Health benefits of pineapple
pineapple is a neglected fruit, but it has nutrients that are not common in other fruits, "Pineapple is a unique fruit - it is actually multiple fruits fused together

Why you must eat eggplant
It may not be a very glamorous food, but eggplant is packed with fiber and contains the whole gamut of B vitamins, which give you all the energy you need.

An apple peel a day keeps fat away
Ursolic acid - a waxy substance found in apple peel - increases muscle and brown fat in mice that are on a high-fat diet. These mice burn more calories and have reduced

Child migraines on the rise in Indian metros
Irregular lifestyle, gadget addiction and obesity are causing migraines in kids as young as three. The next time you feel like pampering your tot by allowing him or her..

To be healthy, exercise with your pet!
If you have been a couch potato so far, with little or no inclination to exercise, time you got yourself a four-legged pal. New research determines that children from dog

Health benefits of black pepper
It’s a severely underused spice in our country. Apart from enhancing the flavour of our food, black pepper has some amazing healing properties that can cure..

20 health benefits of honey
Enriched with therapeutic properties and natural goodness, honey has been used in skincare and overall well-being since the beginning of time.

Walking to work can keep diabetes at bay
A new study has found that people who walk to work are around 40 per cent less likely to have diabetes as those who drive. Researchers at Imperial College London and

2 cups of cow’s milk must for your child
One of the most common questions parents ask their doctors is ’How much milk should I be giving my children?’ Now they have got their answer from a new research and the

Home remedies for diabetes
There is an alarming rise in the prevalence of diabetes in India. Thanks to our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, even gestational diabetes is not uncommon.

Be aware of hepatitis
Despite Hepatitis being the second biggest preventable cause of cancer after tobacco, every one in 12 persons worldwide suffer from either chronic Hepatitis B or chronic

Common running mistakes
Running is one of the best exercises one can do, as it provides a good cardio workout. It also has other benefits such as aiding in weight loss, toning the legs..

Foods to deal with heartburn
Heartburn can happen due to a variety of reasons. Having spicy foods, eating too fast without chewing properly, eating quickly when you’re stressed out, going overboard

Home remedies to keep you super fit
Eating fish three times a week cuts wrinkling and sagging by 30 per cent, as seafood is rich in protein, minerals and omega-3 fats — nutrients that nourish the

Sugar-free foods can be dangerous!
Sugar-free foods you so carefully pick to stay slim can be everything from toxic to anxiety-inducing, warn experts. If you thought sipping diet colas was