Asthma: Facts, causes, treatment and prevention
Asthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory condition of the lungs that may affect people of all age groups. There is no complete cure for the condition and treatment

Health benefits of a carrot
While carrots are good for your eyes, they also promote healthy skin, delay ageing and even prevent cancer. Initially used as medicine, carrots are commonly found in

Weight loss foods: Karela (Bitter gourd)
It is bitter but very health and if you know how to cook this humble blood purifier right, than you will not only lose weight but also lower your lower blood glucose in case of

Top 20 ways to prevent diabetes
If you think diabetes affects only elderly people then think again. By adopting few simple tips, you can turn off the diabetes clock. To get started, try these simple

Build your immunity system
Sometimes we may wonder why we fall sick more or less often than your relatives, friends, colleagues or neighbours.

Home remedies: Top 5 cures for hiccups
Hiccups comes with a vengeance and it seems like a dying battle to cut it short. There are no explanations for the causes for hiccups, but hiccups are associated

10 high cholesterol foods to avoid
Cholesterol is a fat found in the blood and is necessary for production of hormones and functioning of membranes. When it comes to good cholesterol, our body makes it with

Is stress giving you a backache?
An increasing number of people in their 20s and 30s are suffering from stress-induced back pain, observe experts. Are you one of them?

Fruit for all seasons: Health benefits of papaya
Compared to other fruits, papaya has the most health benefits from cardiovascular to colon health. It is available all year round and every Indian market stocks

Healthy foods to fight blood pressure
Here are a few items that you should stock up to reduce your blood pressure levels. Fighting blood pressure and sugar levels while craving for food might be a difficult

Eat right for a good sleep
A new study has, for the first time, shown that certain nutrients may play an underlying role in short and long sleep duration, and that people who report eating a large variety

Vegetables you should avoid
While we recommend vegetables in every shape, colour and form, not all vegetables are healthy when consumed in certain unhealthy ways.

Tips to cure baldness, dandruff
Recently, Lady Gaga joined the list of other celebrities to use anti-baldness cream as she feared she was losing more hair. It’s not just who are possessive about their

Foods that keep you hydrated
You’re supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day but how many of us actually do that? Here are some ways you can eat your water content and deliciously hydrate your

How to prevent kidney stones in summer
In India, approximately 5 to 7 million patients suffer from kidney stone disease and at least 1/1000 of Indian population needs hospitalisation due to kidney stone disease.