Moodbidri: An interview with Dr Mohan Alva, at the sideline of upcoming Alvas Nudisiri
Interview by: Gowri S Joshi, I MCJ, Alvas College
Bellevision Media Network
Moodbidri, 22 Nov 2015: Alvas Nudisiri that was launched why common man cannot contribute in promoting Kannada and its distinct culture that is not only the domain of mere government and academy. It’s the concept envisioned by renowned Dr M Mohan Alva to enliven the splendour of Kannada cultural hierarchy. Dr Mohan believes the need of the hour is to explore new depending on the needs of prevailing times. Therefore, this year’s Alvas Nudisiri, themed on Karnataka: explore newness. Here is the interview with Dr Alva that focuses on the theme in detail.
Q: Alvas Nudisiri used to focus on the key theme, Kannada minds for all these years. Why did you opt for the theme, Karnataka: explore newness? What inspired you for this change?
Dr Alva: Alva Nudisiri focussed on Kannada minds with different concepts for the past 12 years. It’s during Alvas Vishwa Nudisiri – Virasat, it focussed on the theme Karnataka: before, now, future that has been changed to Karnataka: search for newness. It’s because our life should not be like stagnant water, similarly the culture should not be stagnant. We got to be always on the move to find newness. If not, we make worn out coins. The need of the times is to explore newness. One got to accept the changed times and that is quite essential indeed. In this view, we have changed the theme to Karnataka: search for newness for this year’s Alvas Nudisiri.
Q: Kannada is not restricted to literature, litterateurs. You believe Kannada covers its language, art and folklore. What is your take on in this regard?
Dr Alva: The literature and culture are key aspects of language. The language should not be bound to mere literature or culture. The language should be widely spoken. In general, the litterateurs have edge over literature, artistes have grip over culture. It’s not a healthy sign. The language is enriched with literature and culture and makes its impact on common man. It should be widely spoken language. In this view, we have organized Nudisiri with different concepts with the clear objective of reaching to common man. We involve people of all age groups: from toddlers to elderly, all sects of people and professions in Nudisiri. We have greater longing in this regard for Nudisiri and Virasat.
Q: You have organized Tulusiri, Konkanisiri and Bearysiri as part of key events Nudisiri. What would you like to say, whether the different cultures also add flavour to key event?
Dr Alva: We have over 3,000 languages in India, and numerous castes. Among them 14 languages are recognised as key languages. All these languages and cultures got to be sustained and promoted. We hope to do our mite from coastal district in this regard. Although we don’t give higher significance to other languages, we consider them as key languages in including in main event. Its in view of this, we have been giving importance to Tulu, Beary, Konkani, Kodava languages as part of Nudisiri. The people belonging to these diverse languages also attend Nudisiri and learn more about it. It also promotes culture. The key objective of our programme is the people should learn the splendour of their culture and develop self esteem. It’s the central focus on organizing Tulusiri, Konkanisiri and Bearysiri during the main event.
Q: The audience were surprised and attracted by many stages set up during Nudisiri. The stages are being erected in unique manner on each Nudisiri. What would you say about it?
Dr Alva: How would be display the gold jewellery, diamonds and valuable items? We wear designer made jewellery that would enhance beauty. Likewise, Kannada is also a real gem. It has to be glorified in presentation. The different stages, pandals, way to stages, the sprawling seating arrangement on 100 acre plot is also essential. The splendour is essential when the programme viewed by 40 to 50,000 viewers. We try our best to present Kannada splendour in diverse ways.
Our focus is on little children. They are innocent and are not aware of the significance of language and culture. Meanwhile, we organise a few events focussing on tiny tots to get them interested in language and culture. The children attracted by Nudisiri convince their parents and attend the programme. The teenagers are fashion centred; they come for merry making, but learn about Kannada culture. We offer free entry to youth community and students. The people over 40 years and elderly also witness Nudisiri. We include the tastes of kids, art lovers, artistes, people with sense of beauty and others in organizing Nudisiri. Therefore, many stages that are set at the venue and its colourful presentation enhance the splendour.
Q: People respect you for your unique nature that is chiefly to explore the new and total dedication to set objective. What new changes have you done for this year’s Nudisiri?
