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Sharon, Moodubelle/ Bangalore
25/06/2011 12:39:50

I have seen some of our readers harsh comments ...I want to tell them that dont get into any conclusions till the issue is resolved...Some of our readers even though they doesnt know A B C D of it they just jump into conclusions...Boss this is politics...I can see some of the big BJP leaders in protests ,who in their term did what and all scams ...within 5 years of their term made assets of crores...before investigatng this issue which not at all signed by panchayat president ...just tell those guy to show their assets before 5years and aftr 5 years... This is just a publicity stunt from some of our so called great leaders to come into lime light after loosing ....anyways belle people are smart enough to know the things .... Anyone could have told that if it was pssed in panchayath....but because of one official mistake you cant show your fingers to president n other members..... And we all know Mrs.Jessy is very honest n sincere lady and other memebers are also very true leaders.. Our Popular BJP leader Mr.Jerald Fernandes stop fooling people ,now since you are not there in power you let belle grama pancahyath to do their development work ...People know your true colour..

Louis., Moodubelle.
25/06/2011 12:31:44

Dear Fr. Joswey ... we are with you as you are fighting along with our beloved parishioners for our rights and for a Nobel Cause.
May our patron st. Lawrence guide you and give you wisdom and courage to fight on this matter untill we get the justice against these currupt people.

A.G.Sequiera, Moodubelle / K.S.A
25/06/2011 11:53:54

After getting Garlands and Flower bouquets ... now our own people played Judas Role in this whole controversy matter ...? Pull them out of belle Panchayat and time to put them garlands of Chappals and Slippers and take a procession again in belle. They have not only Cheated the people who selected and elected them , but they have cheated to their own religion and its Leaders. I wonder how they will show their face publicly in Moodubelle ...?

Abraham V. Fernandes, Moodubelle/Hyderabad
25/06/2011 11:18:35

Recent developments in panchayat shows inefficiency of most of the members.Only panchayat president is not involved in this scam.Psycho analysis test should be carried out on the involved members. Is that shop under the possession of a ruling party member....? Anil, i would be very happy if you had added one more sentence.That shop belongs to .......

Philip Mudartha, Qatar
25/06/2011 10:47:08

Would parishioners go on a new high spirit and boycott alcoholic drinks as long as their demands are not met? (And even thereafter!)

Jayson, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 09:56:41

We should Congratulate Fr.Joswey Fernandes for his initiative.He is the first priest who started giving importance to church land.Many people made money from Church land .Now its time to take back from those.Fr.Joswey we will give full support for your noble work.

stanley, belle
25/06/2011 09:49:57

Dear Anner, now the owner is Keerthi bar santekatte.

Rakesh, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 09:41:51

We need proper reply from officials, members and President of Panchayath. How this can happen without thier knowledge. That means no democratic mechanism is functioning in Belle Panchayath!!! Those who are responsible for this corrupt practice should get punishment. Now the fight will go on in full pledged till the justice prevail.

Veena Deepak, Udupi/Belle
25/06/2011 09:41:24

Only influential people get entertained in Belle panchayath.No one bothered about many poor guys who are really in need of help just get neglected.It's really good initiative over the injustice...

25/06/2011 09:26:19

It is really surprising to note that President is unaware of such a big issue.How the shop licences are renewed when the matter is sub-judice?It is a clearcut case of contempt of court.President of panchayath Ms.Jasintha Aranha can't escape from this by simply giving a statement. Anything can happen in these days.Oh St.Lawrence please save our church land from greedy and corrupt panchayat officials as well as from shop owners.

Sunil, Belle
25/06/2011 08:45:35

Well Done Belle Parishioners.keep it up,Dear Panchayat Devolopment officer please do some devolop in belle,we are now in 2011 year but belle looks like 1978.dont spend your time doing nothing.and care for poor people as well.

Vijay Dsouza, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 08:26:36

Justice will prevail, there is no doubt. Unless the people protest strongly, these administrators , leaders will not feel the heat. See those innocent looking faces, shame on you the so called corrupt leaders.

sequeira, pamboor
25/06/2011 07:46:58

Thanx to bellevision for bringing the issue to the public notice. This had happened to me, i had a land of 29 cents ,but Belle panchayath had issued a duplicate r.t.c. of 21 cents only to the neighbour land holder. After fighting a lot i got it back, All mess.This is the habit of some of belle panchayath's members.

