Fruit for all seasons: Health benefits of papaya



07 Jun 2013 (Health Me Up ): Compared to other fruits, papaya has the most health benefits from cardiovascular to colon health.


It is available all year round and every Indian market stocks it; not to mention most households that have a courtyard, will have a papaya tree. So what makes papaya such an important fruit? Let’s take a look at the health benefits of papaya.


If you lack vitamin A, papaya is the fruit to have. It is rich in vitamin A, calcium and is a good source of potassium.


If you want to boost your metabolism, eat papaya as it contains vitamin B in the form of folic acid, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-1 and riboflavin.


If you face discomfort with digestion, try this vibrant fruit. Papaya helps prevent constipation and helps in the digestion process.


If we consume food that lacks fiber, there are chances that it may not move easily through the digestive tract. These logged particles can turn infectious, which papaya can treat effectively. For instance, if the colon houses mucus and pus, papaya juice will take care of it.


If you are on a weight loss diet, include papaya as it is low in calories and rich in nutrients. That, coupled with its benefits of healthy digestion, makes papaya a good weight loss food.


If you are on a weight loss diet, include papaya as it is low in calories and rich in nutrients. That, coupled with its benefits of healthy digestion, makes papaya a good weight loss food.


If you are suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis, or in any pain, papaya can lessen the agony. Papaya is known for its anti inflammatory properties and helps faster healing.


If you are constantly nursing a cold, your immune system is low. Include papaya in your diet to fight off colds and coughs. Papaya can boost your immune system, thanks to its abundance of vitamin C.


Little is known about the health benefits of papaya seeds. These small jelly-like seeds have antibacterial properties; they prevent kidney failure, purge the liver and flush out toxins.


Try at your own risk, but many believe that papaya seeds with hot water work as a birth control.



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