Dr Alva: Every year changes are made in Nudisri because there are people who are attending Nudisir in the past 12 years and Virasat since the past 22 years. The people from across the nation and overseas, come to witness such unique programmes. We got to work to keep up their expectations. This year Nudisiri is a four-day event. An amphitheatre has been erected with a seating capacity of 30,000 people. The stage put up for inaugural function on November 26 can accommodate 500 dignitaries. The cultural shows will be held in 5 stages simultaneously at Vidyagiri campus from 5.00pm to 11.00pm. The seminars on different topics will be held on November 26 morning. Vidyartisiri will begin on November 26 morning. We have incorporated changes in this year’s Nudisiri, in every aspect as per the key theme, Karnataka: search for newness.
Q: You are committed to promote Kannada medium schools and established Model Kannada School. Whether it has given you happiness? Whether it has come up to your expectation?
Dr Mohan: I have great expectation on Kannada schools that got to open the eyes of governing councils managing Kannada schools, other schools and parents. If you observe Kannada schools now, they come under syllabus of English medium, CBSC, ISSC and NCERT. Almost all Kannada schools teachers are in search of newness. They got to respond positively in promoting an ordinary Kannada school. Although, the department and officers are working in this regard, they have failed in this regard. At this backdrop, Kannada school gets key importance.
Our Kannada school began 6 years ago that has student strength of 650. The people of Karnataka accepted our school as a premier institution because our students are excelling in moral science, culture and sports. The teachers who were lethargic earlier are actively involving themselves in studies by innovative methods of teaching, holding coaching classes. We have received 6,000 applications for admission to Class VI and Class VIII that is significant indeed. A few students intend to change from English medium to Kannada. It has brought me happiness. Our Kannada medium school is a leading school in Karnataka.
Q: The success of your units..
Dr Alva: We have opened units in different districts of Karnataka, other states and overseas. We have so far opened 85units. The people invite us to organize programme in their region. We have organized a programme that was attended by 60 to 70,000 people in Athani, Uttar Karnataka. We are not an organization to wage struggle on the streets, instead strengthen the bond of Kannadigas. These units are responsible for popularizing Alvas Nudisir, Virasat in Karnataka.
Q: There is a saying, whether the people are crazy or the entire crowd is crazy. According to you who are crazy?
Dr Alva: I have gotten an opportunity to organize All India Sahitya Sammelan in Moodbidri in the past 12 years. I have gained real insight into it. I have seen people organize one or two programme with total commitment and no more interested. It has taught me why we can’t organize programme with total dedication. Why the government got to only promote Kannada? Why Parishat, Academy only take the responsibility of promoting Kannada? Why can’t ordinary folks take up this task? It’s not proper to find faults and do nothing. This has inspired me to launch Alvas Nudisiri.
The daily puja celebrations are being held in temples, while a major celebration is being held once in a year. Brahmakalashotsav is being held once in 12 years. Accordingly, in Alvas campus Kannada cultural programmes are being held throughout the year and Alvas Nudisiri is a annual feature. Alvas Vishwa Nudisiri –Virasat is like Brahmakalashotsav. The people gathering on their own and our task is to present the programme.
Q: Alvas Nudisiri has the key objective of strengthening bond among Kannadigas. Whether you are successful in this endeavour?
Dr Alva: Its cent percent success. The audiences always responded positively that gives me hope that Nudisiri can go on for a century. We have been careful in organizing the programme in this regard. The statistics proves it. The model of Alvas Nudisiri is being followed by others to organize their programme.
Q: You aspire that the essence of Nudisiri covers the globe and finally reach common man. Whether it has been fulfilled?
Dr Alva: Certainly yeas. The highly educated, intellectuals and common people also witness Nudisiri. The carefree people also come out of love and faith. It’s not restricted to caste, creed, faith and language. The people without the knowledge of Kannada also witness the programme. Kannada is our mother tongue, it gets a boost when everyone participates in Nudisiri to become Kannada a household language.
Q: What are your expectations of this year’s Nudisiri?
Dr Alva: I expect from children to elderly should witness Alvas Nudisiri. Five-thousand people have already registered. One hundred rupee per person is not so important. It’s the love and faith in sending money order of such people. Four-thousand-five-hundred students are expected. Nearly 20 to 30,000 people are likely to attend the programme daily. The preparations are already completed and the programmes likely to be emerge more successful.
It’s the innermost feelings of Dr M Mohan Alva, the visionary of Moodbidri. He firmly believes it’s the duty of common man to preserve Kannada. Let us wish all the success for Alvas Nudisiri and long live Dr Alva.