Aarushi case: SC provides some relief to Talwars

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New Delhi, 21 March 2011: Providing some temporary relief to the Talwars, the Supreme Court has stayed all trial court proceedings in the murder of their daughter Aarushi and domestic help Hemraaj.


Now, Nupur and Rajesh Talwar won’t have to appear in the Ghaziabad court on March 22, but they have been ordered not to leave the country.


The Supreme Court on Saturday stayed the Allahabad High Court’s order which allowed Nupur and Rajesh Talwar to be tried by prosecutors as the accused in the murder of Aarushi and Hemraaj.


The couple now doesn’t have to appear before the Ghaziabad Court on March 22. If they had - it would have almost certainly meant that they would have been taken into custody.


"We are deeply greatfull that the Honourable Supreme Court has today stayed the summoning order as prayed for by us," said Talwars’ lawyer Pinaki Mishra.


On Friday the Allahabad High Court had upheld the Ghaziabad Court’s order that the Talwars are the prime accused in the case.


Now the Supreme Court will set a date - probably after the March 28 to hear the case further.


The Talwars have also been asked to deposit their passports with the Lower Court on Monday.


While the Supreme Court order has definitely come as a relief for the Talwar couple, the battle for them is far from over, because the court has not yet adjudicated on the fact whether the Talwars will remain as accused in the murder case of their own daughter.



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