Maurice Menezes, Udupi/UAE
25/06/2011 07:41:52

Excellent manner of nonviolent protest and appeal for justice.
Welldone.Similar protests on all
matters of injustice internal and
external are welcome.Where is Catholic Sabha in this task?

Suresh Nayak, Mumbai
25/06/2011 07:40:50

This is something unprecedented in the history of Moodubelle. The peace loving Christian people will never go for these protest marches unless they are truly hurt. Dear Panchayat members, remove those masks on innocence, and give justice. Remember truth will never fail.

Anner, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 06:27:07

Nice to see the protest! Keep going all the best. Anil, Could you pls throw some light on land details? who is the owner of the shop right now?

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
25/06/2011 04:52:28

Happy to see all Belle Parishioners coming togather and raising their voices against injustice... Keep going... All the best...

Melwyn D’Souza, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 04:28:04

Come on all parishioners and join hands together to fight against corruption and injustice. This fight should go on till we get the justice. Leaders please keep all your personal differences and politics aside and strive for unity and see the victory against the social evils. May our patron Saint Lawrence bless us all.

Jayson, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 04:03:26

Nice to see all belle parishioners fighting against injustice..Keep going...Best of luck.

Anil, Moodubelle
25/06/2011 01:37:08

There s nothing a commoner can do. Every politician is corrupt! Then caste and religion become the only criteria for electing the leaders. Good reporting Snehalatha!

Cyril (Benny) Monis, Boliye/Los Angeles USA
24/06/2011 11:21:23

Congratulations Vincy, thanks for making all of us proud. Wishing you many many more successes. May God bless you.

24/06/2011 05:14:35


Arun, Moodubelle
24/06/2011 02:49:58

Completely agree with Valerian, Silvester and Wilson...I don t understand why the bellevision team is not allowing this person from commenting.. Such a cheap, meaningless comments he posts.. He is trying to spoil these forums...anyway, Mr. HEMPHIL time for you to get real... Do you have a gender? I wonder!

Akil Vijay DSouza, Moodubelle/Bangalore
24/06/2011 01:16:17

Good one Bhotam... Keep Writing...

24/06/2011 00:51:39

Fake, if it was true then it would have been on all tv channels. yes untouchability does exist but not to this extent.

Silvister D souza, Moodubelle/Banglore
23/06/2011 17:01:16

Hello Wilson, Hamara Admi Thada woseko Dunyiawalay sub thada Nazer Atha Hai Wo Hindustany Honedo Mangloriean Mumbaiwala Honedo Sub Loag Usko Thada Nazer Atha Hai Kisay Samajdar Adhmi Bunagha Bolo

Joseph, Qatar
23/06/2011 11:31:00

Our Meteorological Department is always known to be misleading us. God knows why? May be they take pleasure in it. Or they want credit by misleading.

Joseph, Qatar
23/06/2011 11:27:39

Attention please ... calling out for a film director (be it any language) eager to produce a film of this type - I reckon, this will surely make it big to the box office, from real to reel. In these hard times, with umpteen flops and producers wanting to cash in on to their efforts, who doesn t want some entertainment. No big deal whatsoever - the story script is already put up in place here by Bellevision ... plus the two live characters have already enacted them making it all the more easier. Any takers ? ? ?

Wilson Dsouza, Udupi
23/06/2011 10:33:15

Mr. HEMPHIL DUBAI, You are unclear about what you are talking.

Giving baseless comments and putting some patriotic words is easy. If you really concerned about the developments in Moodubelle, as said by Valerian, why dont you stand for election and contend against the current politicians. I am sure you will get many votes if you explain what you intend to do and how you are going to solve these problems. What you say ?

But remember one thing its not easy as giving baseless comments with a fake name.

