Mangalore: Meet J J V Fernandes – A Great Visionary and Perfectionist

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Mangalore, 12 Dec 2013: A legacy is created when Visions are translated into reality.One can find a strategic Thinker, Revolutionary and Visionary in JJV, who has translated his dreams and whose monumental contributions to Society will be ever remembered by posterity.


It is a matter of great pleasure for all of us that, JJV Fernandes, Founder and popular Chairman of the XET will be celebrating his 75th Birthday on 15th December, 2013.

In the year 1984, a simple but dedicated, devoted & a hardworking man had a vision of starting an Industrial training centre for the poor, unprivileged, neglected & marginalized youth of our Community.

JJV Fernandes, a legal practitioner and a small scale Industrialist had a vision of coming to the aid of the poor youth of rural areas. Though, JJV himself was under great financial stress and strain, had always a burning desire to do selfless service for the suffering humanity. JJV always had a strong feeling that instead of doling out charity to the poor, it is better to give them a hook and teach them to fish. Though, it was an uphill task for him to take up this venture, he was bent upon establishing a small unit at a poultry shed at The Mukka Welfare Society within Surathkal limits. On 3rd December 1984, Xavier Industrial Institute was inaugurated with JJV Fernandes as chairman, Oswald Kamath as secretary and F M Lobo as treasurer. Fr Stany Miranda SJ, former rector of St Joseph Seminary and later director of Fatima Retreat House always gave his whole-hearted support and encouragement right from the start.

In the year 1992, the Karnataka Jesuit Society, came forward with 4.38 acres of land on lease at Assaigoli, Konaje, wherein new buildings, workshops, canteen, hostel building, open air stage, administrative building were put up with the generous donations from benefactors and well wishers. Hundreds of students have passed out from the Xavier Industrial Training Centre (XITC), Assaigoli and have been working in MNC’s namely MRPL, ISRO, MICO, HMT etc. etc.


How time flies, it will be 30 years and on 3rd December, 2014 there is a proposal to celebrate this happy occasion. Normally, lay people are successful entrepreneurs and are generally involved with personal affairs and establishing business houses for personal gains and profit. It was the 3 lay leaders as mentioned earlier with a capital of Rs  3,000 came forward to start the project without any profit motive to render honorary services to the poor and downtrodden members of the society. JJV hails from Kapikad, Bejai, Mangalore. He had his early education in St. Aloysius College. He is an advocate by profession, has worked as a Labour Relations Officer in Syndicate Bank Ltd, head office, Manipal. Later he worked as a Labour Consultant. He established Canara Chemical Industries, a SSI unit at Baikampady. He was also a successful builder. At present he is a notary public and a Registrar of Marriages. He is happily married and living at Kapikad, Bejai with his wife Renee. His son Joel is an engineer and married and his 2 daughters Mayola and Andria are also happily married.

For the last 3 decades, JJV has been striving very hard to manage, nurture and  bring this institute to the present status. The mighty buildings, the open air stage, the workshops, canteen, hostel building, sophisticated tools and equipments, well laid gardens and the bubbling activity at the campus is a living memory to the vision, far-sight, imagination and hard work of JJV.

During the initial stages, there were many hurdles and obstacles in managing the affairs of the XET and XITC and it is JJV who used to come daily to the Office of XET situated at the Catholic Club presently called as Catholic Centre and give necessary directions to the staff and students. The dedicated, devoted and selfless services of the honorary trustees, principal and staff can never be forgotten.

JJV is a hard task master and perfectionist to the core, a true gentleman and above all an excellent human being. He has sacrificed his time, talent, energy and money with nothing in return. Let us earnestly hope that younger and selfless trustees come forward to keep this struggle alive and carry on this wonderful work of rendering devoted & selfless service to the poorest of the poor youth of the community.  Long live JJV.



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