli

to all my friends,
to all my friends wish u happy eid mubarak

Cleric Athish DSouza,
Dear Athish
Wishing you a very happy birthday and many more to come.may the lord bless you with good health and always keep you happy.i am proud to have you as my brother.
With lots of love n prayers
Mummy, ashwini and rakesh.
From, Ashwini Rakesh Alva, Dendoorkatte

Cleric Athish DSouza,
Dear Athish
Wishing you a very happy birthday and many more to come.may the lord bless you with good health and always keep you happy.i am proud to have you as my brother.
With lots of love n prayers
Mummy, ashwini and rakesh.
From, Ashwini Rakesh Alva, Dendoorkatte

Princy Martis,
I wish you a very Happy Birthday honey. I hope that every single day of our lives is a celebration,just like today.I love you.May you have many blessings to count for the next year too.
From, Sandeep Martis, Moodubelle/Dubai

Eliza Pereira Bangalore,
Eliza Pereira
(Social Welfare officer in
St.John s hospital Bangalore)
Dearest Eliza
Wishing you all the great things in life,
Hope this day will bring you
An extra share of all that makes you happiest.
Happy Birthday.
We hope that you have the greatest birthday
Ever from the moment you open your eyes
In the morning until they close late at night.
On this special day, we wish you all the very best,
All the joy you can ever have
And may you be blessed abundantly
Today, tomorrow And the days to come!
May you have a fantastic birthday
And many more to come...
Hope your birthday is totally cool,
Really fantastic, wonderful, exciting,
Majorly awesome, rocking and happy
Happy Birthday
With warm wishes
Sunny,Matilda and Ashita
From, Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

to all my friends,
to all my friends wish u all happy ganesh shaturthi.

Alex Mendonca,
We wish you a happy Birthday. May Almighty God grant you a good health, happiness and prosperity in the coming years.
wishes from,
Albert lilly dsouza,lavia,loy.
From, Aron Dsouza, belle/manama

Aaron Menezes,
Mmmmmmmmaaaaaaannnnyyyyy mmmmmmmaaaaannnnyyyyy happy birthday #127874; to you my dear Aaron. May the god bless you and keep you in good health. #128150;
From, Babitha Noronha, Moodubelle

Aaron Menezes,
Many many happy #128522; returns of day arru.May the lord bless you and keep you in good health.
From, Edward Noronha, moodubelle

Aaron Menezes,
Many many happy returns of day dear Aaron.may god bless u and keep u in good health.
From, Elston Noronha, Moodubelle

Happy 25th Bday bro.. May u get all your desire .. May every dreams of yours come true..wish u life full of happiness success..God bless you

Fr.Adrian Mascarehnas Bangalore,
Dear Fr.Adrian,
God bless you in a special way today
For the love and concern with which
You minister to all those entrusted to your care.
May your life be filled with God s good gifts,
Abundant joy and heaven s peace.
Birthday wishes Dear Father.
May God Bless you with Good Health and
May God continue to guide you
In the great work you do for our St.Peter s Church
Happy birthday to you once again
With love and regards
Simon Lasrado family
From, Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore


Sandeep Martis,
Happy birthday to. You may god bless all ur dreams... Lots love and prayers from mai and family
From, Ida Martis, Moodubelle

Mother Mary,
Many more happy returns of the mother, love you sooo much.
From, George Richard Chullickal, Auckland/ New Zealand

Dear loving brother,
On this special day, we wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ivan.
From, Renita,Manesh baba Ronan, Bahrain

Sameeta and Fly,
Happy St Mary Feast..!!!!
From, Chetan, Bangalore

Monthu Mendonca,
Loving Brother
Earth may forget rotating;
Candles may forget melting;
Birds may forget flying;
Hearts may forget beating;
But we ll never forget wishing you on your special day.
Happy Birthday Dear Brother
Happy birthday dear Brother Have a great day and a fabulous year ahead. I am sure Oni has planned some surprises for you. Love and wishes from Eddy, Philoo Priya
From, Edward Mendonca, Kunthal Nagar Muscat

Sandeep Roshan Martis,
Lots of love and best wishes to my darling husband,the king of my heart whom I cherished so much HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE
From, Princy Martis, Moodubelle/Dubai

Many many happy returns of the day. God bless you.
From, Prakash cardoza, Kadandale /Kuwait

Happy birthday brandon
From, Magdelene cardoza, Kadandale

Happy birthday brandon. God bless you.
From, Anna prakash, Karwar /Kuwait

Happy birthday brandon.many many happy returns of the day. God bless u
From, Wilma Wilfred, Attinja /moodbelle

Happy birthday brandon
From, Roshan, Kadandale

Many many happy returns of the day brandon
From, Anna prakash, Karwar /Kuwait

Maggie Mendonca,
My Loving sweet oni
Wishing you a very happy birthday. May God shower his countless blessings on you today and forever.
Best wishes from
From, Edward Mendonca, Kunthal Nagar/Muscat

To the most wonderful mother in the world, may you be blessed with more years and joy all the days of your life. Happy Birthday mummy!

I love you my dear.
This is not because you are a niece,
this is because you are such a wonderful human who truly deserves the most amount of love from anyone.
Have a wonderful Birthday.
From, Sweeta Ritesh Pinto, Shirva

Loving Philo
Many Happy Returns of the day Many more to come. May the Almighty God bless you and keep you in good health happiness throughout your life. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, our mother protect you each and every moment of your life. May all your dreams come true. Have a wonderful day. God bless you...
best wishes
your Hubby
From, Edward Mendonca, Kunthal Nagar/Muscat

Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes,
Dear Fr. Many many happy returns of the day.
From Edward Noronha Fly, Moodubelle
From, Edward Noronha, Moodubelle

FR. Jossey Fernandes,
Wish you many Happy returns of the day!Have a nice day.
From, Sr.Helen fernandes, Kattingere/ Paris.

Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes,
wish you avery happy birthday many happy returns of the day may the heavenly blessings be upon you each everyday of your life.
I wish you a long happy brilliant cheerful and healthy life.
From, Edward Mable Elvin Elvis saldhana, Moodubelle/Dubai

Rev. Fr. Joswey Fernandes,
Wish you Many Happy Returns of the Day. May Almighty God bless you and grant you good health and peace of mind to continue his good work as the Parish Priest of Christ the King Church, Karkala Town.
From, Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle

Dear Roy Joy,
Wishing you both a very Happy Birthday and many more happy returns of the day. God bless you and love you too my boys.
With lots of Love,
Dad, Mom, Aunty and Lobo Family Membetrs