Worm in chicken; KFC outlet closed down

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Thiruvananthapuram, 09 Oct 9 2012, (PTI): The outlet of Kentucky Fired Chicken here has been closed down by the state Food Safety Authorities after a worm was found in a chicken dish bought by a customer from the multi-national restaurant chain, FSA sources said today.


Action against KFC’s eatery in the heart of the city followed a complaint lodged by the customer who found a dead worm in a dish of ’fiery chicken’ he bought from the outlet yesterday, they said.


Acting on the complaint, FSA officials searched the outlet and claimed to have come across stale items and immediately slapped a temporary closure notice, sources said.


Though the restaurant staff sought to prevent the officials from conducting searches, they had their way. They took samples of various dishes served in the hotel for detailed examination and analysis.


The complaint was made by Shaiju, an NRI, who had come to the busy eatery along with his wife, son and two relatives. Shaiju was overcome by nausea and vomited as soon as he saw the dead worm in the chicken served to him.


When he brought the matter to the staff’s notice, they tried to dissuade him from making an outcry or complaint to the health authorities. However, he later contacted the FSA office and urged them to take action.


FSA sources said the seized samples would be subjected to chemical analysis and further action would be taken based on the result.


The eatery management has also been asked to give in writing their response to the notice, sources said.



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