Priyanka attends meet with Rahul, creates flutters

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New Delhi, Jan 7, 2014, (PTI): Priyanka Gandhi today joined her brother Rahul Gandhi during a meeting he was having with senior party leaders, sending a buzz in political circles.


Senior leaders Ahmed Patel and Janardan Dwivedi, along with half a dozen other general secretaries, were holding a meeting with Rahul, the party Vice President at his residence here when his sister dropped in. She was there for around five minutes.


There has been speculation in recent months on whether Priyanka, who has so far confined her politics to campaign for her mother Sonia Gandhi in Raebareli, would take a plunge into politics fulltime.


Her participating in the meeting today fuelled further speculation.


Party sources downplayed the speculation saying," the meeting was to discuss the tour programme of Congress President and Congress Vice President in the coming weeks and Priyankaji just walked in towards the end of the meeting."


A senior party functionary, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the meeting of party leaders with Rahul Gandhi lasted for around 50 minutes.



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