Bahrain Bellevision Celebrates 3rd Annual Day

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Bahrain, Jan 29, 2014 : On 23RD evening BELLEVISION members  celebrated  annual day with great pomp and show as a family at  Bang Sang Thai auditorium.


Compare of the event  Mrs.Edline Dsilva and Ivan Dsouza started the evening program in cheerful humoristic way with  some delightful quotes.


The program began with a welcome dance performed by Jovita Dsa gave a perfect start to the event.  President Baptist Sequeira with his members presided over the stage and welcomed one and all, who were present to share the joy of Bellevision success, he Congratulated  the members for the  selfless, committed service and for the support rendered  for the success. . In his brief speech appealed members  to be compassionate and serve others with love. Mr. President honoured the the sponsors who stood behind the success of Bellevision for the full  year.


Gen.Secretory Mr.Arun Fernandis  presented the annual report. Chief guest Fr.Freddy admired the success of Bellevision. In his address appreciated the unity among members,  said that the associations  that believes in love, compassion and service will surely rise to the needs of the times and will not seek name and fame for the good works that it renders to the society. Fr.Freddy gave away the mementos   to  sponsors and members who contributed the club whole heartedly.



Vice president Mr. Ronald Pinto proposed the vote of thanks and expressed  his  gratitude to all those who made this grand event a success.


Second session was   perfect fun filled enjoyment containing comedy skits, music and various cultural activities. The cultural fiesta started of with a bang  literally by Bellevision  children performing  various fusion and filmy dances. Later there were also numerous dances by the elders to add some fun mood to the event. Rib tickling mimicry of Arun fernades and Preetam Aranha was very touching and stirred the emotions of the audience asking more.


The Cultural programe continued with Konkani and Hindi songs by the members. Fusion dance performed by Reeshel  Fernandis and Pramila martis was mind blowing , It was a  highlight of the evening.


Raffle draw was conducted during the intervals by Ronald Pinto which kept the crowd engaged to the proceedings. Many lucky winners happy to take away valuable sponsored   gifts.


Stevan Lobo conducted fashion show in professional manner. Pressy Machado,  Priya Mascarenahas and  Joe Andrade were the Judges for the fashion show.  Members dressed with different attire looked graceful on the stage.  Fashion show Winners were  1st Godwin Castelino, 2nd Preetam Aranha in male category. Female category 1st  Reeshal Fernandis  and 2nd Deepika Fernandis. In best costume category winners were Naveen Mendonca and Nirmal Fernandis.  DJ Daniel Pinto had the crowd elated all evening, he made sure audience got on to the  floor  to  dance  with  his foot tapping music.


A four course menu was set up and had the crowd delighted. The event emphasized the need for the families to get together and enjoy the day forgetting the tensions of the daily lives of Bahrain.



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Comments on this Article
I live in Bahrain with my family. I happy to say I am from Moodubelle. I liked the programs which were you conducted here in Bahrain by visiting Bellevision website. Thank you all and wish you all the best... MANJUNATH
Philip Mudartha, Mumbai Sun, February-2-2014, 9:59
During my recent visit to USA, I met up with an acquaintance of thirty years. She has authored thirty novels. She is of Belgian Congo origin. She emigrated to USA for college education, married and steeled there. She narrated her experience with school children in her native Congo where she was the chief guest at her Alma mater. She presided over a racing competition. All kids were asked to stand in line under a tree about 100 yards from her seat. The first to reach her would get the prize hamper. The prize hamper was a basket of cookies. When the whistle blew, she was surprised by what she saw. The children giggled, and ran in opposite direction to the base of the large tree and sat down to play among each other. No one was interested to race and win the prize. When she asked why they behaved that way and was winning not important to them, they only smiled. When she handed over the prize hamper, all of them merrily shared the cookies among themselves and made merry.
Eugene DSouza, Moodubelle Fri, January-31-2014, 8:23
Bellevision-Bahrain is doing wonders with excellent get-together and different varieties of shows including the fashion show. The report and pictures speak volumes about the effort that has been taken by the office bearers and members to make the show spectacular. Happy to see familiar faces of Arun, Joel, Baptist and Victor D Almeida. Congratulations to all the members for the great show and unity. Keep it up...
Edward Menezes, Bantakal Thu, January-30-2014, 11:33
BV..You Guys are just rockig,keep up the good job,for the first time i missed this great event.Once again congrats to all good luck for 2014.Let the sky be your limit
Joel D sa, Moodubelle, Bahrain Thu, January-30-2014, 1:40
congratulations to all BV members for an excellent annual day celebration, Yes Bv, Bahrain got very talented children, it shows in all our programs, These programs are not possible without the hard work and contribution of many members, I salute all who have sacrificed their valuable time. Its heart warming to see the commitment of members towards BV,Bahrain. A big thank you to all our sponsors and well wishers, without them nothing is possible. Lets grow with Bv, Bahrain.
Rony Norbert Pinto, shirva / Bahrain Thu, January-30-2014, 1:19
The fashion show which was conducted /wonderfully managed by Mr.Steevan Lobo was excellent. Thank you Mr. Steevan Lobo for your valuable effort to make this fashion show so wonderful.and also thanks to Mr. Arun Castelino for your excellent arrangements for the fashion show. The Children Fusion Dance was mar-vales. Thank you Mrs.Alfreeda D Almedia for your valuable time to help our children to show their talents by dance..
Baptist Sequeira, Moodubelle Wed, January-29-2014, 10:30
Dear Sunil Dsa the report is wonderful. I feel proud to say that our BV Bahrain not only has talents but dashing beauties also... Fashion show was a great event and Fusion dance compered by Alfreeda was another great entertainment which made to bring all our BV children on stage... Thanks Alfreeda Castelino... Love you all BV memebrs.
Charlotte, Mulki/Mumbai Wed, January-29-2014, 10:16
My congratulations to BV. So well organised and the performance pictures are awesome. Reshelle and Pammi you girls really rocked. I wish i could be there personally to view this programme. All the best to BV, Bahrain.
Benedict Noronha, Udupi / India Wed, January-29-2014, 9:33
Hearty congratulations to belle vision Bahrain , on the event of celebrating the third Anniversary.The function looks from the photos put up, very fine and the members enthusiasm is wonderful. It gives inspiration to the Leaders to put up more and more Fellowship get-together functions, when they are way from India. For a moment they can forget that they are far away from Belle Village. May this spirit of brotherhood and fraternity live long. Rev Fr. Fredy is all praise-worthy for his involvement with the Bellevision members. Congratulations to the Leaders of Belle vision. Keep up this good tempo.
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