23/06/2011 07:48:43


Joseph, Qatar
23/06/2011 05:22:55

Very good article by Dr. Eugene D Souza. For a brief moment I visualized travelling in Matsayagandha Express with you and savouring the train journey and the nostalgic monsoon showers. The photography captured in your lens is just splendid, rather to put it in a more better phrase in a class of its own . I am struck with awe with the beauty of the bifurcation of the lush velvettish green grass on one side and the paddy field on the other, the asphalted road cutting through both sides of the paddy fields, the planting of the paddy sheaths by the farmers, the vivacious coconut groves, the cows nibbling the grass, the small Mangalorean roof tiled houses with boats at the edge of the boundary, photograph no 25 (centrespread of the houses) and what not. Oh, I miss my Mangalore. Of course, not forgetting Photograph Nos. 26 29 where the small happy family are on the motorbike. The young boy seated in the front seems to be having an urgent urge of rushing back to school ASAP / imitating his father driving the motorbike while his mother at the rear seems to be enjoying the cool ride. Wow Dr. Eugene, everything is meticulously conceptualised. Thanks a million for the photography.

Alfred Vincent Monis, Bantakal/Kingdom of Bahrain
23/06/2011 03:41:48

Dear Vincy,

Congratulations and best of luck in the future.

Vincy, Bantakal

Remous D souza, battasalu,padubelle
23/06/2011 03:37:15

Dear Vincy, congrats and wish you the best in future.

Louis Alva, Kattingeri / Moodubelle
23/06/2011 02:32:14

Congratulations Daija on your Achievements. Wishing you more success ahead in your Teaching n social service Field.

Louis Alva, Moodubelle / Dubai
23/06/2011 02:24:49

These days ... I have been reading all the news updates and information on Bellevision posted by Ms.Snehalatha - Udupi. Keep on writing / reporting in all such issues and wish you all the best in your Electronic/Print media and journalism field. Through Dr. Eugene s Camera lenses media reports of both of you .... BV now Shines all over the Globe. You both are doing a wonderful job . Good luck to both of you ...!!!

23/06/2011 02:07:22

Hey, Udupi district Education Resource Center ? i think it is NGO, then what right they have to urge all these thing to govt ?

Diany DSouza, Pamboor/Dubai
23/06/2011 00:49:11

Congrats Vincy... All the best

23/06/2011 00:17:03


Mark Fernandes, Kattingere/Pune
22/06/2011 22:43:15

Congratulations. All the best.

Sadanand Moolya, Kabyadi Padubelle
22/06/2011 18:18:27

Dear Prof Vincent Alva congratulations on being elected as President of English teachers.As an belle person i am very happy.Thank you sir.

sequeira, pamboor
22/06/2011 17:40:10

whats special in that? Is Abhishek is pregnant? It's very common to have a married woman get pregnant.

Chandrahasa.A.Shetty, bajpe--kuwait
22/06/2011 15:33:31

Really beautifull-thanks to Dr.Eugene

malita martis, moodubelle
22/06/2011 13:58:05

Those teachers are govt shud understand that what type of education and descipline we are getting in our Udupi schools,not like any othr schools in north karnataka,,for getting marks,they are dictating the answers,helping the students,,but in our district ,we can get good marks with own efforts,its very sad to know,about this,te educational board should be informed for the recorrection again,its the question about her future,

Edward Menezes, bantakal/Bahrain
22/06/2011 11:26:00

Dear Vincy,Congratulations,you well deserve it.All the very best for your future.

John Tauro, Mangalore / Kuwait
22/06/2011 11:24:11

If this be the case, then why can t the private bus owners provide better Volvo type services?

Reena Alva, Mumbai
22/06/2011 09:30:06

Congratulations bappu!!! Wishing you all the best.

Lawrence Pinto, Karkal
22/06/2011 08:45:51

Another laughing medicine from botaam. Though it looks humour but it is fact.So please think twice before get into the troubles.

Roshan, Dubai
22/06/2011 08:12:12

Mr. Noronha, please update the condition of this road after the start of monsoon. I am sure the smooth drive .....

Rajesh, Udupi
22/06/2011 08:04:18

This is simple example for how the corruption starts at root level. Beliye hola maedare enu maduvanthilla!!! God save us.

Suresh Poojary, Moodubelle/Mumbai
22/06/2011 07:13:09

Mr. Hemphil, Everyone has the right to talk, But you should keep in mind that whatever you talk, should make some sense. Your own statements are contradicting. Morover you have problem with everything. You have problem when people give garlands to politicians, you have problems when someone give credit to politicians. We all understood how "SAMAJDAR ADHMI" you are and what are your "HISHARA"s Dont spoil India's name by inserting "JAI HO INDIA", "Jai bharath matha", etc at the end of your baseless, stupid comments.

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